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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

勃 stroke order animation

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勃 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 勃
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 勃
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Meaning of

flourishing / prosperous / suddenly / abruptly
勃 [bó] 〈动〉 1. Suddenly; abruptly. - 勃然 (① suddenly, as in "勃然大怒"; ② the appearance of rising, as in "勃然作色"). 2. The appearance of color change. - 勃腾腾 (the appearance of rising anger). 3. Vigorous; thriving. - 勃起 (to rise); 勃发 (to burst forth); 勃蓬 (to flourish). 〈形〉 1. Vigorous (English: vigorous). 2. Synonymous with 悖; obstinate (English: stubborn). 3. The appearance of changing face or color (English: change countenance). 〈名〉 1. Powder; powdered substance (English: powder). 2. A surname. 引: 1. In "说文": "勃, to push." 2. In "广雅": "勃, to spread." Today, the local dialect describes spinning things with force as 勃. 3. Example: 勃郁 (the appearance of swirling wind; accumulation); 勃屑 (that is 勃窣). 〈形〉 1. Vigorous (English: vigorous). - Example from 马融's “长笛赋”: 气喷勃以布覆兮. - "勃勃" means abundant. - Example from 荀子: "勃然平世之俗起焉” suggests "the appearance of rising.” 2. Synonymous with 悖; obstinate (English: stubborn). - Example from 庄子: "彻志之勃,解心之谬." - Example from 韩非子: "利在故新相反,前后相勃." - Example: 勃乱 (acting against common sense); 勃逆 (rebellious); 勃谿 (quarreling between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law). 3. The appearance of changing face or color (English: change countenance). - Example from 论语: "君召使摈,色勃如也." - Example: 勃如 (the appearance of a solemn expression); 勃然 (the appearance of anger, changed face; suddenly; arising). 〈名〉 1. Powder; powdered substance (English: powder). - Example from 农政全书: "有黄黑勃,着之污人手." 2. A surname. 1. Synonymous with 悖; to go against the facts, confused and disordered.
bó rán dà nù
fly into a great rage / burst into anger
yě xīn bó bó
fly high / on the make / be puffed with ambition / fly a high pitch
bó qǐ
erection / to have an erection
shēng qì bó bó
full of vitality
zhāo qì péng bó
full of youthful energy (idiom); vigorous / energetic / a bright spark
shēng jī bó bó
full of vitality
xióng xīn bó bó
aggressive and grand (idiom); ambitious / pushy
Bó lán dēng bǎo
Brandenburg (e.g. gate, concertos)
bó bó shēng jī
show great vitality / be full of life
bó lǎng tè
Bó lā mǔ sī
Brahms (name) / Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), German romantic composer
bó lán dēng bǎo mén
Brandenburg Gate
péng péng bó bó
vigorously / luxuriant and flourishing / full of vitality / with tremendous momentum / with great vigour
láng bó lā bāng
town of luang prabang
bó bó de
péng bó xiàng shàng
姿 yīng zī bó bó
bó lǎng
shēng jī bó fā
xìng zhì bó bó
to become exhilarated (idiom); in high spirits / full of zest

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Pinyin bo2
Four Corner
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