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动 stroke order animation

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动 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 动
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 动
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Meaning of

Pinyin dòng
to use / to act / to move / to change
动 (dòng) 1. To change original position or to stop being still; opposite of "静" (change; movement; act). - Examples: 变动 (change), 波动 (fluctuate), 浮动 (float), 振动 (vibrate), 震动 (shake). 2. To cause to begin to happen (make something happen); start happening. - Example: 发动 (initiate). 3. To use or utilize (make use of). - Examples: 使用 (use), 动武 (take military action), 动问 (may I ask). 4. To activate or change; to make emotions change. - Examples: 感动 (touch), 动人心弦 (move people's hearts), 娓娓动听 (be captivating). 5. To eat (mostly used in negative form). - Example: 这几天不动荤腥 (I have not eaten meat these days). 6. Not stationary; in movement. - Example: 动画 (animated cartoon). 7. Changeable or variable. - Example: 动产 (movable property). 8. Behavior or action. - Examples: 举动 (action), 动作 (movement). 9. Often or frequently. - Example: 动辄得咎 (often get into trouble). 动 (dòng) 本义: 行动; 发作 (original meaning: action; outbreak). 造字法: 形声。从力,重声 (character formation: phonetic + semantic). 1. To act; break out; show effect (同本义). - Example: 动作 (movement). 2. To shake, vibrate, or move; opposite of "静" (move; stir). - Example: 风移影动 (the wind moves and the shadow shakes). 3. To sway; shock (动摇; 震撼). - Example: 风雨不动安如山 (calm as a mountain in storms). 4. To touch or evoke (触动感应; 感动). - Example: 明则动 (when enlightened, touch others' hearts). 5. To bud or germinate (萌动). - Example: 春气动 (spring begins to stir). 6. To do, operate, or work (做; 操作; 劳作). - Example: 动事 (handle affairs). 7. To use (使用). - Example: 大动干戈 (make a big effort). 8. To change or alter (改变). - Example: 动色 (change color). 9. To eat (在方言中). - Example: 她向来不动鱼虾 (she usually doesn't eat fish or shrimp). 动 (dòng) - Adverb 常常 (often, frequently). - Example: 动不动 (often).
qǐ méng yùn dòng
the enlightenment
fēng chuī cǎo dòng
lit. grass stirring in the wind (idiom) / fig. the slightest whiff of trouble
chuī dòng
yùn dòng yuán
athlete / CL:名[ming2],個|个[ge4]
dòng yuán
to mobilize / to arouse / mobilization / CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]
dòng zhé dé jiù
faulted at every turn (idiom); can't get anything right
fǎn dòng pài
biàn dòng
to change / to fluctuate / change / fluctuation
hōng dòng
variant of 轟動|轰动[hong1 dong4]
xiǎng dòng
sound coming from sth (typically sth not immediately visible) / also pr. [xiang3 dong5]
齿 niè chǐ lèi dòng wù
齿 niè chǐ dòng wù
dòng wù yuán
zoo / CL:個|个[ge4]
dòng zhí wù yuán
Zoological and Botanical Garden
jiǎ qiào dòng wù
wàng dòng
to rush indiscriminately into action
qīng jǔ wàng dòng
to act blindly without thinking (idiom)
wěi wěi dòng tīng
to speak in a pleasant and captivating manner (idiom)
岿 kuī rán bù dòng
steadfastly stand on one's ground / remain firm / remain unmoved / standing erect and unshakable
láo dòng zī liào
means of labor
láo dòng liàng
sum of labour / amount of labour
bì yào láo dòng
Necessary labor
yún sù yùn dòng
uniform motion
zì dòng huà
qīng cháo chū dòng
turn out in full strength / turn out in full force
dài dòng
to spur / to provide impetus / to drive
zhǔ dòng mài gōng
arcus aortae
dòng tan
to budge
tián jìng yùn dòng
track and field sports
shèng yú láo dòng lì
surplus labor / manpower surplus
qǐ dòng
to start (a machine) / (fig.) to set in motion / to launch (an operation) / to activate (a plan)
dòng lì
motive power / force / (fig.) motivation / impetus
láo dòng lì
labor force / manpower
láo dòng
work / toil / physical labor / CL:次[ci4]
yùn dòng
to move / to exercise / sports / exercise / motion / movement / campaign / CL:場|场[chang3]
dòng wù
animal / CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2],個|个[ge4]
xíng dòng
operation / action / to move / mobile / CL:個|个[ge4]
tuī dòng
to push (for acceptance of a plan) / to push forward / to promote / to actuate / CL:個|个[ge4]
fā dòng
to start / to launch / to unleash / to mobilize / to arouse
dòng tài
movement / motion / development / trend / dynamic (science)
dòng shǒu
to set about (a task) / to hit / to punch / to touch
yí dòng
to move / movement / migration / mobile / portable
zì dòng
automatic / voluntarily
jī dòng
to move emotionally / to stir up (emotions) / to excite
liú dòng
to flow / to circulate / to go from place to place / to be mobile / (of assets) liquid
fā dòng jī
engine / motor / CL:臺|台[tai2]
gǎn dòng
to move (sb) / to touch (sb emotionally) / moving
fǎn dòng
reaction / reactionary
láo dòng zhě
worker / laborer
láo dòng rén mín wén huà gōng
Working People's Cultural Palace
láo dòng shēng chǎn lǜ
labo(u)r productivity
fǎn chú dòng wù
pēng rán xīn dòng
to feel a rush of excitement (idiom)
héng wēn dòng wù
homothermal animal
jì dòng
to pound / to throb
jīng dòng
to alarm / to startle / to disturb
jīng xīn dòng pò
shaking one to the core / extremely disturbing / hair-raising (idiom)
zhèn dòng
to vibrate / to shake / vibration
dà dòng gān gē
to go to war (idiom) / to make a big fuss over sth
piān xíng dòng wù
flatworm / phylum of Platyhelminthes
shān dòng
to fan / to flap / to incite / to instigate (a strike etc)
kòu dòng
to pull (a trigger)
niǔ dòng
twist / wring / writhe / wreathe
chě dòng
rǎo dòng
to disturb / to stir up / disturbance / agitation / turmoil
bān dòng
to pull out / to pull a lever
dǒu dòng
to tremble
chōu dòng
to twitch / to throb / a spasm / to extract and use
lā dòng
pull / heave
tuō dòng
to drag / to tow / (computing) to drag (mouse operation)
cuán dòng
move in crowd / bustle
bō dòng
to stir / to prod / to poke / to move sideways / to strum (on a guitar etc)
àn bīng bù dòng
to hold back one's troops without moving (idiom); to bide one's time
tiǎo dòng
to entice / to arouse / to provoke
huī dòng
to wave sth / to brandish
nuó dòng
to move / to shift
zhèn dòng qì
vibrator / rocker / oscillating guide / vibrolode
xiān dòng
to stir / to lift / to set sth in motion
jiǎo dòng
to mix / to stir
bó dòng
to beat rhythmically / to throb / to pulsate
bān dòng
to move (sth around) / to move house
guān zhuàng dòng mài
coronary artery
chōng dòng
to have an urge / to be impetuous / impulse / urge
dòng rú tuō tù
as nimble as an escaping hare when going into action
shè dòng
perturbation / disturbance
bǎi dòng
to sway / to swing / to move back and forth / to oscillate
dòng yáo
to sway / to waver / to rock / to rattle / to destabilize / to pose a challenge to
yáo dòng
to shake / to sway
qiào dòng
hàn dòng
to shake up / to deal a shock / (fig.) to stir (sb's heart)
hàn tiān dòng dì
gǔn dòng mó cā
rolling friction / friction of rolling
rén tóu cuán dòng
wàn tóu cuán dòng
Tens of thousands
zhěng fēng yùn dòng
Rectification campaign / political purge / cf Mao's 1942-44 campaign at Yanan, and his 1950 and 1957 anti-rightist purges
huàng dòng
to sway / to rock
bào dòng
insurrection / rebellion
jǐ zhuī dòng wù
jī dòng
locomotive / motorized / power-driven / adaptable / flexible (use, treatment, timing etc)
sōng dòng
loose / slack / (fig.) to soften (policies, tone of voice) / to give some slack / (of a place) not crowded

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Pinyin dong4
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