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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

劳 stroke order animation

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Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

劳 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 劳
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 劳
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Meaning of

Pinyin láo
劳 (勞) láo 1. Human activity that creates material or spiritual wealth. 人类创造物质或精神财富的活动。 2. Hard work; diligence. 辛苦,辛勤。 3. Abbreviation for laborer. 劳动者的简称。 4. To exert force. 用力。 5. To express condolences with words or gifts. 用言语或实物慰问。 6. A surname. 姓。 劳 (勞) láo 1. Human activity that creates material or spiritual wealth: 劳动 (work), 劳力 (labor), 劳逸 (work and rest), 功劳 (merit, achievement), 按劳分配 (distribute according to labor). 2. Hard work; diligence: 劳苦 (toilsome), 劳顿 (weariness), 劳瘁 (exhaustion), 劳碌 (busy and hard work), 劳心 (mental labor), 疲劳 (fatigue), 烦劳 (trouble). 3. Abbreviation for laborer: 劳工 (workers), 劳资 (labor and wages). 4. To exert force: 劳苦功高 (exert great effort), 勤劳 (diligent), 徒劳无功 (all effort wasted). 5. To express condolences: 慰劳 (to console), 劳军 (to express appreciation to the military). 6. A surname. 姓。 劳 (勞) láo (动) [Primary Meaning]: To labor hard; to cause hardship. 1. To work hard (同本义): work hard. 同本义 ([En.] work hard) 2. To trouble someone (烦劳; 麻烦): put someone into trouble. 烦劳;麻烦 ([En.] put sb. into the trouble of) 3. To express appreciation (慰劳): to appreciate the effort of a person. 慰劳([En.] 辛苦的人) ([En.] express one's appreciation) 4. To exhaust (耗损): to use up resources. 耗损 ([En.] exhaust) 5. To worry (忧愁; 愁苦): to feel troubled. 忧愁;愁苦 ([En.] worried) 6. To seize (通“捞”): to capture or take by force. 通“捞”。夺取 ([En.] capture; seize; wrest; take by force) 劳 (勞) láo (形) 1. Fatigued; weary: tired. 劳累,疲劳 ([En.] fatigue) 2. Industrious; requiring effort: strenuous. 辛苦;费力 ([En.] industrious) 劳 (勞) láo (名) 1. Meritorious deed; minor achievements: a small but commendable act. 劳绩,小功 ([En.] meritorious deed) 2. General term for work or operations: operations, tasks. 泛称一般的操作,工作 ([En.] work) 3. Laborer: someone who works. 劳动者 ([En.] labor) 4. Illness: a disease or disorder. 疾病 ([En.] ill; disease) 5. A farming tool (通“耢”): a tool for leveling rice fields. 通“耢”。摩田农具 ([En.] farm implement used to level the ground)
ā qì láo sī
ā qì láo
láo yì
forced labor / corvée (labor required of a serf) / animal labor
láo lì
labor / able-bodied worker / laborer / work force
láo zuò
work / manual labor
láo gōng
labor / laborer
láo dòng zī liào
means of labor
láo mó
model worker
láo dòng liàng
sum of labour / amount of labour
àn láo fēn pèi
distribution according to work
bì yào láo dòng
Necessary labor
tú láo
shèng yú láo dòng lì
surplus labor / manpower surplus
láo dòng lì
labor force / manpower
gōng láo
contribution / meritorious service / credit
láo wù
service (work done for money) / services (as in "goods and services")
láo dòng
work / toil / physical labor / CL:次[ci4]
láo dòng zhě
worker / laborer
láo dòng rén mín wén huà gōng
Working People's Cultural Palace
pí láo
fatigue / wearily / weariness / weary
láo lèi
tired / exhausted / worn out / to toil
qín láo
hardworking / industrious / diligent
láo dòng shēng chǎn lǜ
labo(u)r productivity
rèn láo rèn yuàn
to work hard without complaint (idiom)
wèi láo
to show appreciation (by kind words, small gifts etc) / to comfort
láo sǔn
strain (medicine)
cāo láo
to work hard / to look after
qú láo
劬 Lao
láo juàn
exhausted / worn out
láo dòng mó fàn
model worker
hàn mǎ gōng láo
war exploits / (fig.) heroic contribution
luò láo sī
kào láo
to reward with food and drink / to feast (sb) / presents of food etc made to troops / Taiwan pr. [kao4 lao4]
shèng yú láo dòng
surplus labour / surplus labor
gù yōng láo dòng
hired labour / wage labour
shèng láo lún sī
Saint Lawrence
fán láo
to put sb to trouble (of doing sth) / vexation / inconvenience
quǎn mǎ zhī láo
serve like a dog or a horse / be of service at sb.'s disposal / render one's services / render the services of a dog or a horse
pí láo gǎn
feeling of fatigue
láo cuì
worn-out / exhausted from excessive work
láo lù
láo shí zi
(dialect) nuisance / pain
láo jī
merits and accomplishments
chī kǔ nài láo
hardworking and enduring hardships (idiom)
láo fá
tired / overworked / physically exhausted
kè láo sāi wéi cí
Láo sī Lái sī
yǐ yì dài láo
to wait at one's ease for the exhausted enemy / to nurture one's strength and bide one's time (idiom)
láo yì jié hé
to strike a balance between work and rest (idiom)
hào yì wù láo
to love ease and comfort and hate work (idiom)
chóu láo
àn láo qǔ chóu
recompense is made according to the amoumt of labour expended
láo dòng bǎo zhàng bù
Ministry of Labor and Social Security(劳动和社会保障部)
ān mǎ láo dùn
Mài dāng láo
MacDonald or McDonald (name) / McDonald's (fast food company)

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Pinyin lao2
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