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乏 stroke order animation

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乏 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 乏
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 乏
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Meaning of

short of / tired
乏 [fá] 名词 1. 缺少。 - Lack; deficiency. 2. 古代射礼唱靶者用以避箭的器具,其形略似屏风。 - An ancient shield used in target practice, resembling a screen. 3. 无功伏安,电抗性伏安单位。 - A unit of reactive power in electric circuits, known as var. 动词 1. 假借为贬。物质财富短缺。 - To be short of or lack; borrowed in a derogatory sense. 2. 荒废;耽误。 - To neglect or waste. 3. 没有,无。 - To not have or be without. 形容词 1. 不正。 - Wry; not right. 2. 疲乏;无力。 - Tired; weak. 3. 使土地贫瘠的,或使丧失力量或功效的。 - Exhausted; making the land barren or losing efficacy. 4. 无能的,不中用的。 - Incapable; ineffective. 5. 穷困。 - Poverty-stricken. 引文 1. 《说文》:“乏,春秋传曰,反正为乏。” - "In the Shuo Wen, it describes that 'deficiency' means to be on the receiving end of arrows." 2. 《左传·宣公十五年》:“故文反正为乏。” - "In the Zuo Zhuan, it states that 'to correct is to be deficient.'" 3. 《仪礼·大射仪》:“凡乏用革。” - "In the Book of Rites, it states that all shields should use leather." 4. 《仪礼·乡射礼》:“乏参侯道。注:‘容谓之乏,所以为获者御矢也。’” - "In the Book of Rites, it mentions that the shield should be used by those to protect from arrows." 例句 1. 乏资 (lacking funds); 乏力 (lack of energy); 不乏其人 (not lacking in such people). 2. 乏趣 (not interesting); 乏手 (financially tight); 乏角儿 (an actor with little fame or talent). 3. 乏样子 (ugly appearance); 乏倦 (exhausted); 人困马乏 (people and horses are both tired). 4. 乏地 (exhausting the land); 乏角儿 (an ineffective actor). 5. 乏用 (short on resources); 乏竭 (exhausted; impoverished); 乏窘 (in dire straits).
fá lì
lacking in strength / weak / feeble
bù fá
there is no lack of
pí fá
tired / weary
kuì fá
to be deficient in sth / to be short of sth (supplies, money etc)
pín fá
impoverished / lacking / deficient / limited / meager / impoverishment / lack / deficiency
fá wèi
kùn fá
weary / tired / fatigued / exhausted
diǎn quē fá bìng
IDD / iodine deficiency disorders
quē fá zhèng
clinical deficiency
rén kùn mǎ fá
riders tired and horses weary (idiom) / worn out / exhausted / spent / fatigued
jiě fá
to relieve tiredness / to freshen up
quē fá xìng
Lack of sex
fá shù
Lack of skills
bù fá qí rén
no lack of such people / Such people are not rare. / not short of that kind of people
láo fá
tired / overworked / physically exhausted
qióng fá
poverty-stricken / destitute
hòu jì fá rén
see 後繼無人|后继无人[hou4 ji4 wu2 ren2]
fá shàn kě chén
to be nothing to write home about (idiom)
huí tiān fá shù
unable to turn around a hopeless situation (idiom) / to fail to save the situation
quē fá
to lack / to be short of / lack / shortage

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Pinyin fa2
Four Corner
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