Learn to write the Chinese character "乃" by watching the stroke order animation of "乃".
Stroke by Stroke: 乃 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '乃' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '乃' Step-by-Step
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to be / thus / so / therefore / then / only / thereupon
乃 nǎi
1. 才. - only now.
2. 是,为. - to be; to serve as.
3. 竟. - unexpectedly; actually.
4. 于是,就. - then; whereupon.
5. 你,你的. - you; your.
1. 才:今~得之。“断其喉,尽其肉,~去”。 - only now: Now... obtained. "Cut his throat, eat his flesh, [then] leave."
2. 是,为:~大丈夫也。 - to be: [It] is a great man.
3. 竟:~至如此。 - unexpectedly: [It] has come to this.
4. 于是,就:“因山势高峻,~在山腰休息片时”。 - then: "Because the mountain stands high and steep, [we] then rest halfway."
5. 你,你的:~父。~兄。“家祭无忘告~翁”。 - you; your: [Your] father; [Your] elder brother. "Do not forget to inform [your] grandfather during the home sacrifices."
乃 nǎi
代 (pronoun)
1. 你,你的 ([En.] your) - you; your.
1 《左传·僖公十二年》:余嘉乃勋。 - From the Left Zhuang: I appreciate your merits.
2 《汉书·高帝纪上》:几败乃公事。 - From the Book of Han: Almost defeated, it is a public affair.
3 《史记·淮南衡山传》:谁谓乃公勇者? - From the Records of the Grand Historian: Who says you are courageous?
4 陆游《示儿》:王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁(父亲)。 - Lu You: On the day when our troops stabilize the Central Plain, do not forget to inform [your] grandfather during the home sacrifices.
例: 乃父(乃翁。你的父亲);乃祖(你的祖父;先祖);乃公(你的父亲);乃兄 - For example: [Your] father; [Your] ancestors; [Your] father; [Your] elder brother.
2. 他的 ([En.] his) - his.
1 曹操《蒿里行》:乃心在咸阳。 - From Cao Cao: His heart is in Xianyang.
例: 乃眷(他的妻子);乃尊(尊称别人的父亲);乃老(他的父亲);乃堂(他的母亲) - For example: [His] wife; [his] respected father; [his] father; [his] mother's brother.
3. 此,这个 ([En.] this) - this.
1 《晏子春秋》:吾闻之,五子不满隅,一子可满朝,非乃子耶? - From the Book of Yan: I heard that five sons cannot fill a corner, but one son can fill the court, is it not you?
例: 乃今(如今;从今);乃者(往日;从前) - For example: [This] is now; [in] former times.
4. 这样,如此 ([En.] so) - so.
1 《庄子·德充符》:子无乃称。 - From Zhuangzi: You shouldn't claim so.
例: 因山势高峻,乃在山腰休息片刻;乃尔(如此;这样);乃若(至于) - For instance: Because the mountain is steep, we then rest halfway; so; to such an extent.
乃 nǎi
动 (verb)
是,就是 (【英】:be) - to be; to exist.
1 宋· 王安石《游褒禅山记》:以其乃华山之阳名之。 - From Wang Anshi: It's named as it is the south of Huashan.
2 《史记·平原君虞卿列传》:吾乃与而君言,汝何为者也? - From the Records of the Grand Historian: I then speak to you, what do you do?
例: 真乃英雄好汉; 失败乃成功之母; 乃是(却是) - For example: Indeed a hero; Failure is the mother of success; it is (yet it is).
乃 nǎi
副 (adverb)
1. 刚刚,才,表示事情发生得晚或结束得晚 ([En.] just now) - just now, indicating something has happened late.
1 《春秋经·定公十五年》:九月…丁巳,葬我君定公,雨,不克葬,戊午日下昃乃克葬。 - From the Spring and Autumn Annals: In September... on Ding Si, we buried Duke Ding, rain prevented burial, it was not until Wu Wu that we could bury.
2 《聊斋志异·狼三则》:乃悟前狼假寐,盖以诱敌。 - From Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio: [I] then realized the previous wolf feigned sleep to lure the enemy.
2. 只,仅仅 ([En.] only then) - only then.
例: 如:唯虚心乃能进步 - For example: Only with an open mind can one progress.
3. 竟,竟然 ([En.] unexpectedly; actually) - unexpectedly; actually.
1 唐· 韩愈《师说》:今其智乃反不能及,其何怪也! - From Han Yu: Now his wisdom unexpectedly cannot catch up, why is that surprising!
4. 却 ([En.] at the same time) - at the same time.
1 汉· 刘向《列女传》:乃日视便利田宅可买者。 - From the Book of Women: Then every day I look at suitable fields and houses to buy.
5. 于是;就 ([En.] then; whereupon) - then; whereupon.
1 《聊斋志异·狼三则》:屠乃奔倚其下。 - From Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio: The butcher then ran and leaned beneath him.
2 《史记·屈原贾生列传》:乃令张仪佯去 秦,厚币委质事 楚。 - From the Records of the Grand Historian: [It] ordered Zhang Yi to feign leaving Qin, thickly bribing and entrusting affairs to Chu.
3 清· 徐珂《清稗类钞·战事类》:婉贞挥刀奋斫…敌乃纷退。 - From Qing Baiclassifications: Wan Zhen wielded the knife and slashed... the enemy then retreated.
例: 又如:乃遂(就,于是);乃其(于是,就) - For example: So; then, consequently.
乃 nǎi
连 (conjunction)
可是,然而 (【英】:but; however) - but; however.
1 《徐霞客游记》:时夫仆具阻险行后,余亦停弗上。乃一路奇景,不觉引余独往。 - From Xu Xiake: While the servants were obstructed by danger on the way, I too stopped and did not ascend; [but] a road of peculiar scenery unexpectedly led me alone forth.
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