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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

反 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

反 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 反
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 反
Download the worksheet in PNG format

Meaning of

Pinyin fǎn
wrong side out or up / anti-
fǎn yǎo yī kǒu
to make a false countercharge
fǎn yǎo
invent a charge against sb.
fǎn yìng
to mirror / to reflect / mirror image / reflection / (fig.) to report / to make known / to render
fǎn yìng
to react / to respond / reaction / response / reply / chemical reaction / CL:個|个[ge4]
fǎn ér
instead / on the contrary / contrary (to expectations)
xiāng fǎn
opposite / contrary
fǎn kàng
to resist / to rebel
fǎn fù
repeatedly / over and over / to upend / unstable / to come and go / (of an illness) to return
fǎn zhèng
anyway / in any case / to come over from the enemy's side
zào fǎn
to rebel / to revolt
wéi fǎn
to violate (a law)
fǎn shè
to reflect / reflection (from a mirror etc) / reflex (i.e. automatic reaction of organism)
fǎn dì
anti-imperialist / anti-imperialists
fǎn gōng
to counterattack / a counteroffensive
fǎn qián
anti-submarine / antisubmarine
fǎn dòng pài
fǎn pàn
to rebel / to revolt
fǎn pàn zhě
mutineer / rebel
fǎn xiǎng
repercussions / reaction / echo
fǎn bǔ
to support one's parents in their old age / to show filial piety / to to repay / to return a favor
fǎn chún xiāng jī
to answer back sarcastically (idiom) / to retort
fǎn chún xiāng jī
turn against another in mutual recrimination
fǎn shì
trump up a countercharge against one's acuser
fǎn lǒng duàn fǎ
anti-trust law / legislation again monopolies
hé fǎn yìng duī
nuclear reactor
fǎn yìng duī
jiǎo gōng fǎn zhāng
opitoshtonous (med.), muscular spasm of the body associated with tetanus and meningitis
fǎn shè hú
reflex arc
fǎn tán
to bounce / to bounce back / to boomerang / to ricochet / rebound (of stock market etc) / bounce / backlash / negative repercussions
fǎn jiǎn
with hands behind one's back / trussed
fǎn dòng
reaction / reactionary
fǎn jī
to strike back / to beat back / to counterattack
fǎn hán shù
inverse function (math.)
fǎn chú dòng wù
fǎn sī
to think back over sth / to review / to revisit / to rethink / reflection / reassessment
fǎn kǒng
anti-terrorism / to fight against terrorism
qià qià xiāng fǎn
on the contrary / just the reverse / over the left
fǎn huǐ
to renege / to go back (on a deal) / to back out (of a promise)
fǎn gǎn
to be disgusted with / to dislike / bad reaction / antipathy
fǎn gē yī jī
turn one's weapon around and strike
fǎn pū
to counterattack / to come back after a defeat / to retrieve lost ground
nòng qiǎo fǎn zhuō
see 弄巧成拙[nong4 qiao3 cheng2 zhuo1]
fǎn duì
to fight against / to oppose / to be opposed to / opposition
fǎn gòng
fǎn fù tuī qiāo
hash / repeated deliberation
píng fǎn zhāo xuě
redress fabricated cases and rehabilitate those who have been wronged / rehabilitate those who had been wrongfully accused
fǎn chú
to ruminate / to chew the cud
fǎn dào
but on the contrary / but expectedly
fǎn fǔ chàng lián
to fight corruption and advocate probity
fǎn qīng xiāo
fǎn duì piào
dissenting vote
fǎn zhī yì rán
vice versa
bō luàn fǎn zhèng
bring order out of chaos / set to rights things which have been thrown into disorder
fǎn bǎng
(with one’s hands) tied behind his back
cōng míng fǎn bèi cōng míng wù
a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity (idiom); cleverness may overreach itself / too smart for one's own good
sù fǎn
purge of counterrevolutionary elements (esp. Stalin's purges of the 1930 and Mao's purges 1955-57) / abbr. for 肅清反革命份子|肃清反革命分子
fǎn wèi
retching / vomiting
fǎn fǔ
fǎn chuàn
(Chinese opera) to play a role outside of one's specialty / (modern) to play a transvestite role / to masquerade as an opponent
fǎn zhī
on the other hand... / conversely...
fǎn chèn
serve as a foil to / set off by contrast
fǎn fěng
irony / sarcasm / to satirize with opposites
fǎn jié
to ask (a question) in reply / to answer a question with a question / rhetorical question
fǎn tān jú
anti-corruption bureau
fǎn zéi
fǎn chāo
to reverse (the score) / to pull off a comeback / to take the lead
fǎn gōng zì xǐng
look back at past mistakes one has made
zhǎn zhuǎn fǎn cè
to toss and turn restlessly (in the bed)
shì dé qí fǎn
to produce the opposite of the desired result
nì fǎn xīn lǐ
reverse psychology
guān bī mín fǎn
a government official drives the people to revolt (idiom); a minister provokes a rebellion by exploiting the people
liàn shì fǎn yìng
chain reaction
lián suǒ fǎn yìng
chain reaction
fǎn suǒ
locked in (with the door locked from the outside)
fǎn shè jìng
fǎn kuì
to send back information / feedback
fǎn bó
to retort / to refute
fǎn bà
oppose local despots / oppose hegemonism / anti-hegemonism / anti-hegemony
yì wú fǎn gù
honor does not allow one to glance back (idiom); duty-bound not to turn back / no surrender / to pursue justice with no second thoughts
fù fǎn kuì
negative feedback

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