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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

抗 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

抗 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 抗
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 抗
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Meaning of

Pinyin kàng
to resist / to fight / to defy
抗 [kàng] Definition: 1. Resist; combat; fight. 2. Defy; refuse. 3. Contend with; equal. First Meaning: 1. 抵御: Resist. 例: 抗击 (to resist attacks). 抗争 (to struggle against). 抗拒 (to resist). 抵抗 (to resist). 顽抗 (to stubbornly resist). Second Meaning: 2. 拒绝: Refuse. 例: 抗议 (to protest). 抗上 (to refuse orders). 抗命 (to disobey commands). 抗税 (to refuse to pay taxes). Third Meaning: 3. 对等: Contend with. 例: 抗衡 (to have an equal level of power in a confrontation). Verbal Use: 1. 【本义】: To resist, to fend off. 【造字法】: A phonetic-semantic compound; consists of "hand" and "loud sound". 同本义 ([En.] resist; combat; fight). 抗拒;拒绝 ([En.] defy; refuse). 匹敌,抗衡 ([En.] contend with). 举起 ([En.] raise). 呈上 ([En.] present). Examples: - 如: 抗木 (a burial tool used in ancient times, placed over a coffin to protect against dust); 抗力 (to resist power); 抗犯 (to resist and defend against invasion); 抗玩 (to neglect and disobey orders); 抗质 (to kidnap as a method of resistance); 抗矫 (to resist flattery and uphold principles). Additional Context: 1. 引用: 《说文》: 抗, 扦也。 2. 引用: 《小尔雅·广言》: 抗, 御也。 3. 引用: 《仪礼·既夕礼》: 抗木横一缩。 4. 引用: 汉· 贾谊《过秦论》: 非抗于九国之师也。 Second Meaning: 2. 抗拒;拒绝 ([En.] defy; refuse). 引用: 《资治通鉴》: 安能抗此难乎。 引用: 宋· 文天祥《指南录后序》: 抗辞慷慨。 引用: 宋· 王安石《答司马谏议书》: 欲出力助上以抗之。 Examples: - 如: 抗拒 (defy; to resist); 抗违 (to defy and go against); 抗租 (to refuse to pay rent); 抗逆 (to defy and resist); 抗斗 (to fight back). Third Meaning: 3. 匹敌,抗衡 ([En.] contend with). 引用: 《徐霞客游记·游黄山记》: 独莲花与抗耳。 Examples: - 如: 抗横 (to oppose and counterbalance); 抗行 (to move simultaneously; to contend); 抗美 (to compete and strive for excellence); 抗库 (to coexist; to balance). Additional Meanings: 4. 举起 ([En.] raise). 引用: 曹植《七启》: 抗皓手而清歌。 Examples: - 如: 抗力 (force that can be raised); 抗手 (to raise one’s hand as a sign of respect); 抗足 (to lift one’s foot); 抗兵 (to raise an army). 5. 呈上 ([En.] present). Examples: - 如: 抗表 (to present a memorial to the emperor); 抗章 (to present a direct and candid statement to the emperor). 形 [kàng] 1. 高;大。通“亢” ([En.] high; great). 引用: 汉· 贾谊《过秦论》: 谪戍之众,非抗于几国之师也。 引用: 《韩非子·问辩》: 以犯上为亢。 Examples: - 如: 抗世 (to surpass the mundane world); 抗殿 (to build a tall hall or to refer to a grand hall). 2. 刚正不阿;高尚 ([En.] upright and never stooping to flattery; noble). 引用: 萧统《文选序》: 若贤人之美辞,忠臣之抗直。 Examples: - 如: 抗迈 (outstanding and exceptional); 抗行 (noble character); 抗迹 (conduct that is pure and exceptional); 抗直 (frank and upright); 抗词 (stating straightforwardly; refers to strict and honest language). 3. 高亢;高声 ([En.] loud and sonorous). Examples: - 如: 抗烈 (highly intense and vigorous); 抗朗 (loud and clear); 抗言 (to speak loudly); 抗音 (resounding).
fǎn kàng
to resist / to rebel
duì kàng
to withstand / to resist / to stand off / antagonism / confrontation
fēn tíng kàng lǐ
peer competition / to function as rivals / to make claims as an equal
kàng yù
resist and defend
kàng jī
to resist (an aggressor) / to oppose (a menace)
kàng gān rǎo
dǐ kàng
to resist / resistance
kàng jù
to resist / to defy / to oppose
kàng dí
to resist the enemy
kàng bìng
disease resistant
kàng tǐ
kàng yuán
kàng zhèn jiù zāi
earthquake relief work / combat the quake and carry out relief work / carry out (one's) antiquake struggle and relief work / combat the earthquake and do relief work
kàng nì xìng
stress resistance
kàng Měi yuán Cháo
Resist US, help North Korea (1950s slogan)
kàng hóng
to fight a flood
dǐ kàng lì
resistance / immunity
wéi kàng
to disobey
kàng qīng
kàng ái
kàng hàn
drought-resistant / to weather a drought
kàng jù cóng yán
severe punishment to those who stubbornly refuse to acknowledge their crimes / severe punishment to resister
jié kàng jì
antagonist / agonist
jié kàng
antagonism / rivalry
kàng wō
kàng lào
defenses against floods
kàng zāi
defense against natural disasters
kàng nüè
kàng nüè yào
antimalarial / antiperiodic
kàng rì jiù wáng
anti-Japanese national salvation movement
kàng jūn
yì kàng huài xuè suān nà
sodium erythorbate / sodium isoascorbate
zǔ kàng
(electrical) impedance
fù yú wán kàng
put up a desperate struggle / a last-ditch struggle / have one's back to the wall
kàng zhèn
anti-seismic measures / seismic defenses / earthquake resistant
wán kàng
stubbornly resist

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