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原 stroke order animation

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原 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 原
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 原
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Meaning of

Pinyin yuán
former / original / primary / raw / level / cause / source
原 [yuán] 1. 最初的,开始的。 Original; beginning. 2. 本来。 Originally; a matter of fact. 3. 谅解,宽容。 Understanding; tolerance. 4. 宽广平坦的地方。 Open and flat area. 5. 同“塬”。 Same as "塬" (a type of elevation or flat land). --- 原 [yuán] (名) 本义: 水源,源泉 Original meaning: Source of water, spring. 1. “源”的古字。水源,水流起头的地方 ([En.] fountainhead; source of a river) Example: 原泉 (source of water); 原流 (source stream). 2. 起源; 根本; 根由 ([En.] origin; cause; source) Example: 原故 (reason); 原凶 (principal offender); 原曲 (initial reasons and details). 3. 原野 ([En.] open country) Example: 原燎 (a major fire in a wild); 原色 (scenery of the open fields); 原陵 (plains and hills). --- 原 [yuán] (形) 1. 原来 ([En.] original; former; primary) Example: 原道 (originally); 原自 (originally); 原心 (true heart; original intent); 原价 (original price). 2. 本来 ([En.] true) Example: 原说 (as originally said); 原形毕露 (true appearance). 3. 最初的 ([En.] initial) Example: 原供 (initial evidence). 4. 未加工的 ([En.] raw; unprocessed) Example: 原油 (crude oil); 原粮 (raw grain). --- 原 [yuán] (动) 1. 推究 ([En.] examine) Example: 原情 (investigate the true feelings). 2. 宽恕 ([En.] excuse; pardon) Example: 原宥 (to forgive); 原刑 (to pardon); 原省 (to excuse and exempt punishment). 3. 赦免 ([En.] remit) Example: 原洗 (to forgive and exonerate); 原恕 (to forgive). --- 原 [yuán] (形) 1. 忠厚、拘謹。 Honest and strict. Example: 在《论语·阳货》提到的“乡原,德之贼也。”通“愿”。 In "The Analects of Confucius," it references "being native, a thief of virtue".
yuán gào
complainant / plaintiff
yuán yīn
cause / origin / root cause / reason / CL:個|个[ge4]
yuán liào
raw material / CL:個|个[ge4]
píng yuán
field / plain / CL:個|个[ge4]
yuán zhǒng
protospecies / stock / stock culture / breeder seed
yuán shǐ
first / original / primitive / original (document etc)
gāo yuán
plateau / CL:片[pian4]
yuán lǐ
principle / theory
yuán zǐ
atom / atomic
cǎo yuán
grassland / prairie / CL:片[pian4]
yuán yǒu
original / former
yuán běn
originally / original
jiāng hàn píng yuán
jianghan plain
yuán zhǒng chǎng
stock seed farm
yuán míng
original name
Tài yuán
Taiyuan prefecture level city and capital of Shanxi province 山西省 in central north China
yuán cái liào
raw materials / unprocessed materials
yuán zhǐ
original location
yuán xíng
model / prototype / archetype
fù yuán
to restore (sth) to (its) former condition / to recover from illness / recovery
yuán shǐ shè huì
primitive society
yuán shǐ rén
primitive man
yuán shǐ jī lěi
primitive accumulation / primary accumulation
yuán shǐ gōng shè
primitive commune
sōng nèn píng yuán
Songnen plain
Qū Yuán
Qu Yuan (340-278 BC), famous Warring States statesman and poet, author of Sorrow at Parting 離騷|离骚 Lisao in Songs of Chu 楚辭|楚辞
Pà mǐ ěr Gāo yuán
Pamir high plateau on the border between Xinjiang and Tajikistan
yuán zǐ xù shù
atomic number
yuán zǐ dàn
atom bomb / atomic bomb / A-bomb
yuán zé shang
in principle / generally
yuán zé xìng
kàng yuán
chōng jī píng yuán
alluvial plain
yuán lái
original / former / originally / formerly / at first / so, actually, as it turns out
jì zhōng píng yuán
Jizhong Plain
yuán jiào zhǐ zhǔ yì
yuán zǐ hé
atomic nucleus
yuán xiān
originally / original / former
yuán zé
principle / doctrine / CL:個|个[ge4]
yuán xíng bì lù
original identity fully revealed (idiom); fig. to unmask and expose the whole truth
qīng yuán zǐ
hydrogen atom
yǎng yuán zǐ
oxygen atom
yuán zhī yuán wèi
original / authentic
kē ěr qìn cǎo yuán
Horqin Grassland
yuán yóu
crude oil
huáng huái hǎi píng yuán
the Huanghuaihai Plain
huáng huái píng yuán
Huanghuai Plain
wèi hé píng yuán
Weihe Plain
liáo yuán
to start a prairie fire
yuán méi
raw coal
liáo yuán zhī shì
The Power of Liaoyuan
xīng huǒ liáo yuán
A single spark can start a prairie fire. / A little spark makes a great fire.
nüè yuán chóng
plasmodium (malaria parasite)
稿 yuán gǎo
manuscript / original copy
yuán jí
ancestral home (town) / birthplace
yuán cháng pēi
gastrulae / gastrula / invaginate planula
jiāo yuán
collagen (protein)
Zhōng yuán
Central Plain, the middle and lower regions of the Yellow river, including Henan, western Shandong, southern Shanxi and Hebei
tái yuán
huāng yuán
mǎng yuán
wilderness overgrown with grass
bìng yuán jūn
a pathogen / a bacterial pathogen
yuán zhù
original work (not translation or abridged)
méng gǔ gāo yuán
Mongolian Plateau
nèi méng gǔ gāo yuán
Inner Mongolian Plateau
Qīng Zàng gāo yuán
Qinghai-Tibetan plateau
Téng yuán
Fujiwara (Japanese surname)
yù dōng píng yuán
Eastern Henan Plain
yuán mào
the original form
huán yuán
to restore to the original state / to reconstruct (an event) / reduction (chemistry)
È ěr duō sī Gāo yuán
Ordos Plateau, Inner Mongolia
níng xuè méi yuán
yuán yě
plain / open country
shǎn běi huáng tǔ gāo yuán
Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi
shǎn běi gāo yuán
Northern Shaanxi Plateau
鹿 zhú lù Zhōng yuán
lit. hunting deer in the Central Plain (idiom) / fig. to attempt to seize the throne

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Input Method for
Pinyin yuan2
Four Corner
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