Learn to write the Chinese character "莽" by watching the stroke order animation of "莽".
Stroke by Stroke: 莽 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '莽' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '莽' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '莽' through a video tutorial with a
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Chinese Character '莽'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
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莽 [mǎng]
1. 草,密生的草: grass, dense growth of grass.
- Example: 莽原 – grassland; 草莽 – dense grass.
2. 广大,辽阔: vast and boundless.
- Example: 莽苍 – vast expanse; 莽莽 (a. describing endless plains; b. describing lush and abundant vegetation).
3. 古书上指一种短节竹: in ancient texts refers to a type of short-joint bamboo.
4. 粗鲁,冒失: rough and careless; boorish.
- Example: 莽汉 – a clumsy person; 莽撞 – reckless; 鲁莽 – rude and reckless.
5. 姓: surname.
莽 [mǎng] (as a noun)
- 1. (会意。从犬,从茻。原意是犬跑到草丛中逐兔,假借为茻,草丛): originally meant a dog chasing a rabbit in the grass; the mise-en-scène is grass clusters.
- 2. 草丛: grass cluster.
1. 《小尔雅》: 莽,草也. – "Mang, it is grass."
2. 《左传·哀公元年》: 暴骨如莽. – "Violent bones like grass."
3. 《孟子》: 在野曰草芒之臣. – "In the wild, it is called the minister of grass."
4. 《汉书·扬雄传》: 罗千乘于林莽. – "To set up a thousand chariots in the dense forest."
5. 《汉书·景帝纪》: 地饶广荐草莽水泉. – "The land is abundant in grass and water springs."
6. 《易·同人》: 伏戎于莽. – "Hide soldiers in the dense grass."
如: 莽林 (referring to forests thick with vegetation); 豁然莽然 (wide open feeling in a vast area); 莽草 (a type of toxic plant, also called “water grass”).
莽 [mǎng] (as an adjective)
1. 茂密;盛多: dense; numerous.
- 引: 1. 《楚辞·九章·怀沙》: 滔滔孟夏兮,草木莽莽. – “In the torrential summer, grass and trees are lush.”
2. 无涯际的样子: boundless appearance.
- 引: 1. 《小尔雅》: 莽,大也. – “Mang, it is big.”
- 2. 《吕氏春秋·知接》: 何以为之莽莽也. – “What makes it boundless?”
- 3. 谭嗣同《出潼关渡河》: 平原莽千里. – “The plains stretch a thousand miles.”
- 例: 如: 莽沆 (appearance of vast waters); 莽泱 (appearance of vastness); 莽莽苍苍 (boundless and vast).
3. 渺茫;迷茫: vast and hazy.
- 例: 如: 莽眇 (hazy); 莽莽漠漠 (indistinct); 莽卤 (vague); 莽苍苍 (blurry).
4. 粗疏;鲁莽: rough and careless; boorish.
- 例: 如: 莽莽广广 (carelessly wide); 莽壮 (foolhardily strong); 莽卤 (careless; sloppy).
5. 大;猛烈: big; fierce.
- 例: 如: 莽壮 (describing a loud and forceful sound or strength).
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