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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

撞 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

撞 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 撞
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 撞
Download the worksheet in PNG format

Meaning of

Pinyin zhuàng
to hit / to strike / to meet by accident / to run into / to bump against / to bump into
撞 [zhuàng] 1.冲打,碰击。 [En.] Bump against; run into; strike; collide. 2.碰见,无意中遇到。 [En.] Meet by chance; bump into. 3.试探。 [En.] Cheat. 4.栽,跌。 [En.] Fall. 5.闯,猛冲或突然直下。 [En.] Rush; dash. 【引】 1.《说文》:撞,丮捣也。字亦作揰,作摐。 2.《礼记·学记》:善待问者如撞钟。犹击也。 3.司马相如《子虚赋》:摐金鼓。 4.张衡《东京赋》:撞洪钟。 5.《史记·项羽本纪》:亚父受玉斗,置之地,拔剑撞而破之。 6.韩愈《醉留东野》:东野不回头,有如寸莛撞巨钟。 7.《红楼梦》:便将头往隔断板上乱撞,撞的披头散发。 【例】 又如: 撞跌(撞头跺脚); 撞木(敲击钟磬之木); 撞舂(撞击; 冲击); 撞筵(撞钟的木枝) 2.遇上,碰到。 [En.] Meet by chance; bump into. 【引】 1.乔吉《金钱记》:我待要赶时,不想撞着哥哥贺知章。 2.《长生殿》:今日清明佳节,出门闪步一回,却好撞着风雨。 3.《全图绣像三国演义》:麴义引军直冲到后军,正撞着赵云。 【例】 又如: 撞见; 撞客; 撞遇(碰见); 撞破(撞见败露) 3.诈骗。 [En.] Cheat. 【例】 如: 撞钟太岁(招谣撞骗者); 撞吓(诈骗); 撞蠓子(撞骗) 4.栽,跌。 [En.] Fall. 【引】 1.《水浒全传》:扑通的撞下马来。 5.闯,猛冲或突然直下。 [En.] Rush; dash. 【引】 1.《水浒全传》:山背后撞出一彪人马。 【例】 又如: 撞尸(骂人话。指东跑西荡); 撞祸(闯祸; 惹祸) (*引自繁体辞典解释) (音读音)
zhuàng jī
to strike / to hit / to ram
pèng zhuàng
to collide / collision
tǐng zhuàng
Pretty bumpy
chōng zhuàng
to collide / jerking motion / to impinge / to offend / to provoke
héng chōng zhí zhuàng
lit. bashing sideways and colliding straight on (idiom); to push through shoving and bumping / to barge / to charge around violently
zhuàng jiàn
to meet by accident
diē die zhuàng zhuàng
to stagger along
xiāng zhuàng
collision / crash / to crash together / to collide with / to bump into
mǎng zhuàng
rude and impetuous
zhuàng sǐ
to knock down and kill sb with a car / to run over sb / to run sb down
dǐng zhuàng
to contradict (elders or superiors)
duì zhuàng jī
a particle collider
zhuàng rù
bang into
zhuàng dǎo
to knock down / to knock over / to run over (sb)
zhuàng chē
to crash (into another car) / (fig.) (of opinions, schedules etc) to clash / (of subject matter) to be the same
wù dǎ wù zhuàng
accidentally / to act before thinking
měng zhuàng
to slam (into) / to smash (into)
zhāo yáo zhuàng piàn
(idiom) to dupe people by passing oneself off as a well-connected individual or a figure of authority
zhuàng huǐ
to smash
zhuàng jī
plane crash
zhuàng jī shēng
crash / clash / whomp / ker-

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Input Method for
Pinyin zhuang4
Four Corner
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