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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

揽 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

揽 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 揽
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 揽
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Meaning of

Pinyin lǎn
monopolize / seize
揽 (lǎn) 1 把持。 (To hold.) - 例如: ~持。独~大权。 (For example: Hold. To monopolize power.) 2 拉到自己这方面或自己身上来。 (To pull to oneself.) - 例如: 包~。招~。承~。~客。~活儿。 (For example: To take in. To attract. To undertake. To take on customers. To take on jobs.) 3 搂,捆。 (To embrace; to bind.) - 例如: 把孩子~在怀里。 (For example: To hold the child in one's arms.) 4 取。 (To take.) - 例如: ~秀。~胜。摘星~月。 (For example: To pick the best. To take victory. To pick stars and seize the moon.) 基本义: 执,持。 (Basic meaning: To grasp; to hold.) 造字法: 形声。从手,览声。 (Character formation: Phono-semantic compound; the 'hand' radical and the sound component 'lan'.) 用法列举: 1 同本义 ([En.] hold) - 例: 《徐霞客游记·游黄山记》:俱可手揽。 (Example: "In the travelogue of Xu Xiake, everything can be grasped by hand.") 2 总揽(全面掌握);一把抓 ([En.] monopolize; dominate; take on everything.) - 例: 如: 揽延(延揽); 揽取(承揽); 揽活(揽取活计); 揽纳(包揽代纳赋税) (Example: Such as: To attract talents; to undertake; to take on jobs; to take responsibility for taxes.) 3 搂,拥抱,围抱 ([En.] take sb. into one’s arms; embrace.) - 例: 如: 揽抱(拥抱); 揽取(抱取,搂取); 揽持(犹拥抱) (Example: Such as: To hug; to hold; to embrace.) 4 采摘 ([En.] pick up.) - 例: 又如: 揽月(摘月。喻壮举); 揽取(摘取,收取); 揽结(采摘系结) (Example: Such as: To seize the moon; to pick; to harvest.) 5 挥 ([En.] wield.) - 例: 如: 揽泣(挥泪); 揽涕(挥泪) (Example: Such as: To shed tears.) 6 招惹 ([En.] provoke.) - 例: 如: 揽野火(惹麻烦); 揽事(惹事,管闲事) (Example: Such as: To stir up trouble.) 7 招引;兜揽 ([En.] canvass; take on; take upon oneself.) - 例: 如: 揽脚(脚夫招揽顾客); 揽事(管闲事); 揽买卖 (Example: Such as: To collect customers; to meddle in affairs; to take on business.) 8 提,撩起 ([En.] raise; hold up.) - 例: 如: 揽裙脱丝履,举身赴清池。 (Example: To lift the skirt and remove the shoes, then hurriedly go to the clear pond.) 9 通“览”。观看 ([En.] look at; see.) - 例: 如: 《庄子·在宥》:而欲为人之国者,此揽乎三王之利,而不见其患者也。 (Example: "Zhuangzi: If one wishes to be part of another's nation, this is to grasp the benefits of the three kings without seeing its detriments.") 本字概述: 揽的意义丰富多样,涵盖了把持、拉拢、拥抱、采摘等多种动作,常用来表示对事物的掌控或亲密感。
bāo lǎn
to monopolize / to take on responsibility over everything / to undertake the whole task
zhāo lǎn
to attract (customers) / to drum up (trade)
lǎn gōng
Take job
dú lǎn
to monopolize
tǒng lǎn quán jú
Take control
yī lǎn zi
all-inclusive / undiscriminating
zǒng lǎn
to assume full responsibility / to be in full control / to monopolize
chéng lǎn
to contract for an entire project
shōu lǎn
to win the support of / to get over to one's side / to keep control of
dà quán dú lǎn
arrogate all authority to oneself / assume arbitrary power
dà bāo dà lǎn
to take complete charge (idiom)
lǎn kè
attract customers
tǒng lǎn
to be in overall charge / to have overall control
lǎn shèng
yán lǎn
to recruit talent / to round up / to enlist the services of sb
lǎn huó
Take care of
dōu lǎn
to canvas (for customers) / to solicit / to advertise / to drum up / sales pitch / to take on (a task)

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Input Method for
Pinyin lan3
Four Corner
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