Learn to write the Chinese character "攫" by watching the stroke order animation of "攫".
Stroke by Stroke: 攫 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '攫' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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攫 [jué]
【本义】: 鸟用爪迅速抓取
- [Literal meaning]: A bird quickly grabs with its claws.
【造字法】: 形声。从手,矍 (jué) 声。
- [Character formation]: Phonetic compound; the left part represents "hand", and the right part represents the sound "jué".
1. 抓取 ([En.] snatch)
- Example: 攫取 (to grab; to take)
2. 夺取 ([En.] grab; seize)
- Example: 攫攘 (to contend for; to contest)
1. 《说文》:攫,执也。
- [Interpretation] In "Shuo Wen," it means to hold.
2. 《礼记·儒行》:鸷虫攫搏。
- [Interpretation] “The fierce birds catch their prey.”
3. 《史记·李斯传》:盗跖弗攫。 索隐: “凡鸟翼击物曰搏,足取曰攫。”
- [Interpretation] “In the Records of the Grand Historian, it refers to ‘not grabbing’ by the thief. It explains that ‘striking with wings’ denotes fighting, while ‘grabbing with feet’ signifies snatching.”
4. 《汉书·黄霸传》:鸟攫其肉。
- [Interpretation] "The bird snatched its flesh."
- 攫捷 (to capture; to hunt)
- 攫啄 (to grab with claws; to peck with beak)
- 攫搏 (to snatch prey using claws and wings)
- 攫噬 (to grab and devour)
1. 备兽触攫。——《周礼·兽人》注
- [Interpretation] "Beasts prepare to catch."
2. 《公羊传·庄公十二年》:乳犬攫虎。
- [Interpretation] “The milk dog grabs the tiger.”
3. 《庄子·让王》:左手攫之,而右手废。
- [Interpretation] “One hand grasps it, while the other is useless.”
- 攫窃 (to stealthily seize)
- 攫昼 (to rob in broad daylight)
- 攫盗 (to steal)
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