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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

拉 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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拉 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 拉
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 拉
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Meaning of

Pinyin lā、 là、 lǎ、 lá
to pull / to play (string instruments) / to drag / to draw
拉 [lā] 1. Pull; drag; tug. 2. Transport using a vehicle. 3. Extend; lengthen. 4. Evacuate waste. 5. Associate; connect. 6. Break; snap. 7. Lead and transfer. 8. Pull a part of a musical instrument to produce sound. 9. Raise children. 10. Help. Examples: 1. Pull a cart. Pull a net. Pull someone down from a position (metaphorically force someone to step down). 2. Transport goods. 3. Extend; stretch. 4. Defecate. 5. Connect; gather a group. 6. Break; collapse (as in "to break dried branches"). 7. Lead troops out. 8. Play the violin. 9. Raise children. 10. If he has difficulties, lend him a hand. 拉 [lā] (动) 1. Break (same meaning). 2. Pull; drag; tug. 3. Strike. 4. Draw in; make connections. 5. Bring up; help. 6. Chat. 7. Stretch or extend. 8. Play a stringed musical instrument. 9. Empty the bowels. 10. Implicate. 11. Owe. Examples: 1. To break something. 2. Pulling hands together as a greeting. 3. Strike someone. 4. Pulling together for illicit purposes. 5. Cares for others; helps. 6. Casual chats about nothing serious. 7. Stretch body parts. 8. Play the cello. 9. To defecate. 10. Involvement in a situation. 11. Owing debts. 拉 [lā] 1. Cut; to make a slit or cut something. 2. Chat casually. Examples: 1. Cut with a knife, leaving a wound on the hand. 2. Chat about daily life. 拉 [lǎ] 1. Refers to parts of items or areas that are divided or separated, commonly used with "half," equivalent to "chunk" or "side." 2. (See also lā; lá) Examples: 1. That section is the steel plant, and this half is the iron plant.
lā gua
(dialect) to chat / to gossip
Sā hā lā
Sǎ hā lā Shā mò
Sahara Desert
Táng gǔ lā shān
Dangla or Tanggula mountain range on the Qinhai-Tibet plateau
kā lā
bā yán kā lā shān
Bayan Har Mountains
Xǐ mǎ lā yǎ shān
Xǐ mǎ lā yǎ
the Himalayas
Bā lā guī
Kǎn pà lā
Kampala, capital of Uganda
kǎn dé lā
candela (unit of luminosity) / standard candle
Kān péi lā
Canberra, capital of Australia
Sī tè lā sī bǎo
Tǎ kè lā mǎ gān Shā mò
Taklamakan Desert, Xinjiang
lā pǔ lā tǎ
La Plata
lā pǔ lā tǎ hé
La plata
tǎ lā
tala / TARA
Nán sī lā fū
Yugoslavia, 1943-1992
bān dá lā nài kè
Ā bā lā qì yà
Appalachian Mountains in North America
lā mǔ
Lamb / rhm / Lahm
Dá lèi sī Sà lā mǔ
Dar es Salaam (former capital of Tanzania)
Wěi nèi ruì lā
lā shǐ
to defecate / to shit / to crap
nà lā
Ā bǔ dù lā
Abdullah (name)
Lā bǔ lèng sì
Labrang monastery, Tibetan: bLa-brang bkra-shis-'khyil, in Xiahe county 夏河縣|夏河县[Xia4 he2 xian4], Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Gansu, formerly Amdo province of Tibet
kǎ lā
kǎ mǐ lā
Wēi dì mǎ lā
Guatemala / see also 瓜地馬拉|瓜地马拉[Gua1 di4 ma3 la1]
Bó lā mǔ sī
Brahms (name) / Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), German romantic composer
láng bó lā bāng
town of luang prabang
Lā zī
Lhazê county, Tibetan: Lha rtse rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet
Mèng jiā lā guó
Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan)
Mèng jiā lā wān
Bay of Bengal
Bù lā gé
Prague, capital of Czech Republic
Xī lā kè
Jacques René Chirac (1932-), president of France 1995-2007
ào pà tè lā
hā lā pà
jiā lā pà gē sī
Yòu fā lā dǐ Hé
Euphrates River
Sū gé lā dǐ
Socrates (469-399 BC), Greek philosopher / José Sócrates (1957-), prime minister of Portugal (2005-2011)
lā kāi
to pull open / to pull apart / to space out / to increase
fú lā
Fra / Frat / Flad
Fú lā jī mǐ ěr
nǔ shā dēng jiā lā
Nusa Tenggara
nǔ sī lā tè
Nusrat / Nosrat
lā lǒng
to rope in / fig. to involve sb / to entice
bā lā
to push lightly / to flick to one side / to get rid of
Mó tuō luó lā
lā che
to drag / to pull / to raise a child (through difficulties) / to help / to support / to drag in / to chat
西 dōng lā xī chě
to talk about this and that (idiom); to ramble incoherently
lā lā chě chě
to tug at / to pull at sb aggressively / to take sb's hand or arm in a too familiar way / (derog.) to hobnob / to consort
shǒu fú tuō lā jī
walking tractor / hand tractor
tuō lā jī
tractor / CL:臺|台[tai2]
Lā sà
Lhasa, capital city of Tibet autonomous region 西藏自治區|西藏自治区
Ōu lā
Leonhard Euler (1707-1783), Swiss mathematician
lā gǔ
Raghu / Lacourt
lā dòng
pull / heave
ā lā
(dialect) my / our / I / we / me / us
tuō tuō lā lā
to procrastinate
bō lā
move / stir
lā pǔ jié fū
lā xuě zī shén fù gōng mù
Father Lachaise Cemetery
lā bǐ lǔ zī
La Perouse
cuī kū lā xiǔ
as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood
西 Xī Sā hā lā
Western Sahara
xié lā qiáo
cable-stayed bridge
Sài lā lì áng
Sierra Leone
Lā pǔ lā sī
Pierre Simon Laplace (1749-1827), French mathematician
lā màn
lā gān
tension bar
Jié lā dé
Gerrard (name)
Jié lā
Gela (city in Sicily)
kè lā
carat (mass) (loanword)
É kè lā hé mǎ
Oklahoma, US state
Bì dá gē lā sī
Fú lā dí wò sī tuō kè
Vladivostok (Russian port city) / Chinese name 海參崴|海参崴
Lán cāng Lā hù zú Zì zhì xiàn
Lancang Lahuzu Autonomous County in Pu'er 普洱[Pu3 er3], Yunnan
Hóng dū lā sī
西 lā xī pǔ
lā wéi niè
Shā tè Ā lā bó
Saudi Arabia
Ā lā bó Bàn dǎo
Arabian Peninsula
Ā lā bó Hǎi
Arabian Sea
lā shēn
to draw / to stretch
pèi tè lā
pèi léi lā
Perrella / Pereira / Perera / Perella
Yī lā kè
mài kè lā lún
tǎ kè lā mǎ gàn
Takla Makan Desert
Kè lā mǎ yī shì
Qaramay shehiri (Karamay city) or Kèlāmǎyī prefecture-level city in Xinjiang
xǐ mǎ lā yǎ
kè lā pò
Ní jiā lā guā
hú zǐ lā chā
wear a stubble of untrimmed beard / with a bristly unshaven chin
fú lā duō
Kǎ lā shí ní kē fū
Kalashnikov (the AK-47 assault rifle)
Mù bā lā kè
Hosni Mubarak (1928-), former Egyptian President and military commander
Mù shā lā fū
Pervez Musharraf (1943-), Pakistani general and politician, president 2001-2008

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Input Method for
Pinyin la1
Four Corner
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