Learn to write the Chinese character "伸" by watching the stroke order animation of "伸".
Stroke by Stroke: 伸 Writing Order
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伸 [shēn]
1. 舒展开 (Stretch; extend)
- 伸直 (stretch straight)
- 伸手 (a. extend one’s hand; b. metaphorically ask others or superiors for something, honor, or care; c. refer to getting involved)
- 伸张 (expand, e.g., "伸张正义" - uphold justice)
2. 姓 (Surname)
本义: 伸直,伸展 (Original meaning: to stretch straight, extend)
造字法: 本作“申”。形声。从人,申声 (Character creation method: originally written as "申". A phonetic compound, combining the character for "person" and the phonetic "申").
同本义 [English: stretch; extend]
- 申理;洗雪 [English: wipe out a disgrace; right a wrong]
- 陈述,表白 [English: state]
引 (References):
1. 《说文》: 伸,不屈也 (Shuōwén: "Shēn" means not to bend).
2. 《广雅》: 伸,展也 (Guangya: "Shēn" means to stretch).
3. 《易·系辞上》: 引而伸之 (Yì, "Tied sayings": to pull and extend it).
4. 《仪礼·士相见礼》: 君子欠伸 (Yí lǐ: "Noble person stretches"). Note: "志倦则见,体倦则伸" (Spirit fatigued shows, body fatigued stretches).
5. 《淮南子·精神》: 熊经鸟伸 (Huáinánzǐ: Bear’s passage, bird stretches). Note: "频伸也" (frequent stretching).
6. 《虞初新志·秋声诗自序》: 便有妇人惊觉欠伸,其夫呓语 (Yú chū xīn zhǐ: A woman wakes up startled stretching, her husband mumbles).
7. 明· 宋濂《送东阳马生序》: 手指不可屈伸 (Ming: Song Lian, "Farewell to Dongyang Ma Sheng": Fingers should not be bent or stretched).
例 (Examples):
- 伸吭 (stretch neck)
- 伸舒 (stretch out; extend)
- 伸不得手 (unable to reach; cannot exert one's skills)
- 伸长倘脚 (dialect: stretch legs out while lying down)
- 伸卷 (roll up and open scrolls)
- 伸屈 (stretch and bend)
- 伸歇 (stretch body to rest)
申理;洗雪 [English: wipe out a disgrace; right a wrong]
引 (References):
1. 《宋史·韩绛传》: 小事尚不伸,况大事乎? (Song History: If small matters aren't addressed, how about big matters?).
例 (Examples):
- 伸雪 (to explain grievances to seek justice)
- 伸诉 (to explain circumstances to superior officials)
陈述,表白 [English: state]
引 (References):
1. 明· 高启《书博鸡者事》: 第为上者不能察,使匹夫攘袂群起以伸其愤 (Ming: Gao Qi, "On the Chicken Keeper": Those above do not see, causing ordinary people to gather and rise to express their indignation).
例 (Examples):
- 伸问 (also written as "申问". To inquire)
- 伸诉 (to explain in detail)
- 伸覆 (to state and report)
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