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身 stroke order animation

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身 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 身
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 身
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Meaning of

Pinyin shēn
body / torso / person / life / status / pregnancy / (a measure word used for clothes) suit
身 [shēn] 名 【本义】:身躯的总称 1. 人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分: body 例如:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。 2. 指人的生命或一生: life 例如:~世。献~。 3. 亲自,本人: oneself; self 例如:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。 4. 统指人的地位、品德: status 例如:出~。~分。~败名裂。 5. 孕,娠: conceive; be pregnant 例如:~孕。 6. 量词,指整套衣服: suit 例如:做了一~儿新衣服。 副 1. 亲身,亲自: personally 例如:身历。 动 1. 怀孕: conceive; be pregnant 例如:身已; 身怀六甲; 身瑞。 2. 体验: learn through practice 例如:尧、舜性之也;汤、武身之也。 3. 担当: take on 例如:中有贤子自为家督。 4. 担任: hold the post of 例如:自奉天入,琯身中军先锋。 量 用于衣服: suit 例如:一身衣服。 引文(如《说文》、文献示例等) 1. 《说文》:身,躬也。象人之形。 2. 《论语·乡党》:必有寝礼,长一身有半。 3. 《诗·秦风·黄鸟》:人百其身。 4. 《礼记·哀公问》:身也者,亲之枝也。 5. 其他引用和例句示例如:身边人,身名俱泰等。 (*引自繁体辞典解释) 参见「身毒」条。
zhōu shēn
whole body
shēn hòu
posthumous / one's social background / behind the body
shēn shòu
experience (personally)
shēn xiàn líng yǔ
thrown into prison / behind bars
sù shēn
body sculpting (weight loss and exercise)
fèn bù gù shēn
to dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety (idiom); undaunted by dangers / regardless of perils
mài shēn qì
an indenture by which one sells oneself or a member of one's family
姿 shēn zī
shēn zi
body / pregnancy / health
jié rán yī shēn
to be all alone in the world
shēn yùn
pregnancy / pregnant
shēn xiān shì zú
to fight at the head of one's troops / (fig.) to take the lead
dān shēn
unmarried / single
gū shēn
alone / lonely
gū shēn yī rén
all on one's own
shī shēn
corpse / remains / dead body
shēn bù yóu jǐ
without the freedom to act independently (idiom); involuntary / not of one's own volition / in spite of oneself
gōng shēn
to bend the body at the waist / to bow
shēn xíng
figure (esp. a woman's)
shēn yǐng
silhouette / figure
shēn hòu
posthumous / one's social background / behind the body
chū shēn
to be born of / to come from / family background / class origin
yǐ shēn zuò zé
to set an example (idiom); to serve as a model
shēn huàn
rě huǒ shāo shēn
stir up the fire and you get burnt (idiom); to get one's fingers burnt / fig. to suffer on account of one's own meddling
tóu shēn
to throw oneself into sth
shēn pī
chōu shēn
to get away from / to withdraw / to free oneself
tǐng shēn ér chū
to step forward bravely
tǐng shēn
to straighten one's back
sōu shēn
to do a body search / to frisk
shēn shǒu bù fán
Extraordinary skill
quán shēn
whole body / em (typography)
shēn jiān
holding two jobs simultaneously
yáo shēn yī biàn
to change shape in a single shake / fig. to take on a new lease of life
cā shēn ér guò
to brush past
cā shēn
shēn páng
beside / at the side / by the side
tì shēn
stand-in / substitute / body double / stuntman / scapegoat / fall guy / to stand in for sb else
běn shēn
itself / in itself / per se
shēn cái
stature / build (height and weight) / figure
qī shēn
to stay at / to live in (temporarily)
qiáo shēn
Bridge body
jiàn shēn
to exercise / to keep fit / to work out / physical exercise
jiàn shēn fáng
gym / gymnasium
shēn xīn jiàn kāng
physical and psychological health / sound in body and mind
zhōng shēn bàn lǚ
life partner / partner for life
cè shēn
(to stand or move) sideways
shēn jià bǎi bèi
have a sudden rise in social status / receive a tremendous boost in one's prestige
qiàn shēn
to half rise out of one's chair (a polite gesture)
yǐ shēn xùn zhí
die at one's post
hún shēn
all over / from head to foot
jié shēn zì hào
clean-living and honest (idiom); to avoid immorality / to shun evil influence / to mind one's own business and keep out of trouble / to keep one's hands clean
hún shēn xiè shù
to give it your all / to go at it with all you've got / to throw your whole weight behind it / also pr. [hun2 shen1 jie3 shu4]
mǎn shēn
covered all over
shēn tǐ
the body / one's health / CL:具[ju4],個|个[ge4] / in person
shēn jià
social status / price of a slave / price of a person (a sportsman etc) / worth / value (of stocks, valuables etc)
shēn fèn
identity / status / capacity / dignity / position / rank
shēn fèn zhèng
identity card / ID
qiān yī fà ér dòng quán shēn
lit. pull one hair and the whole body moves / fig. a slight change will affect everything else / the butterfly effect
shī shēn rén miàn xiàng
xiàn shēn
to commit one's energy to / to devote oneself to / to sacrifice one's life for / (coll.) (of a woman) to give one's virginity to
qiè shēn lì yì
vital interests / immediate interests
fěn shēn suì gǔ
lit. torn body and crushed bones (idiom) / fig. to die horribly / to sacrifice one's life
shā shēn zhī huò
shēn wáng
to die
qīn shēn
personal / oneself
jǐn yǐ shēn miǎn
escape narrowly / escape with one's bare life / escape from being killed
fǔ shēn
to lean over / to bend over / to stoop / to bow
穿 shēn chuān
to wear / wearing (a uniform)
hù shēn fú
amulet / protective talisman / charm
zòng shēn
to leap / to spring / to throw oneself
zhōng shēn
lifelong / all one's life / marriage
chán shēn
(of an illness, debt etc) to plague sb / to preoccupy sb / difficult to get rid of
zhì shēn
to place oneself / to stay
fān shēn
to turn over (when lying) / (fig.) to free oneself / to emancipate oneself / to bring about a change of one's fortunes
shēn tǐ fà fū
Body hair
tuō shēn
to get away / to escape (from obligations) / to free oneself / to disengage
yāo shēn
waistline / waist / girth / waist measurement
shēn shang
on the body / at hand / among
zì shēn
itself / oneself / one's own
shě shēn
to give one's life
zàng shēn
to bury a corpse / to be buried
sǐ wú zàng shēn zhī dì
to die without a burial site / to die a pauper / a tragic end
cáng shēn
to hide / to go into hiding / to take refuge
huáng páo jiā shēn
lit. to take the yellow gown (idiom) / fig. to be made emperor / to take the crown
shēn bài míng liè
to lose one's standing / to have one's reputation swept away / a complete defeat and fall from grace
chì shēn luǒ tǐ
in a state of nature / in one's birthday suit / as naked as when one was born / in the altogether / stark naked
jī shēn
to rise (in society)
gōng shēn
to bow
tiē shēn
worn next to the skin / close-fitting / personal (servant etc)
shú shēn
redeem oneself / buy back one's freedom
qǐ shēn
to get up / to leave / to set forth
shēn biān
at one's side / on hand
yī shēn
whole body / from head to toe / single person / a suit of clothes
zhuǎn shēn
(of a person) to turn round / to face about / (of a widow) to remarry (archaic)
shēn fèn
variant of 身份 / identity / status / capacity / dignity / position / rank
rén shēn
person / personal / human body
gōng shēn xíng lǐ
gōng shēn xià bài
bend the knee in obeisance / bow with the body slightly bent, as a sign of respect

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