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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

加 stroke order animation

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加 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 加
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 加
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Meaning of

Pinyin jiā
to add / plus
加 [jiā] 1. 增多。 [Eng.] Increase; to add. 2. 把本来没有的添上去。 [Eng.] To add something that was not originally there. 3. 把几个数合起来的算法。 [Eng.] A method of combining several numbers; addition. 4. 施以某种动作。 [Eng.] To impose or carry out a certain action. 5. 使程度增高。 [Eng.] To enhance or increase the degree of something. 6. 超过。 [Eng.] To exceed. 7. 姓。 [Eng.] A surname. 1. 增多:增~。追~。~倍。~封。 [Eng.] Increase: to increase, to pursue an increase, times increased, to add an envelope. 2. 把本来没有的添上去:~注解。~冕。 [Eng.] To add something that was not originally there: add annotations, to add a crown. 3. 把几个数合起来的算法:~法。 [Eng.] A method of combining several numbers: addition method. 4. 施以某种动作:~以。不~考虑。 [Eng.] To impose a certain action: to impose, do not consider adding. 5. 使程度增高:~工。~强。~剧。 [Eng.] To increase degree: increase work, increase strength, to intensify. 6. 超过:~人一等(形容学问才能超过常人)。 [Eng.] To exceed: to be superior to others (describing someone whose knowledge and ability surpass the average person). 7. 姓。 [Eng.] A surname. 加 [jiā] (verb) 【本义】: 添枝加叶说假话、虚报 [Eng.] Original meaning: to embellish with lies or false reporting. 【造字法】: 会意。从力,从口。 [Eng.] Character formation: pictophonetic; consists of the radical for strength and mouth. 1. 同本义 [Eng.] Same original meaning: make a false report; slander. 2. 增加 [Eng.] Increase; add. 3. 放在上面,加上 [Eng.] To put on; to add. 4. 施加;强加 [Eng.] To impose; to exert. 5. 参加;加与 [Eng.] To take part in; to join. 6. 凌驾,侵凌 [Eng.] To bully; to override. 副 (adverb) 1. 表示程度,相当于“更加”,“愈加” [Eng.] Indicates degree, equivalent to "even more" or "further". 名 (noun) 1. 益处;好处 [Eng.] Benefit; good. 2. 姓 [Eng.] A surname.
dié jiā
superposition / layering / overlay
lìng jiā
to add to / supplementary
Zhī jiā gē
Chicago, USA
Gē sī dá Lí jiā
Costa Rica
jiā gù
to reinforce (a structure) / to strengthen
Kān chá jiā Bàn dǎo
Kamchatka Peninsula, far-eastern Russia
Kān chá jiā
Kamchatka (peninsula of Russian Pacific)
Sài nèi jiā ěr
è jiā lēi sī jiǎo
Cape Agulhas
biàn běn jiā lì
lit. change to more severe (idiom); to become more intense (esp. of shortcoming) / to aggravate / to intensify
wú zé jiā miǎn
Jiā lè bǐ Hǎi
Caribbean Sea
Jiā lè bǐ
Bù jiā lè sī tè
Bucharest, capital of Romania
Mèng jiā lā guó
Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan)
Mèng jiā lā wān
Bay of Bengal
jiā hài
to injure
Jiā lì fú ní yà
Jiā lì fú ní yà zhōu
xīn jiā pō hǎi xiá
Singapore Strait
jiā lā pà gē sī
tiān jiā jì
additive / food additive
jiā jù
to intensify / to sharpen / to accelerate / to aggravate / to exacerbate / to embitter
jiā qiáng
to reinforce / to strengthen / to increase
zēng jiā
to raise / to increase
gèng jiā
more (than sth else) / even more
jiā gōng
to process / processing / working (of machinery)
jiā kuài
to accelerate / to speed up
jiā sù
to speed up / to expedite
jiā dà
to increase (e.g. one's effort)
tiān jiā
to add / to increase
Jiā ná dà
Canada / Canadian
Xīn jiā pō
jiā zhòng
to make heavier / to emphasize / (of an illness etc) to become more serious / to aggravate (a bad situation) / to increase (a burden, punishment etc)
jiā jǐn
to intensify / to speed up / to step up
zhuī jiā
to add something extra / an additional increment / addendum / to append / an additional posthumous title
jiā rè
to heat
nǔ shā dēng jiā lā
Nusa Tenggara
jiā jìn
to increase efforts / to make extra efforts
yù jiā
all the more / even more / further
jiā rù
to become a member / to join / to mix into / to participate in / to add in
shī jiā
to exert (effort or pressure)
Jiā lǐ màn dān Dǎo
Kalimantan island (Indonesian name for Borneo island)
Wǎ jiā dù gǔ
Ouagadougou, capital of Burkina Faso
jiā liú pào
cān jiā
to participate / to take part / to join
jiā bèi
to double / to redouble
bèi jiā
zēng jiā zhí
value added (accountancy)
jiā qīng
jiā yóu
to add oil / to top up with gas / to refuel / to accelerate / to step on the gas / (fig.) to make an extra effort / to cheer sb on
jiā shēn
to deepen
tiān jiā wù
tiān yóu jiā cù
lit. to add oil and vinegar / fig. adding details while telling a story (to make it more interesting)
jiā yóu tiān jiàng
Cheer up
jiā tiān
augment / add
tiān zhuān jiā wǎ
lit. contribute bricks and tiles for a building (idiom) / fig. to do one's bit to help
jiā yóu tiān cù
to add interest (to a story) / to sex up
tiān zhī jiā yè
embellish a story
jiā miǎn
to crown / coronation
jiā yǐ
in addition / moreover / (used before a disyllabic verb to indicate that the action of the verb is applied to sth or sb previously mentioned) / to apply (restrictions etc) to (sb) / to give (support, consideration etc) to (sth)
Fú ěr jiā Hé
Volga River
jiā bān
to work overtime
Ní jiā lā guā
jiā gài
to seal (with official stamp) / to stamp / fig. to ratify / to put lid on (cooking pot) / to cap / to build an extension or additional storey
jiā méng
to become a member of an alliance or union / to align / to join / participate
qīng lài yǒu jiā
jiā mǎ
to ratchet up / to raise (expectations etc) / to increase (a quota, a position in the market etc) / to up the ante / (computing) to encode
jiā diǎn yán
iodized salt
jiā lún
gallon (loanword)
Yá mǎi jiā
Bǎo jiā lì yà
shāo jiā
Slightly more
jiā zhù
Jiā ěr gè dá
Calcutta (India)
lèi jiā
Jiā nà
jiā móu
albert camus
jiā zhī
moreover / in addition to that
jiā shàng
plus / to put in / to add / to add on / to add into / in addition / on top of that
zhī jiā gē shì
Chicago City
Jiā péng
jiā péng gòng hé guó
Gabonese Republic
huáng páo jiā shēn
lit. to take the yellow gown (idiom) / fig. to be made emperor / to take the crown
Bèi jiā ěr Hú
Lake Baikal
yuè jiā
Mǎ dá jiā sī jiā
Mó jiā dí shā
Mogadishu, Indian ocean seaport and capital of Somalia
jiā sù qì
accelerator (computing) / particle accelerator
Ā lā sī jiā
Alaska, US state
fù jiā
additional / annex
fù jiā fèi
fù jiā zhí
added-value (accountancy)
Yǎ jiā dá
Jakarta, capital of Indonesia
xuě shàng jiā shuāng
to add hail to snow (idiom); one disaster on top of another / to make things worse in a bad situation
jiā biān
kuài mǎ jiā biān
to spur the horse to full speed (idiom) / to go as fast as possible
lā sī wéi jiā sī
Las Vegas

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Pinyin jia1
Four Corner
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