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勉 stroke order animation

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勉 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 勉
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 勉
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Meaning of

Pinyin miǎn
勉 [miǎn] 1. 力量不够而尽力做。 (To do something with insufficient strength; to exert oneself despite limitations.) 2. 劝人努力,鼓励。 (To advise or encourage others to work hard.) 3. 努力。 (To make efforts; to strive.) 4. 通“免”。除去,脱掉。 (To get rid of; to remove.) 【本义】: 力所不及而强作 (Original meaning: To force oneself to do what one cannot.) 【造字法】: 形声。从力,免声。 (Character formation: Phono-semantic; consists of the component for strength and a phonetic component.) 同本义 ([En.] force sb. to do sth.) 尽力,用尽所有力量 ([En.] make great efforts; do all one can) 勉励,鼓励 ([En.] encourage; exhort) 通“免”。除去,脱掉 ([En.] get rid of) 【引】 1. 《说文》:勉,彊也。 (Shuowen: 勉 means to strive.) 2. 《论语·子罕》:丧事不敢不勉。 (Analects: One must exert oneself in matters of mourning.) 3. 《楚辞·离骚》:曰勉升降以上下兮。 (Chuci: Mentioned striving amidst ups and downs.) 4. 《荀子·天论》:勉力不时。 (Xunzi: Efforts made without timely action.) 【例】 又如: 勉意(勉强; 勉为其难) (For instance, 勉意 means to do something reluctantly.) 【引】 1. 《左传·昭公二十年》:尔其勉之。 注:“谓努力。” (Zuo Zhuan: You should strive for it; meaning to work hard.) 2. 《韩非子·外储说左下》:愿子勉为寡人治之。 (Han Feizi: I hope you will try to manage for me.) 3. 《史记·魏公子列传》:公子勉之矣,老臣不能从。 (Shiji: The prince tried, but the old minister could not follow.) 4. 《论衡》:知力耕可以得谷,勉贸可以得货。 (Lunheng: Knowing that hard work can yield grain, striving in trade can earn goods.) 【例】 又如: 勉勉(努力的样子); 勉旃(努力); 勉农(努力从事农务); 勉厉(努力) (For instance, 勉勉 means a show of effort; 勉旃 means to strive; 勉农 means to work hard in agriculture; 勉厉 means to make efforts.) 【引】 1. 《商君书·垦令》:国安不殆,勉农而不偷。 (Shangjun Shu: When the country is safe, encourage farming without stealing.) 2. 《国语·越语》:父勉其子,兄勉其弟,妇勉其夫。 (Guoyu: Fathers encourage their sons, brothers encourage their younger brothers, and wives encourage their husbands.) 3. 《管子》:不加勉,而民自尽竭。 (Guanzi: Without encouragement, the people will exhaust themselves.) 【例】 又如: 勉学; 勉勖(勉励); 勉劳(勉励慰劳); 勉厉(劝勉鼓励); 勉慰(勉励安慰); 勉喻,勉谕(晓谕,劝说) (For instance, 勉学 means to study diligently; 勉勖 means to encourage; 勉劳 means to encourage and reassure; 勉厉 means to urge and encourage; 勉慰 means to encourage and comfort; 勉喻, 勉谕 means to persuade or explain subtly.) 【引】 1. 《国语·晋语八》:乃厚其外交而勉之。 (Guoyu: Then strengthen external relations and strive for it.) 2. 《大戴礼·曾子立事篇》:七十而无德,虽有微过,亦可以勉矣。 (Daxing Li: At seventy without virtue, even with slight faults, one can still strive.)
miǎn lì
to strive / to make an effort / to exert oneself
qín miǎn
diligence / diligent / industrious
miǎn wéi qí nán
to tackle a difficult job (idiom) / to do sth reluctantly
gòng miǎn
mutual encouragement
zì miǎn
to encourage oneself
jiè miǎn
miǎn miǎn qiǎng qiǎng
to achieve with difficulty / only just up to the task / barely adequate
wèi miǎn
wú zé jiā miǎn
quàn miǎn
to advise / to encourage
miǎn lì
to encourage
miǎn qiǎng
to do with difficulty / to force sb to do sth / reluctant / barely enough

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