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鞭 stroke order animation

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鞭 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 鞭
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 鞭
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Meaning of

Pinyin biān
a whip or lash / to flog / slash or whip
鞭 [biān] 名 1. 驱使牲畜的用具,柔软像绳子。 A tool used to drive livestock, soft like a rope. 2. 用鞭子抽打。 To whip. 3. 形状细长类似鞭子的东西。 An object that is long and slender, resembling a whip. 4. 一种古代兵器,铁制有节,无锋刃。 An ancient weapon made of iron, segmented and without a sharp blade. 5. 编连成串的爆竹。 Firecrackers strung together. --- 鞭 [biān] 动 1. 打马。泛指鞭打。 To whip a horse; generally refers to whipping. 2. 古刑名。鞭笞罪人的刑罚。 An ancient legal term referring to the punishment of lashing a criminal. --- 引 1. 《说文》:鞭,驱也。 "Shuōwén": Whip, to drive. 2. 《国语·晋语》:其左执鞭弭。 "Guóyǔ": The one on the left holds the whip. 3. 《左传·宣公十五年》:虽鞭之长,不及马腹。 "Zuo Zhuan": Even if the whip is long, it cannot reach the horse's belly. 4. 《乐府诗集·木兰诗》:北市买长鞭。 "Yuefu Shij i": In the northern market, buy a long whip. 5. 唐·李白《赠友人》:骏马不劳鞭。 Tang Dynasty - Li Bai, "To a Friend": Fine horses do not require the whip. --- 例 比如:鞭影(马鞭的影子,后来比喻警戒策勉);鞭镫(马鞭与马镫);鞭弭(马鞭和弓)。 Examples: Whip shadow (the shadow of a riding whip, later used metaphorically for vigilance); whip stirrup (whip and stirrup); whip bow (whip and bow). --- 鞭 [biān] 名 1. 同本义(皮制的马鞭)。 Same original meaning (a leather-thonged whip) - generally refers to a whip. 2. 竹根。 The root of bamboo. 3. 形状细长类似鞭子的东西(指教鞭)。 An object that is long and slender, resembling a whip (referring to a pointer). 4. 古代一种兵器。 An ancient type of weapon. --- 例 例如:鞭笋(植物名,指竹子的根茎生长于地下); 鞭茁(初生的鞭笋)。 For example: whip bamboo shoots (plant name referring to the underground growth of bamboo's root stem); whip sprout (newly sprouted bamboo shoots). --- 鞭 [biān] 动 1. 打马,泛指鞭打。 To whip a horse; generally refers to whipping. 2. 古刑名。鞭笞罪人的刑罚。 An ancient legal term for the punishment of lashing a criminal. --- 例 例如:鞭牛(鞭打春牛以示迎春);鞭石(用鞭击石);鞭草(以鞭击草);鞭楚(用黄荆木条鞭打人)。 For example: whip the spring ox (whipping an ox to signify the arrival of spring); whip stone (to strike a stone with a whip); whip grass (to strike grass with a whip); whip Chu (to whip a person with a yellow cedar stick).
biān tà
to lash / to castigate
biān máo
biān pào
firecrackers / string of small firecrackers / CL:枚[mei2]
biān hén
welt / whip scar / lash mark
biān chī
to flog / to lash / to whip / to urge or goad along
biān cè
to spur on / to urge on / to encourage sb (e.g. to make progress)
biān pì rù lǐ
penetrated / trenchant / incisive
gāng biān
mace (weapon)
biān zi
whip / CL:根[gen1]
biān dǎ
to whip / to lash / to flog / to thrash
jiā biān
zhǎng biān
Long whip
biān pào shēng
sound of firecrackers
biān cháng mò jí
lit. the whip cannot reach (idiom); beyond one's influence / too far to be able to help
kuài mǎ jiā biān
to spur the horse to full speed (idiom) / to go as fast as possible
biān máo chóng
flagellate / mastigot
mǎ biān zi
Horse whip
tiě biān
Iron whip
jiào biān
teacher's pointer
kuài mǎ yī biān
Hurry up
zhí biān

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Pinyin bian1
Four Corner
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