Learn to write the Chinese character "丹" by watching the stroke order animation of "丹".
Stroke by Stroke: 丹 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '丹' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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丹 [dān]
1. 红色 (red)
- 例: 丹砂 (cinnabar)
- 例: 丹桂 (an ornamental plant with orange-red flowers)
- 例: 丹心碧血 (sincere loyalty, precious blood)
- 例: 丹青 (a term for traditional Chinese blue and red pigment)
2. 依成方制成的颗粒状或粉末状的中药 (pellet or powder made from traditional Chinese medicine)
- 例: 丸散膏丹 (traditional Chinese medicine in pellet or powder form)
3. 姓 (surname)
1. 《说文》: 丹,巴越之赤石也。象采丹井。 (Cinnabar is the red stone from the Ba and Yue regions, resembling a cinnabar mining pit.)
2. 《书·禹贡》: 砺砥砮丹。
3. 《山海经·大荒北经》: 有始州之国,有丹山。
4. 《荀子·正论》: 加之以丹矸。
5. 《史记·陈涉世家》: 乃丹书帛曰“陈胜王”,置入所罾鱼腹中。
- 又如: 丹矸 (cinnabar); 丹砂 (a kind of red mineral, also called “cinnabar”); 丹砾 (mineral cinnabar, can be used for medicinal purposes); 丹铅 (cinnabar and lead powder, tools used by ancient scholars for textual criticism)
2. 道家炼制的所谓长生不老药。又称丹头;丹液 (the so-called elixirs of immortality in Taoism; also called "pills of immortality").
- 例: 炼丹 (refining pills); 丹剂 (elixir, pill made from special ingredients)
3. 古代用作染色的颜料 (ancient dye pigments).
- 引: 《仪礼·乡射礼记》: 凡画者丹质。
4. 指南方 (refers to the south).
- 例: 丹山 (mountains in the southern region).
5. 帝王的,帝王居住的 (imperial, relating to the emperor).
- 例: 丹诏 (imperial edict); 丹跸 (the imperial carriage); 丹书铁券 (edict allowing nobles to pass down privileges for generations).
6. 依成方制成的颗粒状或粉末状的中成药 (pellet; powder).
- 引: 山海丹, 灵丹妙药 (mythical pills promising miraculous cures).
1. 红色,赤色 (red, crimson)
- 引: 《周礼·考工记》: 染羽以朱湛丹秫。
- 例: 丹秫 (red sorghum); 丹陛云墀 (carved red steps); 丹阙 (red royal towers); 丹毫 (red lettered pen).
2. 赤诚 (sincere, whole-hearted).
- 例: 丹悃 (sincerity); 丹诚 (whole-heartedness).
3. 炼丹的 (relating to the making of pills of immortality).
- 例: 丹鼎 (Taoist term for a type of pill-making vessel); 丹丘 (mythical realm of immortals).
1. 涂染成红色 (to dye or redden).
- 引: 《新唐书》: 杀卒四万,血丹野。
- 例: 丹野 (red wilderness).
Qidan or Khitan, ethnic group in ancient China, a branch of the Eastern Hu people inhabiting the valley of the Xar Murun River in the upper reaches of the Liao River 遼河|辽河[Liao2 He2]
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