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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

劲 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

劲 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 劲
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 劲
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Meaning of

Pinyin jìn、 jìng
strength, stalwart / sturdy
劲 jìn Noun 1. 力量,力气 (Strength; energy) Examples: - 劲兵 (elite troops) - 牛劲儿 (great strength) - 加劲 (increase strength) - 用劲 (exert force) - 带劲 (powerful) - 脚劲 (leg power) 2. 精神; 情绪 (Spirit; vigor; drive; zeal) Examples: - 上劲 (spirited; highly motivated) - 起劲 (highly spirited) - 干得非常起劲 (doing it with great spirit) - 他们真有这股劲儿 (they really have that drive) - 要鼓实劲,不要鼓虚劲 (encourage real strength, not empty motivation) 3. 神情; 态度 (Air; manner; expression) Examples: - 他们都显出高兴劲 (they all show a happy demeanor) - 骄傲劲儿 (proud attitude) - 精明劲儿 (shrewd manner) - 别扭劲儿 (awkward expression) 4. 趣味; 兴趣 (Interest; relish; gusto; mood) Examples: - 打扑克没劲 (playing poker is dull) - 他们两不对劲 (they are not compatible) 5. 指某种程度,限度 (Refers to a certain degree, limit) Examples: - 熟过了劲 (overcooked) - 白劲儿 (pale) - 香劲儿 (fragrance) - 够劲儿 (sufficient power) 6. 另见 jìng (Also see jìng) 劲 jìng Noun 1. 坚强有力 (Strong and forceful) Examples: - 劲敌 (formidable enemy) - 劲旅 (strong army) - 劲拔 (powerful) - 劲悍 (ferocious) - 劲挺 (sturdy) - 劲秀 (graceful) - 劲直 (straight) - 劲松 (firm and relaxed) - 强劲 (strong) - 刚劲 (sturdy and strong) - 疾风知劲草 (strong winds test the strength of the grass) 劲 jìng Adjective 1. 同本义 (Same as the original meaning) (Strong) 2. 笔法遒劲 (Brush strokes are vigorous) 3. 猛烈; 风势强劲 (Violent; powerful winds) 4. 坚固; 坚硬 (Firm; hard) 5. 强壮,对疾病或恶劣天气有抵抗力 (Sturdy; resilient to sickness or harsh conditions) 6. 坚强; 刚强 (Tenacious; tough) 劲 jìng Noun 精锐部队 (Crack troops) 劲 jìng Verb 1. 加强 (Strengthen) 2. 另见 jìn (Also see jìn)
jìn lì
force / strength
qiáng jìng
strong / powerful / robust
jìn r
erhua variant of 勁|劲[jin4]
jìng dí
formidable opponent
jìng fēng
strong wind / gale
hòu jìn
aftereffect / delayed effect / gather more and more momentum
yī gè jìn r
erhua variant of 一個勁|一个劲[yi1 ge4 jin4]
jìng lǚ
strong contingent / elite squad
jìn tóu
enthusiasm / zeal / vigor / strength
fèi jìn
to require effort / strenuous
jiā jìn
to increase efforts / to make extra efforts
qǐ jìn
vigorously / energetically / enthusiastically
yí gè jìn de
Keep on
cāng jìn
bold / upright and strong / vigorous / forceful (brush strokes) / sureness of touch
gàn jìn
enthusiasm for doing sth
qiú jìng
powerful / vigorous
jiào jìn
to match one's strength with / to compete / more competitive / to set oneself against sb / disobliging / to make a special effort
shǒu jìn
strength of the hand
jìng shè
power shot (e.g. in soccer)
gāng jìng
bold / vigorous
pīn jìn
fighting spirit / entrepreneurship / combatant spirit / Tough Enough
shǎ jìn er
foolishness / stupidity
使 shǐ jìn
to exert all one's strength
hěn jìn
to exert all one's force / all-out effort / CL:股[gu3]
mán jìn
Pretty vigorous
jiào jìn r
erhua variant of 較勁|较劲[jiao4 jin4]
cù jìn
jealousy (in love)
chuǎng jìn
dash / the spirit of a pathbreaker / pioneering spirit / daring spirit
rèn jìn

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Input Method for
Pinyin jin4
Four Corner
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