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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

晋 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

晋 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 晋
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 晋
Download the worksheet in PNG format

Meaning of

Pinyin jìn
name of a dynasty
晋 jìn [动] 【本义】: 上进 【造字法】: 会意。小篆字形,从日。指追着太阳一直前进。 1. 进 (enter) 2. 晋升。提高地位、级别或荣誉 (promote) 3. 低,俯 (low) 4. 授予,尤指在公共典礼中授予(如学位或贵族称号) (confer) 5. 晋见,正式地会见,拜访 (call on) 晋 jìn [名] 1. 周代诸侯国名 (Jin state)。周成王封弟叔虞于唐,叔虞子燮父改国号为晋,春秋时居有今山西省大部与河北省西南地区,地跨黄河两岸。后被其大夫韩、赵、魏所分而亡。 晋师三豕过河。 晋师己亥涉河。 2. 朝代名 (Jin Dynasty) 3. 司马炎代魏称帝,国号晋,都洛阳,史称西晋 (公元265—316年),共四帝,为前赵所灭。 4. 司马睿即位建康,保有江南之地,史称东晋 (公元317—420年),共十一帝,为刘裕所取代。 5. 五代时,石敬瑭灭后唐称帝,国号晋,都洛阳,史称后晋 (公元936—946年)。 6. 山西省的简称 (Shanxi province)。 7. 水名 (Jin River)。源出山西省太原市西南悬瓮山,分北、中、南三渠,东流入汾河。
西 Xī Jìn
Western Jin dynasty (265-316)
jìn jì yù
Jin Jiyu
Jìn Chá Jì
Shanxi 山西, Chahar 察哈爾|察哈尔 and Hebei 河北 (three provinces of the Republic of China in the period 1912-1936)
jìn chá jì biān qū
the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border area
Dōng Jìn
Eastern Jin dynasty 317-420
jìn guó
Kingdom Jin
liǎng jìn
Two Jin
Jìn dài
Jin Dynasty (265-420)
Hòu Jìn
Later Jin of the Five Dynasties (936-946)
jìn wáng
King Jin
Jìn chéng
Jincheng prefecture-level city in Shanxi 山西
Jìn jiāng
Jinjiang county level city in Quanzhou 泉州[Quan2 zhou1], Fujian
西 jìn xī běi
Northwest Shanxi
Jìn zhōng
Jinzhong prefecture-level city in Shanxi 山西
jìn dōng nán
southeastern Shanxi
qín jìn
Qin Jin
Jìn cháo
Jin Dynasty (265-420)
bái jìn
Bai Jin
Jìn zhōu
Jinzhou county-level city in Hebei / Jin Prefecture, established under the Northern Wei dynasty, centered on present-day Linfen 臨汾市|临汾市[Lin2 fen2 shi4] in Shanxi
jìn jì lǔ yù
Jinji Luyu
jìn suí biān qū
Jinsui Border District

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Input Method for
Pinyin jin4
Four Corner
Stroke Number Category
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