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昏 stroke order animation

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Meaning of

Pinyin hūn
muddle-headed / twilight / to faint / to lose consciousness
昏 hūn 1. 天刚黑的时候。 The time when it is just getting dark. 2. 暗而无光。 Dark and without light. 3. 惑乱。 Confusion. 4. 神智不清楚或失去知觉。 A state of unclear consciousness or loss of perception. 5. 古同“婚”,婚姻。 An ancient term meaning "marriage". 1. 天刚黑的时候:黄昏。 The time when it is just getting dark: twilight. ~晓(朝夕。亦指明暗)。 Morning and evening, also refers to light and dark. ~定晨省(人子侍奉父母的日常礼节,晚上服侍就寝,早上省视问安)。 A common etiquette where children serve their parents in the evening and pay respects in the morning. 2. 暗而无光:昏暗。 Dark and without light: dim. ~黑。 Extremely dark. 3. 惑乱:昏愦。 Confusion: muddled. ~聩。 Muddled and confused. ~庸。 Ignorance. 4. 神智不清楚或失去知觉:发昏。 Clear state of consciousness: to faint. ~厥(亦称“晕厥”)。 Also referred to as "syncope". ~乱。 Disordered. 5. 古同“婚”,婚姻。 An ancient term meaning "marriage". 【名】 1. 本义:黄昏 Original meaning: twilight. 2. 造字法:会意。从日,从氐省。“氐”是下的意思。合起来表示日已下沉。 Etymology: A compound character combining "sun" and "dǐ", which means "down". Together, they indicate the setting of the sun. 【引】 1. 《说文》:昏,日冥也。 From "Shuō Wén": "hūn" is when the sun has set. 2. 《淮南子·天文训》:日至于虞渊,是为黄昏。 From "Huáinánzi": When the sun sets into the abyss, this is called twilight. 3. 《诗·陈风·东门之杨》:昏以为期。 From "Shījīng": Meet at dusk. 4. 《楚辞·思美人》:与曛黄以为期。 From "Chǔ Cí": Meet at dusk. 5. 吴均《与朱元思书》:在昼犹昏。 From Wú Jūn: Still dark in daylight. 6. 明· 刘基《诚意伯刘文成公文集》:昏晨之往来。 From Liú Jī: The coming and going of twilight and dawn. 7. 清· 袁枚《祭妹文》:风雨晨昏。 From Yuán Méi: Winds and rain at dawn and dusk. 【例】 又如:昏旦(黄昏和早上);昏晚(天刚黑);昏黄(暮色,天色暗淡) For example: dusk and dawn; just after dark; twilight (dark and gloomy). 【形】 1. 引申为昏暗;无光 ([En.] dusky;dark) Referring to dimness and lack of light. 【引】 1. 杜甫《茅屋为秋风所破歌》:秋天漠漠向昏黑。 From Dù Fǔ: Autumn is bleak and heading to darkness. 2. 明· 归有光《项脊轩志》:过午已昏。 From Guī Yǒu Guāng: It is dark after noon. 【例】 又如:昏邓(昏暗的样子);昏邓邓(昏澄澄、昏昏瞪瞪。形容昏暗);昏曚(昏暗模糊);昏昏(昏暗;阴暗) For example: dimness; a state of dimness; twilight; gloomy. 2. 目不明;昏花 ([En.] dim-sighted) Referring to dim vision. 【例】 如:昏困(昏倦。头脑昏沉,精神倦怠);昏坎(昏花,模糊);昏腾(头昏眼花或头脑晕转) For example: drowsiness; dim vision; dizziness. 3. 昏聩;糊涂 ([En.] muddled;confused;dateless) Referring to confusion or muddled thoughts. 【引】 1. 《书·大禹漠》:昏迷不恭。 From "Shū": Muddled and disrespectful. 2. 《老子》:我独若昏。 From "Laozi": I am alone and confused. 3. 《庄子·在宥》:远我昏乎? From "Zhuāngzi": Have you distanced me in confusion? 4. 《楚辞·天问》:昏微遵迹。 From "Chǔ Cí": Faintly following traces in confusion. 5. 《吕氏春秋·有度》:不昏乎其所已知,而昏乎其所未知。 From "Lǚ Shì Chūnqiū": One is not confused about what is known but is confused about what is unknown. 6. 《楚辞·屈原·涉江》:重昏而终身。 From "Chǔ Cí": Confused for a lifetime. 7. 南朝梁· 丘迟《与陈伯之书》:伪孽昏狡。 From Qiū Chí: Deceptive and sly. 8. 唐· 柳宗元《柳河东集》:以昏气出之。 From Liú Zōngyuán: Leaving it out in confusion. 9. 宋· 王安石《游褒禅山记》:幽暗昏惑。 From Wáng Ānshí: Dark and confusing. 【例】 又如:昏眊(糊涂而年老);昏耄(年老胡涂);昏瞀(神志不清;缺乏分辨能力);昏愚(糊涂而愚蠢) For example: confused and old; muddled with age; unclear consciousness; foolishly muddled. 4. 世道混乱、黑暗 ([En.] confusion;chaos) Referring to a state of chaos and darkness in society. 【引】 1. 《诗·大雅·召》:昏椓靡共。 From "Shījīng": The world is in chaos. 【例】 又如:昏世(黑暗腐败的时代);昏敝(政治黑暗腐败) For example: a dark and corrupt era; a politically dark and corrupt condition. 5. 斑驳难辨 ([En.] variegated) Referring to something patchily indistinct. 【引】 1. 《水浒传》:看那山门时,上有一面朱红牌额,内有四个金个,都昏了,写着“瓦罐之寺”。 From "Shuǐhǔ Zhuàn": A red plaque is at the mountain gate, with four golden characters, all variegated, reading "Temple of Pottery". 【动】 1. 昏迷;失去知觉 ([En.] swoon;lose consciousness;faint) Referring to fainting. 【引】 1. 《儒林外史》:昏到于地。 From "Rúlín Wàishǐ": Fainted to the ground. 【例】 又如:昏晕(昏迷) For example: fainting. 2. 因为古代婚礼是在傍晚举行,故引申为婚礼 ([En.] marriage) Derived from the fact that ancient weddings were held at dusk, thus referred to as marriage. 【引】 1. 《诗·邶风·谷风》:宴尔新昏。 From "Shījīng": Feast at your new marriage. 2. 《诗·小雅·我行其野》:昏姻之故。 From "Shījīng": Due to marriage. 3. 《礼记·昏义》:昏礼者,将合姓之好,以事宗庙,而下以继后世也。 From "Lǐjì": The marriage ceremony is for combining families to serve the ancestral temple and continue future generations. 4. 《左传·隐公十一年》:如旧昏媾。 From "Zuo Zhuan": Similar to past marriage contracts. 5. 《左传·昭公二十五年》:为父子,兄弟,姑姊,甥舅,昏媾,姻亚。注:“妻父曰昏。” From "Zuo Zhuan": Relationships between fathers and sons, brothers, aunts and nephews are considered marriages. Note: "father-in-law is called 'hūn'." 【例】 又如:昏姻(婚姻);昏第(古代行冠礼、婚礼的地方。又作婚第);昏媾(婚姻,结亲) For example: marriage; the place for ancient wedding ceremonies; marriage. 3. 惑乱;迷惑 ([En.] puzzle;confuse) Referring to confusion and puzzlement. 【引】 1. 《书·皋陶谟》:下民昏垫。 From "Shū": The commoners are confounded. 2. 《左传·昭公十九年》:寡君之二三臣札瘥天昏。 From "Zuo Zhuan": Even the few ministers are confused. 3. 《国语·晋语》:君子失心,鲜不夭昏。 From "Guóyǔ": A gentleman losing his mind rarely escapes chaos. 4. 《诗·大雅·召》:蟊贼内讧,昏椓靡共。 From "Shījīng": Intruders cause internal strife, leading to confusion. 5. 《吕氏春秋·诬徒》:昏于小利。 From "Lǚ Shì Chūnqiū": Misled by small gains. 6. 《吕氏春秋·贵直》:先生之老与昏与? From "Lǚ Shì Chūnqiū": Is the elder man confused? 7. 《国语·晋语四》:僮昏不可使谋。 From "Guóyǔ": Young slaves shouldn't be allowed to plan. 4. 出生后尚未命名而死,夭折,早死 ([En.] die young). Referring to dying young without having been named. 【例】 如:昏札(夭亡,夭折) For example: early death.
xià hūn
to faint from fear / to be frightened into fits / shell-shocked
hūn jūn
incapable ruler
hūn jué
to faint
hūn yōng
hūn kuì
huáng hūn
dusk / evening / nightfall
hūn mí
to lose consciousness / to be in a coma / stupor / coma / stunned / disoriented
hūn àn
hūn huáng
dim / pale yellow / faint
hūn hūn chén chén
hūn yūn
fainting / swoon / faint
hūn shuì
sleep / drowse when unconscious / lethargic sleep / lethargy
hūn dǎo
to faint
hūn mí bù xǐng
to remain unconscious
hūn hēi
dark / dusky
hūn hūn yù shuì
drowsy / sleepy (idiom)
tóu hūn
dizzy / giddy / one's head spins
hūn tiān hēi dì
lit. dark sky and black earth (idiom) / fig. pitch dark / to black out / disorderly / troubled times
tiān hūn dì àn
a murky sky over a dark earth / dark all round / gloomy above and dark below
chén hūn
morning and twilight / day and night
tóu hūn nǎo zhàng
giddy / one's head spins
hūn sǐ
faint / fall into a coma
hūn mèi
tóu hūn mù xuàn
(idiom) dazed / dizzy
hūn xuàn
dizzy / giddy
hūn kuì

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