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魂 stroke order animation

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魂 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 魂
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 魂
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Meaning of

Pinyin hún
魂 [hún] (名) 1. The entity that superstitious people believe resides in the human body, governing a person, and can exist independently outside the physical body: soul, spirit. Examples: 魂灵 (soul), 鬼魂 (ghost), 魂不附体 (the soul is not attached to the body). 2. Refers to spirit or emotions: - 魂飞魄散 (to be extremely frightened). - 魂不守舍 (the soul is not at peace). 【本义】: Soul, a spirit imagined by ancient people that can exist outside of the human body. 【造字法】: Phonetic compound, from 鬼 (ghost) and 云声 (sound of the clouds). 【释义】: 1. Same as the original meaning ([En.] soul). 2. Spirit, mood ([En.] spirit; mood). 3. The lofty spirit of a nation or ethnicity ([En.] the lofty spirit of a nation). 【引证】: 1. “魂,阳气也。” (Shuowen Jiezi) 2. “人生化为魄,既生魄,阳曰魂。” (Zuo Zhuan) 3. “聊乐我魂。” (Han Shi) 4. “魂者,精气也。” (Lunheng) 5. “精气为物,游魂为变。” (Yi Jing) 6. “随神而来往者谓之魂。” (Ling Shu Jing) 7. “魂去尸长留。” (Yutai Xinyong) 8. “魂悸以魄动。” (Li Bai) 【例】: - 魂识 (mind; soul); 魂气 (spirit); 魂骸 (the soul and body of the deceased); 魂质 (the spirit and the physical). 2. Spirit or mood ([En.] spirit; mood). Examples: 断魂 (heartbroken); 梦魂萦绕 (haunted by dreams); 神魂颠倒 (in a trance); 魂交 (spiritual resonance and union); 魂鉴 (mental clarity). It generally refers to the spirit of all things. Examples: 花魂 (spirit of flowers); 诗魂 (spirit of poetry); 柳魂 (spirit of willows). 3. The lofty spirit of a nation or ethnicity ([En.] the lofty spirit of a nation). Examples: 民族魂 (national spirit); 国魂 (soul of the country).
gōu hún
do execution / erotic / captivate somebody's soul-enchant
jiè shī huán hún
lit. reincarnated in sb else's body (idiom); fig. a discarded or discredited idea returns in another guise
yuān hún
ghost of one who died unjustly / departed spirit demanding vengeance for grievances
hún xī guī lái
May the spirit of the deceased come back to us!
líng hún
soul / spirit
hún qiān mèng yíng
to miss / to yearn day and night
hún qiān mèng rào
to be captivated / to wonder / enchanting
hún bù fù tǐ
lit. body and soul separated (idiom); fig. scared out of one's wits / beside oneself
shén hún diān dǎo
lit. spirit and soul upside down (idiom); infatuated and head over heels in love / fascinated / captivated
guǐ hún
jīng hún
spirit / soul
hún fēi pò sàn
lit. the soul flies away and scatters (idiom) / fig. to be frightened stiff / spooked out of one's mind / terror-stricken
hún pò
shī hún luò pò
dazed / beside oneself (idiom)
zhāo hún
call back the spirit of the dead
jīng hún
in a panicked state / frightened
hún fēi tiān wài
One's soul flew beyond the skies / be frightened to death
jīng hún wèi dìng
be still suffering from the shock / have hardly recovered from a recent shock / not yet recovered from a fright / still badly shaken
xiāo hún
ecstasy / rapture / to feel overwhelming joy or sorrow
yīn hún bù sàn
lit. the soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed (idiom) / fig. the influence still lingers on / the spirit (of some doctrine) is still alive
hún líng
soul / mind / idea
shén hún
mind / state of mind (often abnormal)
yīn hún
ghost / spirit
wáng hún
soul of the deceased / departed spirit
mí hún
to bewitch / to enchant / to cast a spell over sb
sàng hún luò pò
scared out of one's wits (idiom); in a panic
sàng hún shī pò
distraught / dazed
pò sàn hún fēi
be frightened out of one's wits
gōu hún shè pò
summon spirits / have the power to make men crazy

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Input Method for
Pinyin hun2
Four Corner
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