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鬼 stroke order animation

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鬼 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 鬼
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 鬼
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Meaning of

Pinyin guǐ
ghost / sly / crafty
鬼 [guǐ] 名词 1. 某些宗教或迷信的人所说的人死后的灵魂:鬼魂。鬼魅。鬼蜮(1. 鬼怪;2. 阴险害人的)。 (Certain religions or superstitious people refer to the soul of a person after death as a ghost: ghost soul; ghostly entity; a demon (1. monster; 2. insidious and harmful).) 2. 阴险,不光明:鬼话。鬼黠。鬼胎。 (Insidious, not upright: devilish words; deceitful; evil nature.) 3. 对人的蔑称或憎称:酒鬼。烟鬼。鬼子。吝啬鬼。 (A derogatory or contemptuous term for a person: drunkard; smoker; miser; stingy person.) 4. 恶劣,糟糕(限做定语):鬼天气。 (Bad, awful (limited to attributive use): terrible weather.) 5. 机灵,敏慧(多指小孩子):鬼精灵。 (Clever, intelligent (often referring to children): clever child.) 6. 表示爱昵的称呼:小鬼。机灵鬼。 (A term of endearment: little ghost; clever little one.) 7. 星名,二十八宿之一。 (A star name, one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions.) 引: 1. 《说文》:鬼,人所归为鬼。 (Shuōwén: Ghost refers to what a person becomes after death.) 2. 《礼记·祭义》:众生必死,死必归士,此之谓鬼。 (Lǐjì: All beings must die, and when dead, they must return to the earth; this is called a ghost.) 3. 《易·睽》:载鬼一车。 (Yìjīng: A cart carries ghosts.) 4. 《诗·小雅·何人斯》:为鬼为蜮。 (Shījīng: To become a ghost or a demon.) 5. 《淮南子·本经》:苍颉作书鬼夜哭。 (Huáinánzǐ: Cangjie wrote the book, and the ghosts cried at night.) 6. 《楚辞·屈原·国殇》:身既死兮神以灵,子魂魄兮为鬼雄。 (Chǔcí: When the body dies, the spirit becomes a ghostly hero.) 7. 林觉民《与妻书》:吾作此书时,尚是世中一人;汝看此书时,吾已成为阴间一鬼。 (Línjuémín: When I wrote this letter, I was still a living person; when you read this letter, I will have become a ghost in the underworld.) 例: 鬼伯(鬼王);鬼雄(鬼中的强者);鬼物(鬼怪,鬼魅。有别于生人,故称鬼物);鬼教(说阴间鬼神之事)。 (Ghost elder (king of ghosts); ghost hero (strong one among ghosts); ghostly entities (monsters, specters. Distinct from living beings, hence called ghostly entities); ghostly teachings (talks of spirits in the underworld).) 形容词 1. 隐密不测 ([En.] secret; stealthy; surreptitious) (Secretive and inscrutable.) 引: 1. 《韩非子·八经》:故明主之行制也天,其用人也鬼。 (Hánfēizǐ: Thus, the actions of enlightened rulers are celestial, while their uses of people are as stealthy as ghosts.) 例: 鬼促促(鬼鬼祟祟);鬼诨(应酬;应付);鬼慌(暗里着急;心慌)。 (Secretive actions; elusive replies; secretly anxious; uneasy.) 2. 慧黠,机警 ([En.] clever; smart; exquisite; strange and changeful) (Clever, intelligent, exquisite, strange and changeable.) 引: 1. 这孩子真鬼。 (This child is really clever.) 例: 鬼工(形容制作的精巧,非人力所能及);鬼才(才情怪谲,资质出众的人);鬼幻(似鬼神般变化莫测);鬼出电入(比喻出没迅速而难测)。 (Exquisite craftsmanship; extraordinary talent (an exceptionally gifted person); unpredictable like a ghost; appearing and disappearing swiftly.)
lìn sè guǐ
miser / penny-pincher
guǐ kū láng háo
to wail like ghosts and howl like wolves (idiom)
guǐ kū shén háo
moaning like ghosts and howling like spirits / a dreadful clamor
yāo mó guǐ guài
demons and ghosts / ghouls and bogies
tǎo yàn guǐ
disgusting person / slob
guǐ shuài
Ghost handsome
zhuāng shén nòng guǐ
lit. dress up as God, play the devil (idiom); fig. to mystify / to deceive people / to scam
guǐ guài
hobgoblin / bogey / phantom
è guǐ
evil spirit / devil
guǐ jiàn chóu
dǎo guǐ
to play tricks / to cause mischief
gǎo guǐ
to make mischief / to play tricks
guǐ fǔ shén gōng
supernaturally fine craft (idiom); the work of the Gods / uncanny workmanship / superlative craftsmanship
tì sǐ guǐ
scapegoat / fall guy
qì guǐ shén
Crying ghost
jīng tiān dì qì guǐ shén
Shocking Weeping
guǐ lǎo
foreigner (Cantonese) / Westerner
guǐ yù jì liǎng
evil tactics / devilish stratagem / devilish tricks / malicious intrigues
guǐ guǐ suì suì
sneaky / secretive / furtive
guǐ suì
dishonourable / tricky / intriguing
guǐ mí xīn qiào
to be obsessed / to be possessed
niú guǐ shé shén
evil monsters / (fig.) bad characters / (political) bad elements
guǐ yù
treacherous person / evil spirit
zuì guǐ
nào guǐ
guǐ zi
devils / refers to 日本鬼子, wartime term insult for Japanese
饿 è guǐ
sb who is always hungry / glutton / (Buddhism) hungry ghost
guǐ shén
supernatural beings
xiǎo guǐ
little demon (term of endearment for a child) / mischievous child / imp
mó guǐ
guǐ hún
guǐ huà
lie / false words / nonsense / CL:篇[pian1]
guǐ liǎn
wry face / to grimace / to pull a face / comic face / face mask / devil mask
guǐ huǒ
will-o'-the-wisp / jack-o'-lantern
guǐ tou
clever and lovely child
shén chū guǐ mò
lit. Gods appear and devils vanish (idiom); to appear and disappear unpredictably / to change rapidly
guǐ mèi
demon / monster
yǒu guǐ
There's sth. fishy.
shén guǐ
yáng guǐ zi
foreign devil / term of abuse for Westerners
guǐ mén guān
the gates of hell

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