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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

归 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

归 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 归
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 归
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Meaning of

Pinyin guī、 kuì
to go back / to return
归 guī 1. 返回,回到本处。 (Return; go back to the original place.) 示例: 归国 (return to the country); 归程 (return journey); 归侨 (returning overseas Chinese); 归宁 (returning to visit parents); 归省 (return home to visit relatives). 2. 还给。 (Give something back; return.) 示例: 归还 (return); 物归原主 (the item returns to its original owner). 3. 趋向,去往。 (Tend towards; go to.) 示例: 归附 (adhere to); 众望所归 (the support of many is thus held). 4. 合并,或集中于一类,或集中于一地。 (Merge; gather into one category or one place.) 示例: 归并 (merge); 归功 (attribute credit); 归咎 (attribute blame). 5. 由,属于。 (From; belong to.) 示例: 这事归我办 (it's my responsibility). 6. 结局。 (Conclusion.) 示例: 归宿 (outcome). 7. 珠算中一位除数的除法。 (Division with a one-digit divisor in abacus.) 示例: 九归 (simple division). 8. 古代称女子出嫁。 (In ancient times, refers to a woman getting married.) 示例: 之子于归,宣其室家 (the woman gets married and establishes her own home). 9. 自首。 (Surrender.) 10. 用在重叠动词间,表示不相干或无结果。 (Used between reduplicated verbs to indicate irrelevance or no outcome.) 示例: 玩笑归玩笑,事情可得认真去办 (jokes are jokes, but matters should be taken seriously). 11. 结算。 (Settle accounts.) 示例: 总归不出一个清账 (eventually can’t settle a clear account). 12. 通“馈”。赠送。 (Also means "to present" or "to give as a gift".) 示例: 归衣 (present clothing). 归 guī 名词: 珠算中称一位除数的除法 (Division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor.) 示例: 九归 (nine division). 归 guī 形容词: 羞惭 (Ashamed; abashed.) 示例: 面目犂黑,状有归色 (the complexion is black, showing an appearance of shame). 归 kuì 动词: 1. 通“馈”。赠送。 (Present.) 示例: 归示 (gift as a present); 归赈 (present for sacrificial offerings). 2. 惭愧。 (Feel ashamed.) 示例: 归色 (shameful appearance). 3. 另见 guī (also see guī).
huí guī
to return to / to retreat / regression (statistics)
guī jiù
to put the blame on / to accuse
宿 guī sù
place to return to / home / final destination / ending
tóng guī yú jìn
to die in such a way that sb (or sth) else also perishes / to take sb down with oneself / to end in mutual destruction
guī shǔ
to belong to / to be affiliated to / to fall under the jurisdiction of / a place where one feels that one belongs / one's final destination (where one need look no further)
guī lái
come back;return
guī nà
to sum up / to summarize / to conclude from facts / induction (method of deduction in logic)
guī huán
to return sth / to revert
guī yú
to belong to / affiliated to / to result in sth / to incline towards
guī jié
to sum up / to conclude / in a nutshell / the end (of a story)
Zǐ guī
Zigui county in Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chang1], Hubei
guī guó
to go home (to one's native country) / to return from abroad
guī fù
to realign one's allegiance (to another religion, ruler etc) / to submit
Zǐ guī Xiàn
Zigui county in Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chang1], Hubei
guī gēn jié dǐ
in the final analysis / ultimately
guī rù
to assign (to a class) / to classify as / to include
guī xiáng
guī dàng
to file away / to place on file
dì guī hán shù
recursive function
huà guī
to incorporate / to put under (external administration)
guī lǒng
to gather / to rake together / to pile up
zhuō ná guī àn
to bring to justice
guī qù lái xī
I'm going home! / I am homeward bound.
hún xī guī lái
May the spirit of the deceased come back to us!
fǎn pǔ guī zhēn
return to nature
guī dàng wén jiàn
archived file
guī qiáo
Chinese person who returns to China after living as an expatriate
shū tú tóng guī
different routes to the same destination (idiom); fig. different means of achieve the same end
kǎi xuán guī lái
return with drums beating and banners flying / come back victorious / return home in triumph / return with flying colours / return with gongs beating and banners flying
fǎn pú guī zhēn
to return to one's true self / to regain the natural state
wán bì guī Zhào
lit. to return the jade annulus to Zhao (idiom); fig. to return something intact to its rightful owner
zhōng guī
eventually / after all / in the end / be bound to
shā yǔ ér guī
to return in low spirits following a defeat or failure to achieve one's ambitions (idiom)
yòu guī wán
Yougui Maru
fǎn guī
dì guī
recursion / recursive (calculation) / recurrence
gǎi xié guī zhèng
to mend one's ways (idiom) / to turn over a new leaf

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Input Method for
Pinyin gui1
Four Corner
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