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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

旋 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

旋 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 旋
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 旋
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Meaning of

Pinyin xuán、 xuàn
revolve, lathe / specially for an occasion
旋 [xuán] 动词: 1. 转动; [En.] revolve; turn - 例如: ~绕. ~转. ~舞. ~梯. ~律. 盘~. 天~地转。 2. 回,归; [En.] come back; return - 例如: 凯~。 3. 绕行; [En.] circle 4. 不久; [En.] soon - 例如: ~踵(意指极短的时间,如“~~即逝”)。~即。 5. 表示与各方来往或来往于各方之间; [En.] interact with various parties. - 例如: 周~。斡~。 6. 同古汉字“漩”,指漩涡; [En.] whirlpool. 7. 姓; [En.] surname. 名词: 1. 圆; [En.] circle 2. 圈儿; [En.] loop 3. 东汉时地名,即“旋门关” [Xuan gate)。故址在今河南省荥阳县西汜水镇西南; [En.] a historical place name during the Eastern Han Dynasty. 4. 姓; [En.] surname. 副词: 1. 立即,随即; [En.] soon 2. 同时进行; [En.] at the same time. 形容词: 1. 逐渐; [En.] step by step. 2. 随意,漫然; [En.] at leisure. 其他用途: 1. 打转的; [En.] whirling. - 例如: ~风。 2. 临时(做); [En.] temporary. - 例如: ~吃 ~做。 3. 用车床或刀子转着圈地削; [En.] to turn and cut with a lathe or knife. - 例如: 用车床~零件。把瓜皮~下去。 名词(另一读音 鏇 xuàn): 1. 圆炉; [En.] round stove. - 例如: 旋锅儿(烧水的锅)。 2. 转轴; [En.] spin axis. 3. 温酒器。通称“旋子”; [En.] vessel for warming wine. 4. 茶炊; [En.] tea-urn. 5. 铜锡盘; [En.] copper-tin pan. 动词(另一读音 鏇 xuàn): 1. 回旋着切削; [En.] to shape. 2. 〈方〉∶诬陷,控告,诈人财物; [En.] to falsely accuse or fraud. 3. 用旋温酒; [En.] warm wine with a special vessel. 副词(另一读音 鏇 xuàn): 1. 屡次,常常; [En.] frequently. - 例如: 旋旋(频频)
xuán jí
soon after / shortly
xuán lǜ
melody / rhythm
zhǔ xuán lǜ
theme or subject (music)
wò xuán
to mediate (a conflict etc)
xuán zhuǎn
to rotate / to revolve / to spin / to whirl
huí xuán
to turn around / maneuvering room / leeway
pán xuán
to spiral / to circle / to go around / to hover / to orbit
luó xuán
spiral / helix / screw
xuàn fēng
whirlwind / tornado
qì xuán
zì xuán
spinning / spin
xuán wō
spiral / whirlpool / eddy / vortex
luó xuán jiǎng
xiāo xuán
racemization / despun
tiān xuán dì zhuàn
the sky spins, the earth goes round (idiom); giddy with one's head spinning / fig. huge changes in the world
xuán yì
rotor wing
wō xuán
eddy / vortex
xuán bì
spiral arm
luó xuán tǐ
Spirochaetes, phylum of extremophile bacteria / spiral-shaped bacterium, e.g. causing syphilis
kǎi xuán guī lái
return with drums beating and banners flying / come back victorious / return home in triumph / return with flying colours / return with gongs beating and banners flying
luó xuán zǎo
spiral algae / spirulina (dietary supplement)
shuāng luó xuán
duplex / double helix
luó xuán shì
screw type / auger-type
yòu xuán táng gān
dextran / dextranum
xuán niǔ
knob (e.g. handle or radio button)

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Input Method for
Pinyin xuan2
Four Corner
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