Learn to write the Chinese character "旅" by watching the stroke order animation of "旅".
Stroke by Stroke: 旅 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '旅' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '旅' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '旅' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '旅'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
旅 [lǚ]
1. 出行的,在外作客的: travelling; being a guest away from home.
例: 例如: 旅行(travel); 旅馆(hotel); 旅次 (number of trips); 旅居 (living away from home); 旅客 (traveller); 旅伴 (travelling companion); 商旅 (commercial travellers); 差旅(chāi) (business travel); 旅社 (travel agency).
2. 军队的编制单位,在师与团之间: a military formation unit, between a division and a regiment.
3. 泛指军队: a general term for the military: 军旅 (army); 强兵劲旅 (strong troops).
4. 共同: together: 旅进旅退 (advance and retreat together).
5. 同“稆”: same as "稆".
6. 同“膂”,脊梁骨: same as "膂", referring to the backbone.
1. 《说文》中提到: 旅,军之五百人为旅。
2. 庾信《哀江南赋序》:孙策以天下为三分,众才一旅。
3. 《孙子·谋攻》:全旅为上。
4. 破旅次之。
又如: 旅长 (brigade commander); 两旅兵 (two brigades).
1. 寄居外地,旅居: to live in another place temporarily; to travel.
2. 旅行: to travel; to journey.
俱,一同: together; completely.
不种而生,野生: wild.
1. 《乐府诗集·十五从军征》:中庭生旅谷,井上生旅葵。
又如: 旅生; 旅葵 (wild amaranth); 旅谷 (wild grains).
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