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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

施 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

施 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 施
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 施
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Meaning of

Pinyin shī、 yì、 yí
(surname) / distribute (alms) / to do / to execute / to carry out
施 [shī] [动] 1. 实行 (to implement): - 施工 (carry out work) - 施政 (implement policies) - 设施 (set up facilities) - 施展 (exhibit/make use of) - 施教 (provide education) - 施为 (perform an action) - 施威 (exercise authority) - 实施 (put into effect) - 措施 (measure; means) - 发号施令 (issue commands) 2. 用上,加工 (to apply): - 施肥 (apply fertilizer) - 施粉 (apply powder) 3. 给予 (to give): - 施礼 (give a gift) - 施诊 (provide medical diagnosis) - 施恩 (show kindness) 4. 姓 (surname). 施 [shī] [名] 1. 恩惠,仁慈 (kindness): - 报施 (repay kindness) 2. 旄羽珥,旗竿头上缀饰物 (flag ornament). 3. 姓. - 施琅 Shī Láng (Shi Lang) (1621—1696) was a military leader in the Qing dynasty of China, originally from Jinjiang, Fujian province. He started as a general under Zheng Zhilong and later served the Qing, taking command of the navy and leading efforts against colonial invasions in Taiwan. 施 [shī] [动] 1. (形声。从㫃( yǎn),也声。本指旗帜) (Ideophonetic character, originally refers to a flag). 2. 旗飘动 (to wave). 3. 假借为“吔”(to give, to grant). - 引申为施舍 (to give, to donate). 4. 设置; 安放 (to set up). 5. 施行; 实行; 推行 (to put into force). 6. 散布; 铺陈 (to spread). 7. 加; 施加 (to apply). 8. 判罪 (to convict). 9. 陈尸示众 (to display corpse). 10. 用; 运用 (to use). 施 [shī] [名] 1. 恩惠,仁慈 (kindness). 2. 旄羽珥 (flag ornament). 3. 姓. 引 (Additionally): 1. 施 (from Mencius): A term that suggests a gentle, flowing manner. 2. 施 (from historical texts): Reflects a form of movement or action. 副 (Adverb): 1. 斜的古字 (an ancient character for diagonal movement). 动 (Verb): 1. 及、延及 (to reach or extend). 2. 移动、变化 (to move or change).
Ēn shī Tǔ jiā zú Miáo zú zì zhì zhōu
Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture in Hubei
wù shī yú rén
Do not do to others
shí shī
to implement / to carry out
shī zhǎn
to use fully / to put to use
shī gōng
construction / to carry out construction or large-scale repairs
Ēn shī shì
Enshi prefecture-level city in Hubei, capital of Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州
Ēn shī
Enshi prefecture-level city in southwest Hubei, capital of Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州
cuò shī
measure / step / CL:個|个[ge4]
bǎo hù cuò shī
safeguard procedures
shè shī
facilities / installation
shī xíng
to put in place / to put into practice / to take effect
Shī Láng
Shi Lang (1621-1696), Chinese admiral who served under the Ming and Qing Dynasties
shī jiā
to exert (effort or pressure)
shī zhǔ
benefactor (term used by a monk to address a layperson) / donor (semiconductor)
shī yòng liàng
application rate / application amount
西 Xī shī
Xishi (c. 450 BC), famous Chinese beauty, foremost of the four legendary beauties 四大美女[si4 da4 mei3 nu:3], given by King Gou Jian 勾踐|勾践[Gou1 Jian4] of Yue as concubine to King of Wu as part of a successful plan to destroy Wu
shī shě
to give in charity / to give alms (to the poor)
shī yòng
to implement / to use
wú jì kě shī
no strategy left to try (idiom); at one's wit's end / at the end of one's tether / powerless
shī fàng
to fire / to discharge / to release (fireworks, smokescreen, poison gas, virus etc)
shī féi
to spread manure / to apply fertilizer
fā hào shī lìng
to boss people around (idiom)
Shī diàn
Shidian county in Baoshan 保山[Bao3 shan1], Yunnan
jī chǔ shè shī
fù zhū shí shī
to put into practice / to carry out (idiom)
shī yǔ
variant of 施與|施与[shi1 yu3]
shī wǎ cí
schwartz / schwarz
dào xíng nì shī
to go against the tide (idiom); to do things all wrong / to try to turn back history / a perverse way of doing things
Dōng Shī xiào pín
lit. Dong Shi imitates Xi Shi's frown (idiom) / fig. to mimick sb's idiosyncrasies but make a fool of oneself

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Input Method for
Pinyin shi1
Four Corner
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