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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

實 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

實 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 實
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 實
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Meaning of

Pinyin shí
real / true / honest / really / solid
實 shí 1. Prosperous; wealthy. 富裕。《說文•宀部》:“實,富也。” 2. Wealth. 财富。《左傳•文公十八年》:“聚歛積實,不知紀極。” 3. Material; goods. 物资,器物。《左傳•宣公十二年》:“在軍無日不討軍實而申儆之。” 4. Full. 满。《小爾雅•廣詁》:“實,滿也。” 5. To fill up; to pack. 盛,填塞。《廣雅•釋詁三》:“實,塞也。” 6. To enrich; to strengthen. 充实,使加强。《左傳•昭公七年》:“及即位,為章華之宫,納亡人以實之。” 7. Referring to a solid (a strong place). 指坚实(力量强)的地方。《孫子•虚實》:“兵之形,避實而擊虚。” 8. Fruit; seed. 果实;种子。《詩•周頌•載芟》:“播厥百穀,實函斯活。”又结果实。《春秋•僖公三十三年》:“隕霜不殺草,李、梅實。” 9. Fact. 事实。《國語•周語上》:“賦事行刑,必問於遺訓,而咨於故實。” 10. Simple and honest quality. 纯朴的品质。《淮南子•泰族》:“故民知書而德衰,知數而厚衰,知券契而信衰,知械機而實衰也。” 11. Sincere; not false. 真诚,不虚假。《左傳•宣公十二年》:“樂伯善哉!實其言,必長晋國。” 12. To verify; to authenticate. 验明;核实。《字彙•宀部》:“實,驗也。” 13. To report truthfully. 据实陈报。《三國志•蜀志•諸葛亮傳》南朝宋裴松之注引魏略》曰:“令國中凡有游户,皆使自實。” 14. Real; actual. 真实。《論衡•亂龍》:“夫圖畫,非母之實身也。” 15. Honesty; sincerity. 诚意;诚实。《廣雅•釋詁一》:“實,誠也。” 16. Philosophical term; refers to actual content. 哲学名词。指实际内容。与“名”相对。《莊子•逍遥遊》:“名者,實之賓也。” 17. Ancient mathematical term; refers to the multiplicand or dividend. 古代数学名词。指被乘数或被除数。与“法”相对。如以3除6或乘6,则6为实,3为法。《九章算術•序》:“以景差為法,表高乘表閒為實,如法而一。” 18. Traditional Chinese medicine term; refers to excessive evil qi. 中医术语。指邪气亢盛。《素問•玉機真藏論》:“脈盛、皮熱、腹脹、前後不通、悶瞀,此謂五實。”治疗方法之一,滋补。《金匱要略•腑臓經絡》:“夫治未病者,見肝之病,知肝傳脾,當先實脾。” 19. Adverb; really; indeed. 副词。➊实在;确实。《左傳•隱公四年》:“此二人者,實弑寡君,敢即圖之。”➋果然。《國語•晋語五》:“及欒弗忌之難,諸大夫害伯宗,將謀而殺之,畢陽實送州犂于荆。”➌终于。《吕氏春秋•務大》:“其實無不安者,功大故也。” 20. Equivalent to "is." 通“寔”。相当于“是”。《正字通•宀部》:“實,通作寔。”➊此,这。《字彙•宀部》:“實,是也。”➋即,就是。《左傳•莊公十八年》:“陳媯歸于京師,實惠后。” 21. Modal particle; used in sentences to emphasize meaning. 语气词。用于句中,加强语意。《左傳•昭公十一年》:“今兹諸侯,何實吉?何實兇?” 22. Surname. 姓。《通志•氏族略四》:“實氏,實沈之後。” 23. Variant of "至". 通“至”。

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