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寒 stroke order animation

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寒 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 寒
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 寒
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Meaning of

Pinyin hán
cold / poor / to tremble
寒 [hán] 1. Cold; opposite of "暑" (hot). - Example: 寒冬 (cold winter), 寒色 (cold colors), 寒衣 (cold clothing), 寒冽 (bitterly cold), 寒带 (cold belt), 寒战 (cold war), 寒噤 (to shiver), 寒食 (the Festival of Cold Food, observed on the day before Qingming, when ancient people did not light a fire to cook), 寒喧 (cold talk), 寒来暑往 (as winter departs, summer comes), 唇亡齿寒 (when the lips are gone, the teeth are cold). 2. To be afraid. - Example: 寒心 (to feel fearful). 3. Poverty; sometimes used as a humble expression. - Example: 寒门 (a poor family), 寒伧 (poor and pitiful), 寒舍 (a humble abode), 寒窗 (a metaphor for a difficult learning environment), 寒酸 (poverty-stricken), 寒士 (an old term referring to poor scholars). 4. Desolate. - Example: 寒山 (a desolate mountain), 寒月 (cold moonlight). 5. Dreary; miserable. - Example: 寒声 (a dreary sound). 6. Withered. - Example: 寒枝 (trees bare in winter). 7. Humble term. - Example: 寒第 (humble reference to one's home), 寒族 (humble reference to one's family). 动 [hán] 1. To feel cold. - Example: 寒玉 (cold jade). 2. Fear; dread. - Example: 寒心 (to feel fear). 3. To specifically refer to the termination of an agreement. - Example: 遂寒前盟 (to end the previous agreement). 名 [hán] 1. A cold season; opposite of "暑" (hot). - Example: 寒暑 (winter and summer). 2. A cold day. - Example: 寒照 (sunshine on a cold day). 3. A cold night. - Example: 寒星 (stars on a cold night). 4. Referring to ailments caused by cold. - Example: 受了一点寒 (to catch a cold). 5. A surname.
hán jìn
a shiver
齿 chún wáng chǐ hán
lit. without the lips, the teeth feel the cold (idiom); fig. intimately interdependent
tí jī háo hán
hunger cries and cold roars (idiom); wretched poverty
xū hán wèn nuǎn
to enquire solicitously about sb's well-being (idiom) / to pamper
jìn ruò hán chán
to keep quiet out of fear (idiom)
hán yì
a nip in the air / chilliness
hán fēng
cold wind
hán qì
cold air
pín hán
poor / poverty-stricken / impoverished
hán guāng
Cold light
shāng hán
bì hán
to escape the cold by going on a winter holiday
fēng hán
wind chill / cold weather / common cold (medicine)
gāo hán
high and cold (mountain area)
hán liú
cold air current / cold ocean current / cold stream
hán cháo
cold wave / CL:股[gu3]
nài hán
coldproof / resistant to cold
hán dài
polar climate
shí nián hán chuāng
persevere ten years in one's studies in spite of hardships / ten year's study at a cold window -- a student's long years of hard study
hán zhàn
bù hán ér lì
shiver all over though not cold / tremble with fear / shudder
hán rè
chills and fever
hán suān
wretched / poverty-stricken / unpresentable (for clothing, gifts etc)
chūn hán liào qiào
There is a chill in the spring air. / There is a chill in the air in early spring. / The early spring weather is chilly. / slight spring chill
yù hán
to defend against the cold / to keep warm
hán dōng
dōng hán
Winter cold
hán lěng
cold (climate) / frigid / very cold
tiān hán dì dòng
cold weather, frozen ground (idiom); bitterly cold
hán shǔ
cold and summer-heat
hán shǔ jià
winter and summer vacation
hán chen
ugly / shameful / to ridicule
yán hán
bitter cold / severe winter
zhà nuǎn hái hán
After suddenly getting warmer, the weather has turned cold again.
hán chen
variant of 寒磣|寒碜[han2 chen5]
kù hán
bitter cold / severely cold
hán zhàn
jī hán
hunger and cold
jī hán jiāo pò
beset by hunger and cold (idiom) / starving and freezing / in desperate poverty
hán yā
(bird species of China) Eurasian jackdaw (Coloeus monedula)

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Pinyin han2
Four Corner
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