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暑 stroke order animation

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暑 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 暑
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 暑
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Meaning of

Pinyin shǔ
heat / hot weather / summer heat
暑 [shǔ] 1. Heat; hot weather. - Example: 暑天 (hot day), 暑热 (heat), 暑假 (summer vacation), 酷暑 (scorching heat). 2. One of the "Six Excesses" in Traditional Chinese Medicine. 3. Hot weather. - Example: 炎热的日子 ([En.] hot weather). 4. Summer. - Example: 夏季 ([En.] summer). 引 (References): 1. From "Shuowen": 暑, 热也. 暑近湿如蒸,热近燥如烘. 2. From "Yijing": 一寒一暑. 3. From "Shijing": 六月徂暑. 4. From "Liji": 土润溽暑. 5. From "Suwen": 寒暑燥湿风火. 6. From "Hanfeizi": 冬日则寒冻,夏日则暑伤. 7. From Chao Cuo's "Yan Shou Bian Bei Sa Shu": 乌兽稀毛,其性能暑. 8. From Liu Zongyuan's "Catch Snake": 触风雨,犯寒暑,呼嘘毒疠,往往而死者相藉也. 9. From Su Shi's "Jiao Zhan Shou": 轻霜露而狎风雨,是故寒暑不能为之毒. 例 (Examples): - 暑溽 (the sultry climate of summer), 暑岁 (a hot and dry year), 暑夏 (scorching summer), 暑寒 (the heat and cold weather), 暑湿 (hot and humid). 名 (Meaning): 1. Hot weather. - 引 (References): 1. From "Yijing": 寒往则暑来, 暑往则寒来. 2. From "Hanfeizi": 寒暑不兼时而至. 2. Summer. - 引 (References): 1. From "Liezi": 寒暑易节, 始一返焉. 2. From Ming dynasty Liu Ji's "Selling Oranges": 杭有卖果者, 善藏柑, 涉寒暑不溃. 例 (Examples): - 暑月 (summer month), 暑雨 (summer rain), 暑伏 (the period of summer heat, the hottest time of the year), 暑雨祁寒 (heavy summer rain and severe winter cold), 暑夜 (hot summer night).
bì shǔ shān zhuāng
mountain resort / Qing imperial summer residence at Chengde, a world heritage site
bì shǔ
to be away for the summer holidays / to spend a holiday at a summer resort / to prevent sunstroke
hán shǔ
cold and summer-heat
kù shǔ
intense heat / extremely hot weather
shǔ qī
summer vacation time
zhòng shǔ
sunstroke / heatstroke
hán shǔ jià
winter and summer vacation
shǔ rè
hot (summer) weather
shèng shǔ
sweltering summer heat / very hot weather / the dog days
xiāo shǔ
to spend a summer holiday / (esp of Chinese medicine) to relieve summer heat
shǔ qì
(summer) heat
Dà shǔ
Dashu or Great Heat, 12th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 23rd July-6th August
chéng dé bì shǔ shān zhuāng
Emperor Kangxi's Summer Mountain Resort in Chengde
shǔ tiān
hot (summer) day
yán shǔ
hot summer / sweltering summer days / dog days
Xiǎo shǔ
Xiaoshu or Lesser Heat, 11th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 7th-22nd July
jiě shǔ
relieving summer-heat
rù shǔ
sweltering summer weather
Chǔ shǔ
Chushu or End of Heat, 14th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 23rd August-7th September
shǔ jià
summer vacation / CL:個|个[ge4]
qū shǔ
drive away summer heat

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Pinyin shu3
Four Corner
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