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鼠 stroke order animation

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鼠 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 鼠
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 鼠
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Meaning of

Pinyin shǔ
rat / mouse
鼠 [shǔ] 1. A family of mammals known for their continuously growing incisor teeth which are often worn down by gnawing. They reproduce rapidly, come in many species, some of which can transmit pathogens such as the plague, and cause harm to agriculture and forestry, stealing food and damaging storage items and buildings (commonly referred to as "耗子"). 2. Hidden worries. 3. (As a noun) 【Original Meaning】: Mouse. 【Character Formation】: Pictographic. The head resembles sharp rodent teeth, and the lower part looks like feet, back, and tail. 4. Synonyms: 1. Same as original meaning (mouse; rat) 2. One of the twelve zodiac animals. 3. Metaphorically refers to petty people or treacherous ministers. 4. Associated with "癙", indicating worry; disease. 5. Metaphorically describes someone who is cowardly. 6. Refers to scrofula, lymphatic tuberculosis. 5. References: 1. "Shuowen Jiezi" states: "鼠, a general term for hole worms." 2. "Poetry of the Book of Songs": "Who says mice have no teeth?" 3. "Han Shu" mentions: "Small mice are thieves in nature." 4. "Shuo Yuan" notes: "Mice represent what people are influenced by." 5. From "Han Dynasty - Jia Yi's Letter on Administrative Matters": "Local saying goes: 'To throw a mouse, but fear the vessel.'" 6. "People's Anti-British Resistance in Three Yuan Li": "The reverse bandit uses mice to lie low." 6. Examples: - "鼠窜而狼忙" (Describing a hasty and embarrassed escape) - "鼠牙雀角" (Metaphor for violence and disputes) - "鼠盗蜂起" (About feudal class accusing peasant uprisings) - "鼠腹蜗肠" (Describing limited capacity) - "鼠市" (A device for performing mouse tricks) - "鼠布" (Fabric made from mouse fur) - "鼠裘" (Fur coat made from mouse skin) 7. One of the twelve zodiac animals. 8. References related to the zodiac aspect: 1. "Zhou Shu": "Once in Wuchuan Town, your brothers, the elder belongs to the mouse, the younger to the rabbit, and you belong to the snake." 9. Metaphorically refers to petty individuals or treacherous ministers. Examples: - "鼠目" (Metaphor for narrow-mindedness) - "鼠璞" (Metaphor for someone or something that appears valuable but is not) - "鼠窃" (Metaphor for a petty thief) - "鼠雀之辈" (Describing lowly individuals) 10. Associated with "癙", indicating worry; disease. References: 1. "Poetry - Minor Odes - No Rain": "Worries associated with mice bring tears." 2. "Huainanzi": "The leopard's head is better than a mouse's." 11. Metaphorically refers to cowardice. Examples: - "鼠步" (Describing hesitant steps like a mouse) - "鼠胆" (Metaphor for being cowardly) 12. Refers to scrofula and lymphatic tuberculosis. Examples: - "鼠疮" (Mouse sores) - "鼠瘘" (Mouse fistula)
lǎo shǔ shǐ
mouse droppings / mouse dung
tóu shǔ jì qì
lit. to refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases (idiom) / to not act against an evil so as to prevent harm to innocents
bào tóu shǔ cuàn
to cover one's head and sneak away like a rat (idiom); to flee ignominiously
sōng shǔ
shǔ biāo
mouse (computing)
huī shǔ
chinchilla / squirrel
hǎi lí shǔ
coypu / nutria
huáng shǔ láng
see 黃鼬|黄鼬[huang2 you4]
zhāng tóu shǔ mù
lit. the head of a river deer and the eyes of a rat (idiom) / fig. repulsively ugly and shifty-looking
shǔ yì
shǔ chuāng
Murine sores
shuò shǔ
cāng shǔ
shǔ cuàn
to scamper off / to scurry off like a frightened rat
lǎo shǔ
rat / mouse / CL:隻|只[zhi1]
dài shǔ
tún shǔ
guinea pig (Cavia porcellus)
shǔ bèi
a scoundrel / a bad chap
fén shǔ
zokor / sokhor
wú shǔ
flying squirrel
yǎn shǔ
mole (zoology)
shè shǔ
muskrat / Ondatra zibethica
xiǎo shǔ
shǔ lèi
murine / muroid
shǔ yào
rat poison
tián shǔ
yě shǔ
vole / field mouse
bái shǔ
white mouse
huáng shǔ
ground squirrel / suslik
dǎn xiǎo rú shǔ
chicken-hearted (idiom) / gutless
yòu shǔ
shí yàn shǔ
laboratory rat / experimental rat

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Input Method for
Pinyin shu3
Four Corner
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