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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

辈 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

辈 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 辈
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 辈
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Meaning of

Pinyin bèi
contemporaries / generation / lifetime
辈 輩 bèi [名] 1. 家族的世代,泛指人际的一种先后次第。 (Generation; refers broadly to the order of individuals in a family.) 2. 等,类(指人)。 (Category; type [referring to people].) 3. 人活着的时间,毕生。 (The duration of a person's life; lifetime.) 4. 车百辆,亦指分行列的车。 (A hundred carriages; also refers to a line of vehicles.) 辈 輩 bèi [名] 1. 同本义 ([En.] a hundred carriages) (Same original meaning [En.]: a hundred carriages.) 2. 也指车列,车队。 ([En.] refers to a convoy of vehicles.) 3. 世;辈分 ([En.] generation) (Generation; kinship status.) 4. 某类人 ([En.] people of a certain kind) (A certain class of people.) 5. 群,队 ([En.] group) (Group; team.) 6. 等级;类别 ([En.] class; sort) (Rank; category.) 辈 輩 bèi [副] 成批地 (【英】:group by group) (En.: group by group.) 辈 輩 bèi [量] 表示人的多数,批 (【英】:group) (En.: indicates plurality of people; batch.) 辈 輩 bèi [名] 1. 百辆车 (A hundred carriages; original meaning.) 引 1《说文》:辈,若军发车,百辆为辈。 ([Legend] From "Shuowen": For armies, a hundred carriages form a unit.) 2. 也指车列,车队。 ([En.] Also refers to a convoy.) 引 1 杜甫《赠李邕》:古人不可见,前辈谁复继? (Du Fu: "The ancients cannot be seen; who will succeed the predecessors?") 例 前辈,后辈,长辈,晚辈 (Examples: senior generation, junior generation, elders, younger generations.) 4. 某类人 ([En.] people of a certain kind) 引 1 明·崔铣:《记王忠肃公翱三事》:若辈得无苦贫乎? (Cui Xian: "How can people of your kind avoid poverty?") 引 3 清·林觉民《与妻书》:吾辈处今日之中国。 (Lin Juemin: "We, of our generation, live in today's China.") 例 我辈,侪辈,流辈,朋辈,鼠辈,辈类(同辈,同类) (Examples: we (of) the same generation, companions, contemporaries, peer groups, similar types.) 5. 群,队 ([En.] group) 引 1 《三国志·满宠传》:当先破贼大辈。 (Sanguozhi: "First, defeat the main band of thieves.") 6. 等级;类别 ([En.] class; sort) 引 1 《史记·孙子吴起列传》:马有上中下辈。 (Shiji: "Horses have upper, middle, and lower classes.") 辈 輩 bèi [副] 成批地 (【英】:group by group) (En.: group by group.) 引 1 范晔《后汉书》:名臣辈出。 (Fan Ye: "Prominent officials come forth in groups.") 辈 輩 bèi [量] 表示人的多数,批 (【英】:group) (En.: indicates plurality of people; batch.) 引 1 《汉书·李广苏建传》:匈奴留汉使郭吉、路充国等前后十余辈。 (Han Shu: "The Xiongnu detained more than ten envoys including Guo Ji and Lu Chongguo.") 2 《史记》:高使人请子婴数辈,子婴不行。 (Shiji: "Gao sent someone to request a number of generations with Ziying, but Ziying did not comply.")
wú bèi
(literary) we / us
qián bèi
senior / older generation / precursor
wǒ bèi
(literary) we / us
wǎn bèi
the younger generation / those who come after
zǔ bèi
ancestors / forefathers / ancestry
chái bèi
fellows / associates
zhǎng bèi
one's elders / older generation
bèi chū
to come forth in large numbers
yī bèi zi
(for) a lifetime
lǎo qián bèi
one's senior / one's elder
bèi zi
all one's life / lifetime
lǎo yī bèi
previous generation / older generation
yī bèi
A generation
bàn bèi zi
half of a lifetime
fù bèi
people of one's parents' generation
xiān bèi
elders / former generations
hòu bèi
younger generation
xiǎo bèi
the younger generation
tóng bèi
of the same generation / person of the same generation / peer
bèi fèn
bèi fèn
seniority in the family or clan / position in the family hierarchy
shǔ bèi
a scoundrel / a bad chap

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Pinyin bei4
Four Corner
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