Learn to write the Chinese character "轻" by watching the stroke order animation of "轻".
Stroke by Stroke: 轻 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '轻' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '轻' Step-by-Step
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light / easy / gentle / soft / reckless / unimportant / frivolous / small in number / unstressed / neutral / soft
1. Light in weight, opposite of "重" (heavy).
轻重。轻型。轻便。轻于鸿毛。轻尘栖弱草 (metaphor for the fleeting and insignificant nature of life).
2. Shallow in degree, small in quantity.
3. Small amount of force.
4. Light load; simple equipment.
轻装。轻骑。轻锐 (elite troops with light equipment).
5. Considered easy, not deemed important.
6. Casual, not solemn.
名 (Noun)
【本义】:车名 (Original meaning: name of a vehicle)
【造字法】:形声 (Phonetic compound character)
1. Light carriage.
2. Abbreviation for light industry.
3. Old translation for the chemical element hydrogen.
形 (Adjective)
4. Small in weight; opposite of "重" (light).
5. Minor; small.
6. Light and portable.
7. Frivolous; not serious.
8. Loose.
9. Inexpensive; humble.
10. Giddy.
11. Weak; faint.
12. Lightly; gently.
动 (Verb)
1. To belittle; to not take seriously.
2. To lighten; to reduce.
3. To be lenient; to pardon.
名 (Noun)
【本义】:车名 (Original meaning: name of a vehicle)
【造字法】:形声 (Phonetic compound character)
1. Light carriage.
引: 《说文》:轻,轻车也。段玉裁注: "轻本车名,故字从车。引申为凡轻重之轻。"
2. In the "周礼·车仆": "轻车之萃." Referring to the car used for military purposes.
3. In the "战国策·齐策": "使轻车锐骑冲雍门."
2. Abbreviation for light industry.
例: 均衡发展农、轻、重。
3. Old translation for hydrogen.
形 (Adjective)
4. Not heavy; small in weight; opposite of "重" (light).
引: 《孟子》:轻重同。注: "谓斤两。"
5. Tiny; minor.
引: 《淮南子·泛论》:有轻罪者,赎以金分。
6. Light and portable.
引: 《国语·周语》:师轻而骄。
7. Frivolous; skittish.
引: 《左传》:秦师轻而无礼,必败。
8. Loose.
引: 《唐·韩愈《原毁》:古之君子,其责己也重以周。
9. Inexpensive; humble.
引: 《汉书·食货志》:钱益多而轻。
10. Giddy; frivolous.
11. Weak; thin.
12. Lightly; gently.
动 (Verb)
1. To belittle; to not take seriously.
引: 《战国策·魏策》:轻寡人与。
2. To lighten; to reduce.
3. To be lenient; to pardon.
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