Learn to write the Chinese character "頃" by watching the stroke order animation of "頃".
Stroke by Stroke: 頃 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '頃' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '頃' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '頃' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '頃'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
100 mu / a short while ago / a 'ching' (unit of area) / approx. (with dates) / a short while
1. A unit of area in China's system of measurement, equal to one hundred mu (En: a unit of area(=6.6667 hectares)).
例: 一頃等於一百畝。 (One qing is equal to one hundred mu.)
碧波萬頃 (Vast waves over a thousand qings.)
1. 少頃,短時間 (En: moment; instant; a little while).
例: 俄頃 (Very short time).
2. 近來;剛纔 (En: just now) — indicating an action or event that occurred not long ago, used in written language.
例: 頃接來信 (Just received a letter).
3. 往昔;當時 (En: past; at that time; then).
例: 頃年 (Last year).
1. 通「傾」。偏側 (En: bend; lean; incline).
2. 另見 qīng. (See qīng.)
田地面積的單位,等於一百畝 (En: A unit of area in China's system of measurement, equal to one hundred mu).
1. 凡爲田一頃十二畝半。 (In the field one qing equals twelve and a half mu.) —《公羊傳·宣公十五年》注.
2. 《呂氏春秋·過理》:築爲頃宮。
3. 宋·范仲淹《岳陽樓記》:一碧萬頃。
4. 清·洪亮吉《治平篇》:有田一頃。
5. 食田一頃。
6. 《聊齋志異·促織》:田百頃。
又如: 碧波萬頃; 頃畝(百畝之地。泛指土地、田地); 頃晦(頃畝); 領宮(佔地一頃的宮殿); 一頃地 (A piece of land of one qing).
1. 少頃,短時間 (En: moment; instant; a little while).
1. 《戰國策·秦策》:蒞政有頃。 (In governing there is a moment.)
又如: 俄頃(很短的時間); 頃之(未幾,不久); 頃久(短暫與長久); 頃息(喘息的時間); 頃頃(片刻); 頃然(一會兒).
2. 近來;剛纔 (En: just now) — indicating an action or event that occurred not long ago, used in written language.
如: 領接來信; 領月(近月); 領世(近代); 領間(近來); 領歲(近年); 領來(近來).
3. 往昔;當時 (En: past; at that time; then).
如: 領年(往年); 領日(往昔).
1. 通「傾」。偏側 (En: bend; lean; incline).
1. 《詩·周南·卷耳》:不盈頃筐。
2. 《詩·召南·摽有梅》:頃筐墍之。
2. 另見 qīng.
本义: 頭不正 (En: head is not upright).
造字法: 會意。从匕,從頁。匕有排列比較義,也有不正之義。頁,頭。合起來表示頭偏。
1. 同本義 (En: inclined to side).
2. 通「傾」。傾斜;偏側 (En: inclined; slanting).
如: 頃筐(傾斜口的竹筐); 領危(傾斜而危險); 領宮(十分高大的宮殿); 領倒(倒下).
3. 另見 qǐng.
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