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Stroke by Stroke: 目 Writing Order
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eye / item / section / list / catalogue / table of contents / order (taxonomy) / goal / name / title
目 [mù]
【本义】: 眼睛
【造字法】: 象形。甲骨文和小篆字形。象眼睛形,外边轮廓象眼眶,里面象瞳孔。小篆处理为线条。先秦时期多用“目”,两汉以后,用眼逐渐多起来。“目”具有书面语色彩。
1. 同本义 (En. eye) - Eye
2. 目光;眼力 (En. eye-sight) - Sight; vision
3. 孔眼 (En. mesh) - Hole; mesh
4. 条目;要目 (En. item) - Item; entry
5. 目录 (En. catalogue) - Catalogue
6. 首领;头目 (En. chieftan) - Leader; chief
7. 分类学上位于科之上、纲之下的类别 (En. order) - A taxonomic category between class and family
8. 名目,数目; 行列 (En. name of a thing; number; row) - Name; number; list
1. 观看,注视 (En. look; regard) - To watch; to regard
2. 递眼色,使眼 (En. give a hint with the eyes) - To give a hint with the eyes
3. 看待 (En. treat with; regard as) - To treat; to regard
1. 《说文》:目,人眼,象形。 (In Shuowen, it states: "Eyes, human eyes, are pictorial.")
2. 《礼记·郊特牲》:目者,气之清明者也。 (In the Book of Rites: "The eye represents clarity of spirit.")
3. 《韩诗外传》:目者,心之符也。 (In Han Poetry: "The eye is the symbol of the heart.")
4. 《易·小畜卦》:夫妻反目。 (In I Ching: "Husband and wife have a falling out.")
5. 《左传·宣公二年》:睅其目,皤其腹。 (In Zuo Zhuan: "Look closely with the eyes, with a white belly.")
6. 宋· 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》:满目萧然。 (Song Dynasty, Fan Zhongyan: "A scene full of desolation.")
7. 晋· 干宝《搜神记》:瞋目大怒。 (Jin Dynasty, Gan Bao: "Angered, he could not contain his fury.")
8. 《聊斋志异·狼三则》:目似瞑。 (In Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio: "The eyes appeared closed.")
9. 清· 薛福成《观巴黎油画记》:目不忍睹。 (Qing Dynasty, Xue Fu Cheng: "A sight too terrible to behold.")
又如: 目不斜视 - Do not look sideways, indicating uprightness.
目见耳闻 - To see with one's own eyes and hear with one's own ears; firsthand experience.
目治手营 - To observe firsthand and experiment personally.
目空一世 - To disregard everything; to be arrogant.
目眩神摇 - Eyes dazzled, heart shaken; overwhelmed.
目无下尘 - Eyes look down on the dust below; indicating a high attitude.
目耗 - Eyes dim; vision impaired.
目指 - To indicate or direct with the eyes.
目眦 - Eye socket.
目珠 - Eyeball.
目睛 - Eye.
目精 - Eye or eyeball.
目光;眼力 (En. eye-sight)
1. 《晋书·孙惠传》:四海注目。 (In Jin Book: "The eyes are on all corners of the world.")
又如: 目捷 - Quick-sighted.
目击道存 - Realizing the way upon sight.
目色 - Vision; sight.
目使颔令 - Use of eyes and jaw to gesture commands.
目注 - To look intently.
目波 - A gaze like rippling water.
目逆 - To greet with the eyes.
目极 - To look far and wide.
孔眼 (En. mesh)
1. 郑玄《诗谱序》:举一纲而万目张。 (In Zheng Xuan's Preface to the Poetry: "Hold one line, and thousands of entries unfold.")
又如: 纲举目张; 一个60目的筛 - Keep the main point and details grow; a sieve with 60 holes.
条目;要目 (En. item)
如: 目次 - A table of contents in publications.
目录 (En. catalogue)
如: 参考书目; 故事节目 - Reference list; story programs.
首领;头目 (En. chieftan)
1. 《广东军务记》:夷目嘉符。 (In Guangdong Military Records: "The leader is exalted.")
又如: 目把 - Referring to a small leader among southwest ethnic groups.
分类学上位于科之上、纲之下的类别 (En. order)
如: 松柏目 - Pine and cypress order.
名目,数目; 行列 (En. name of a thing; number; row)
1. 宋· 文天祥《后序》:不在使者之目。 (Song Dynasty, Wen Tianxiang: "Not within the view of the emissaries.")
目 [mù]
1. 观看,注视 (En. look; regard)
1. 《史记·陈涉世家》:指目陈胜。 (In Records of the Grand Historian: "Point your eyes at Chen Sheng.")
2. 唐· 柳宗元《柳河东集》:指目牵引。 (In Tang Dynasty, Liu Zongyuan: "Point your eyes to guide.")
又如: 目过 - To glance over; to look closely.
目下十行 - To read exceptionally fast.
目及 - To catch sight of.
目染 - To be influenced by what one sees.
目笑 - To smile with the eyes.
目礼 - To pay respects with a glance.
目断 - To look until unseen.
目识 - To remember upon sight.
目属 - To pay close attention.
目艳 - To admire what one sees.
目为 - To regard as.
2. 递眼色,使眼 (En. give a hint with the eyes)
1. 《史记·高祖本纪》:酒阑,吕布因目留高祖。 (In Records of the Grand Historian: "As the wine grew thin, Lu Bu glanced at Gao Zu.")
2. 《史记·项羽本纪》:数目项王。 (In Records of the Grand Historian: "Look closely at Xiang Yu.")
又如: 目交心通 - Convey feelings through a glance; mutual understanding.
目挑眉语 - To flirt with eyebrows and eyes.
目指气使 - To command with eyes; to act haughtily.
目禁 - To forbid actions with a glance.
目语额瞬 - To gesture with eyes and eyebrows.
3. 看待 (En. treat with; regard as)
1. 清· 黄宗羲《柳敬亭传》:不敢以说书目敬亭。 (Qing, Huang Zongxi: "Dare not address the storyteller as Jingting.")
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