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耳 stroke order animation

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耳 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 耳
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 耳
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Meaning of

Pinyin ěr
耳 [ěr] 1. The organ of hearing and balance (commonly referred to as "ear"). 耳 [ěr] 1. (The organ of hearing and balance): 〜背 (bèi: ear's back). 〜垂 (ear hanging). 〜鬓厮磨 (mó: rubbing ears and temples). 〜穴 (ear hole). 〜聪目明 (sharp hearing and clear eyesight). 〜濡目染 (influenced by what one hears or sees). 2. Something that resembles an ear: wooden 〜 (ear). silver 〜 (ear). 3. Things that are arranged on both sides like ears: 〜房 (ear room). 鼎〜 (ear of a tripod). 4. To hear and speak: 〜闻 (to hear). 〜软 (to listen softly). 〜顺 (when one reaches the age of sixty, one can understand subtle meanings in what others say, referring to someone at the age of sixty). 5. Classical particle, meaning "and that is all," or "that’s it": 想当然〜 (it’s a matter of course). 6. Classical modal word (similar to '矣'): “且壮士不死则已,死即举大名〜” (and if the warrior does not die, that is all; if he dies, he will be famous). 耳 [ěr] 名: 1. Same as the fundamental meaning ([En.] ear). 2. Sense of hearing ([En.] sense of hearing). 3. An ear-like thing ([En.] an ear-like object). 4. Sprout of grain after being rained on ([En.] sprout(of grain on the cereal)). 5. Positioned on both sides, such as: ear door; ear room. 耳 [ěr] 动: 1. To hear, to listen ([En.] hear; listen). 2. To speak in a whisper ([En.] whisper). 3. To withdraw, as in "to move back" ([En.] withdraw). 耳 [ěr] 表示限制,相当于“而已”、“罢了” ([En.] that is all). 耳 [ěr] 表示肯定或语句的停顿与结束,如同“矣”,相当于“了”、“啊”、“也” ([En.] expresses affirmation or pause and end of a statement, similar to '了', '啊', '也'). 耳 [ěr] 表示转折关系,相当于“而” ([En.] indicates a contrasting relation, equivalent to '而'). References and Example Uses: 1. 《说文》: 耳,主听也 (Ear is the master of hearing). 2. 位置在两旁的如:耳门;耳房 (Positioned on both sides like: ear door; ear room). 3. 如:耳识,耳性 (as in: ear memory, ear nature). 4. 听说 ([En.] To hear and speak). 5. 忠言逆耳利于行 ([En.] Honest advice is often unpleasant but beneficial for action).
ěr bìn sī mó
lit. heads rubbing together (idiom) / fig. very close relationship
ěr bí hóu kē
otolaryngology department / ear, nose and throat department / E.N.T. department
ěr zhuì
eardrop / earbob
ěr zhuì zi
eardrops (pendant jewelry) / earrings / CL:對|对[dui4],隻|只[zhi1]
ěr chuí
ěr kǒng
ěr kuò
outer ear / auricle / pinna
cì ěr
ěr guā zi
(coll.) a slap on one's face / a cuff
xǐ ěr gōng tīng
to listen with respectful attention / (a polite request to sb to speak) / we are all ears
yuè ěr
sweet-sounding / beautiful (of sound)
zhuā ěr náo sāi
to tweak one's ears and scratch one's cheeks (as an expression of anxiety, delight, frustration etc) (idiom)
yǎn rén ěr mù
to fool people (idiom) / to pull the wool over people's eyes
xùn léi bù jí yǎn ěr
as sudden as lightning / extremely sudden and swift
xùn léi bù jí yǎn ěr zhī shì
Thunder is too fast to cover your ears
yǎn ěr dào líng
lit. to cover one's ears whilst stealing a bell / to deceive oneself / to bury one's head in the sand (idiom)
Tǔ ěr qí
ěr duo
ear / CL:隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4],對|对[dui4] / handle (on a cup)
Rì ěr màn
rì ěr màn rén
Germanic people
yǎo ěr duo
(coll.) to whisper in sb's ear
ěr duǒ jiān
Tip ears
zhǎng ěr duǒ
long ears
ěr guāng
a slap on the face / CL:記|记[ji4]
cè ěr
to bend an ear (to) / to listen
fǔ shǒu tiē ěr
bowed head and ears glued (idiom); docile and obedient / at sb's beck and call
zhèn ěr yù lóng
ear-splitting (idiom); deafening
ěr rú mù rǎn
to be influenced
yán yóu zài ěr
words still ringing in one's ears (idiom)
māo ěr dòng
Cat ear hole
ěr pàn
ěr wén mù dǔ
to witness personally
Mǎ ěr tā
ěr biān
ěr jī
headphones / earphones / telephone receiver
ěr mù
eyes and ears / sb's attention or notice / information / knowledge / spies
ěr yǔ
to whisper in sb's ear / a whisper
Tǔ ěr qí rén
a Turk / Turkish person
miàn hóng ěr chì
flushed with anger (or excitement)
rù ěr
pleasant to the ear
ěr lóng
ěr míng
ěr wén
to hear of / to hear about
ěr huán
earring / CL:隻|只[zhi1],對|对[dui4]
guō ěr
raucous / ear-splitting
ěr cōng mù míng
sharp ears and keen eyes (idiom) / keen and alert / perceptive
ěr wō
ěr shú néng xiáng
what's frequently heard can be repeated in detail (idiom)
rú léi guàn ěr
lit. like thunder piercing the ear / a well-known reputation (idiom)
jiǔ hān ěr rè
tipsy and merry (idiom)
ěr dīng
stud earring
fù ěr
to approach sb's ear (to whisper)

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Pinyin er3
Four Corner
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