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二 stroke order animation

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二 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 二
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 二
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Meaning of

Pinyin èr
two / 2
二 [èr] 1. 数名。 Number name. 2. 双,比。 Pair, comparison. 3. 两样,别的。 Two kinds, different. 四。 数名:一加一(在钞票和单据上常用大写“贰”代)。 Number name: One plus one (often represented as "贰" in capital on banknotes and vouchers). 双,比:独一无~。 Pair, comparison: Unique and incomparable. 两样,别的:~话。不~价。 Two kinds, different: Different words. Different prices. 二 形 Different kinds; there are distinctions. 不专一;不忠诚。 Not single-minded; disloyal. 引: 1. 《说文》:二,地之数也。从耦一,会意。古文又从弋。 "Shuō Wén": "二" is the number of the earth. Derived from "耦" and "一", forming a meaning. In ancient texts, also from "弋". 2. 《易·系辞》:因二以济民行。虞注:“谓乾与坤也。后世官书以贰为之,为防奸易。” "Yì": "因二以济民行". Commentary explains: Referring to Qian and Kun. Later official documents use "贰" to prevent fraud. 3. 《论语·公冶长》:赐也闻一以知二。 "Lunyu": "Zi has heard one and knows two". 4. 《韩非子·五蠹》:大父未死而有二十五孙。 "Han Feizi": "The grandfather is not dead but has twenty-five grandchildren." 例: - 二加四得六; Two plus four equals six; - 总数为二; The total is two; - 二府(大肠和小肠;二太爷); Two offices (large intestine and small intestine; second uncle); - 二形(男女两性); Two forms (male and female genders); - 二难(指难兄难弟,即蔡、宋两御史); Two difficulties (referring to close brothers or difficult circumstances, i.e., Cai and Song, both officials). - 二仪(两仪,指天地、阴阳); Two symbols (Heaven and Earth, Yin and Yang); - 二纪(二十四年;一纪为十二年); Two periods (24 years; one period is twelve years); - 二氏(释教与道教); Two sects (Buddhism and Taoism); - 二军(汉代禁卫军之南军和北军); Two armies (Han Dynasty's southern and northern imperial guards); - 二南(原指《诗经》中的《周南》与《召南》借指淑女与君子相配); Two Nans (originally referring to "Zhou Nan" and "Zhao Nan" in the "Book of Songs", metaphorically referring to virtuous ladies and gentlemen); - 二星(银子二钱,星,秤杆上的记数点); Two stars (two coins of silver, star as the counting point on the scale); - 二天(再嫁;嫁二夫). Two marriages (remarry; marrying a second husband). 在百位数后接着整数二十时对二十的省称。 When followed by the integer twenty after the hundredth place, it is the short form for twenty. 例如:一百二 For example: One hundred and two. 在千位数后接着整数二百时对二百的省称。 When followed by the integer two hundred after the thousandth place, it is the short form for two hundred. 例如:八千二 For example: Eight thousand two. 在万位数后接着整数二千时对二千的省称。 When followed by the integer two thousand after the ten-thousandth place, it is the short form for two thousand. 例如:四万二 For example: Forty-two thousand. 排列顺序中第二位。 Second position in arrangement. 引: - 唐· 杜甫《石壕吏》:一男附书至,二男新战死。 Tang Dynasty, Du Fu's "Shih Gao Li": "One man attached a letter, the second man recently died in battle." 例: - 二手(副手,二把手); Second-hand (second in command); - 二尹(知县副职县丞的别称); Second Yin (another name for the deputy of a county magistrate); - 二舍(二公子,二少爷。舍:舍人。原为官名,后用以称显贵人家子弟); Second residence (second young master, originally an official title, later used to refer to the sons of noble families); - 二甲(殿试的第二等); Second rank (the second level in the palace examination); - 二门(指大门内的一道总门). Second gate (referring to a main gate inside a larger entrance). 2. 两样; 有区别。 Different kinds; there are distinctions. 例如:二屋里(另住一处,比喻说话岔了道); For example: Two houses (living in another place; metaphorically means deviating from the topic); - 二价(异议)。 Two prices (disagreement). 不专一; 不忠诚。 Not single-minded; disloyal. 例如:有二心; 二四(放肆,胡作非为); For example: Having two hearts; two fours (rebellious, unruly); - 二三(三心二意)。 Two threes (indecisiveness).
Zhōu èr
èr shí lí mǐ
Twenty centimeters
Èr dié jì
Permian (geological period 292-250m years ago)
èr dié
èr dié xì
Permian System
hēng hā èr jiàng
the two ferocious gigantic guardians
èr nǎi
mistress / second wife / lover
dì èr juǎn
Volume Two
宿 èr shí bā xiù
the twenty-eight constellations
èr cùn
Two inches
zhàng èr hé shàng mō bù zháo tóu nǎo
puzzled / be all at sea / be completely at a loss
èr chǐ
Two feet
dì èr jiè
the second term
èr shí suì
Twenty years old
diàn xiǎo èr
(old) (in a tavern or inn etc) waiter / attendant
èr láng miào
Erlang Temple
廿 niàn èr
Twenty two
èr zé
èr lèng zi
stupid person / dolt / rash (slang)
dì èr pī
Second batch
èr mu zhǐ
index finger
yī gān èr jìng
thoroughly (idiom) / completely / one and all / very clean
èr shí liù nián
Twenty six years
qí èr
secondly / the other (usu. of two) / the second
èr jīn
Two catties
Èr shí yī Tiáo
the Japanese Twenty-One Demands of 1915
dì èr méi
èr zhù
Two pillars
yī qīng èr chǔ
to be very clear about sth (idiom)
èr lóu
second floor
Èr lián hào tè shì
Erlianhaote city in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia
èr yī tiān zuò wǔ
lit. one half equals zero point five (division rule in abacus reckoning) / to share fairly between two parties / to go fifty-fifty
èr pào
Second Artillery Corps
èr bù xiū
èr yé
Second master
èr huán
second ring / bicyclo
èr jiān bàn
mitral valve (physiology)
sān yǎng huà èr shēn
arsenic / arsenic trioxide / arsenic white
èr mǔ
Two mu
èr shí mǔ
Twenty acres
yī jiǔ liù èr nián
èr rén
two persons
dì èr tiān
next day / the morrow
dì èr cì
the second time / second / number two
èr nián
Two years
dì èr gè
the second
èr jí
grade 2 / second class / category B
èr shí
twenty / 20
èr zhě
both / both of them / neither
shí èr
twelve / 12
èr shí nián
twenty years
èr lù
èr cì
second (i.e. number two) / second time / twice / (math.) quadratic (of degree two)
Èr yuè
February / second month (of the lunar year)
èr wèi
you two
yī èr
one or two / a few
shí èr nián
Twelve years
èr gē
second brother
dì èr nián
the next year / the following year / the ensuing year
dì èr zhāng
chapter two
èr huáng
variant of 二黃|二黄[er4 huang2]
shí èr shēng xiào
zodiac / twelve chinese zodiac signs
shí èr zhǐ cháng
dì èr
second / number two / next / secondary
èr shí qī nián
Twenty-seven years
èr shí qī rì
èr qī lù
Erqi Road
èr shì
the Second (of numbered kings) / second generation (e.g. Chinese Americans)
dì èr sōu
Second ship
èr mào tiě
ferrocene / dicyclopentadienyl iron
èr chá
regrowth hair
èr huà míng
Chilo suppressalis / striped rice borer / rice stem borer
zhōng zhēn bù èr
be steady in one's allegiance / an indomitably loyal heart / be always true to sb. / show great and unchanging loyalty (to a cause / to sb.)
èr dào fàn zi
middleman / buyer and seller
dì èr lún
second round (of match, or election)
dì èr liàng
Second car
wǔ yǎng huà èr fán
Vanadium pentoxide V2O5 / vanadic anhydride
dì èr biàn
Second time
Èr láng
see 二郎神[Er4 lang2 shen2]
èr láng tuǐ
one leg over the other (legs crossed)
Èr láng shén
Erlangshen, Chinese deity
èr yuán chún
ethyl alcohol C2H5OH
shí èr zhū
Twelve baht
èr chuí
Second hammer
èr jiē
second order / quadratic (math.)
dì èr yè
The second page
dì èr kē
Second one

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