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儿 stroke order animation

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儿 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 儿
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 儿
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Meaning of

Pinyin ér、 rén
son, non-syllabic dimi. suff.
儿 (ér) 1. 小孩子。 [En.] Child. 2. 年轻的人(多指青年男子)。 [En.] Young person (often refers to young men). 3. 儿子,男孩子。 [En.] Son, boy. 4. 父母对儿女的统称,儿女对父母的自称。 [En.] General term for children used by parents, also a way for children to refer to parents. 5. 助词。 [En.] Particle. 同本义 ([En.] child, pl. children) 6. 儿女,父母所生的子女,第一代后裔 ([En.] child). [En.] Children, offspring of parents, first generation descendants. 7. 长辈对幼辈的称呼。亦用作轻蔑之称 ([En.] child). [En.] Term used by elders for younger ones; can also be used disparagingly. 8. 父母对儿子的称呼 ([En.] son). [En.] Term used by parents for their son. 9. 男青年 ([En.] young man). [En.] Young man. 10. 年轻人;青年 ([En.] youngster). [En.] Young person; youth. 11. 我 ([En.] I). [En.] I. 12. 子女对父母的自称。 [En.] Term used by children to refer to parents. 13. 古代年轻女子的自称。 [En.] Term used by young women in ancient times to refer to themselves. 14. 弟对兄的自称。 [En.] Term used by younger brothers to refer to older brothers. 形状 1. 雄性——多指牲畜。 [En.] Male, often refers to livestock. 2. 自己的 ([En.] my) 用于古代妇女称自己丈夫。 [En.] My, used by ancient women to refer to their husbands. 儿化 3. 儿化。汉语后缀的“儿”不自成音节,而和前面一个音节合在一起构成带卷舌韵母r的音节。 [En.] The "儿" suffix in Chinese does not form a separate syllable but combines with the preceding syllable to create a r-colored vowel sound. 4. 多用作名词后缀:表示小。 [En.] Often used as a noun suffix to indicate something small. 5. 动词的后缀。 [En.] Verb suffix. 6. 形容词后缀。 [En.] Adjective suffix. 同【人】(此义无繁体)。 [En.] Same as [人] (this meaning has no traditional form). 作助词(同前一字连成一个卷舌音)。 [En.] Used as a particle (combined with the preceding character to form a r-colored sound). 作助词(同前一字连成一个卷舌音):小孩儿。 [En.] Used as a particle (combined with the preceding character to form a r-colored sound): child.
wèi r
shuāng ér
gē r
brothers / boys
sǎng zi yǎn r
erhua variant of 嗓子眼[sang3 zi5 yan3]
gé ér
yǎn quān ér
Eye circles
niū er
kǎn r
critical juncture / key moment
kǎn r jǐng
karez, qanat or "horizontal well" (irrigation and water management system used in Xinjiang, Central Asia and Middle East)
zhuì ér
duī ér
xí fu r
wife / young married woman
ér xí fu
mèi ér
qī ér
wife and child
jiě ér
jiě ér men
wá ér
children (colloquial)
nǚ wá ér
Baby girl
niáng ér
yīng yòu ér
shì guǎn yīng ér
test tube baby
yīng ér qī
yīng ér chē
baby carriage / pram / stroller
ér xí
dà ér xí
Eldest daughter-in-law
yà gēn r
erhua variant of 壓根|压根[ya4 gen1]
sháo ér
ér sūn
gū ér guǎ mǔ
Widow and orphan
nǚ hái r
erhua variant of 女孩[nu:3 hai2]
xiǎo hái r
erhua variant of 小孩[xiao3 hai2]
nán hái r
erhua variant of 男孩[nan2 hai2]
chǒng ér
pet / favorite / darling
shào nián ér tóng
jiān ér
zǎi ér
mào ér
yòu ér
young child / infant / preschooler
Tái ér zhuāng
Tai'erzhuang district of Zaozhuang city 棗莊市|枣庄市[Zao3 zhuang1 shi4], Shandong
jìn r
erhua variant of 勁|劲[jin4]
yī gè jìn r
erhua variant of 一個勁|一个劲[yi1 ge4 jin4]
yī hū ér
a little while / in a moment
huàn ér
child victim of disaster or disease / afflicted child
lèng shén r
to stare blankly / to be in a daze
ér xì
child's play / trifling matter
zá bàn r
erhua variant of 雜拌|杂拌[za2 ban4]
guǎi gùn ér
Walking stick
āi gè r
erhua variant of 挨個|挨个[ai1 ge4]
còu qù ér
join in (a game, etc.) just to please others
tù ér yé
clay rabbit for the Mid-Autumn Festival / Lord Rabbit
dōu r
erhua variant of 兜[dou1]
zuó r
(coll.) yesterday
zuó r ge
(coll.) yesterday
duǒ ér
Duo Er(歌名)
zǎo ér
gùn ér
mén kǎn ér
jiàn ér
top athlete / heroic warrior
shǎ jìn er
foolishness / stupidity
shǎ mào r
erhua variant of 傻帽[sha3 mao4]
ér tóng
child / CL:個|个[ge4]
nǚ ér
zhè r
nà r
nǎ r
where? / wherever / anywhere
yīng ér
infant / baby / CL:個|个[ge4] / lead (Pb)
yī diǎn r
erhua variant of 一點|一点[yi1 dian3]
zhè huì r
(coll.) now / this moment / also pr. [zhe4 hui3 r5]
hái ér
ér nǚ
children / sons and daughters
diǎn r
erhua variant of 點|点[dian3]
tóu r
tāi ér
unborn child / fetus / embryo
yī kuài r
erhua variant of 一塊|一块[yi1 kuai4]
gē ér liǎ
yé ér liǎ
father and son / uncle and nephew / grandfather and grandson
táo ér hé
Tao'er he
huó r
work / (lots of) things to do
yī liù ér
Walk around
zī wèi ér
bàn ér
zhí nǚ er
ér zi
niáng r men
(dialect) woman / wife
gē men r
erhua variant of 哥們|哥们[ge1 men5]
gē er men
mate / brother / buddy / pals
yé men r
erhua variant of 爺們|爷们[ye2 men5]
yé ér men
men of two or more generations
fèn r
degree / extent / allotted share
dà huǒ r
erhua variant of 大伙[da4 huo3]
yī huì r
a moment / a while / in a moment / / also pr. [yi1 hui3 r5]
māo ér
Māo ér shān
Kitten Mountain, Guangxi
māo ér yǎn
(猫睛石的通称) cat's eye
hóu ér
little devil
shuǎ hóu ér
put on a monkey show
wán yì r
erhua variant of 玩意[wan2 yi4]
wán r
to play / to have fun / to hang out
wán yì r
variant of 玩意兒|玩意儿[wan2 yi4 r5]

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Pinyin er2
Four Corner
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