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娘 stroke order animation

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娘 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 娘
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 娘
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Meaning of

Pinyin niáng
mother / young lady, mother / troubled
娘 (niáng) 1. 母亲: mother 例: ~亲。~家。爹~。 Example: maternal relatives. 2. 对年轻女子的称呼: a term for young women 例: ~子。姑~。娇~。新~。 Example: girl; young lady. 3. 称长一辈或年长的已婚妇女: a term for elder or married women 例: 大~。婶~。 Example: elder lady; aunt. 【本义】: 对妇女的泛称,多指少女: the original meaning is a general term for women, mostly referring to young girls. 【造字法】: 形声。从女,良声: The character is phono-semantic, consisting of the "female" component and the phonetic 良. 同本义: women; young woman. 引: 古乐府《子夜歌》:见娘喜容媚,愿得结金兰。 Example: From the ancient ballad "Midnight Song": "Upon seeing the young woman, I am filled with delight and wish to forge bonds." 例: 渔娘; 厨娘; 婆娘; 老板娘; 娘行; 娘们; 娘娘庙; 新娘; 姑娘. Examples: fisherwoman; cook; wife; mistress; young bride; girl. 俗: 母亲: mother. 引: 《乐府诗集·木兰诗》:旦辞爷娘去。 Example: From the poem "Mulan": "In the morning, I bid farewell to my parents." 引: 唐·杜甫《兵车行》:耶娘妻子走相送。 Example: From Du Fu's "The Carriage of War": "The mothers and wives send them off." 奴婢对女主人也称娘: A servant referring to a mistress. 引: 《金瓶梅词话》: “娘这个鞋,只好盛我一个脚指头儿罢。” Example: In "Jin Ping Mei": “Madam, this shoe can only fit my toe." 称人之妻: a term for one’s wife. 例: 娘们 (指妻子): wife; term for one's spouse. 称长一辈或年长的已婚妇女: a term for elder or married women. 引: 明·归有光《项脊轩志》: 娘以指叩门。 Example: In "The Story of Xiangjixuan": "She knocked on the door gently." 例: 娘妗 (舅母); 大娘; 婶娘; 姨娘. Examples: aunt; elder woman; mother-in-law; concubine.
gū niang
girl / young woman / young lady / daughter / paternal aunt (old) / CL:個|个[ge4]
nǎi niáng
(dialect) wet nurse
dà gū niáng
aunt / unmarried young woman / unmarried girl / eldest girl / eldest daughter
yí niáng
maternal aunt / father's concubine (old)
niáng yí
niáng niang
queen / empress / imperial concubine / Goddess, esp. Xi Wangmu 王母娘娘 or 西王母, Queen Mother of the West / mother / aunt
niáng zǐ
(dialect) form of address for one's wife / polite form of address for a woman
niáng jia
married woman's parents' home
xīn niáng
diē niáng
(dialect) parents
pó niáng
woman (derog.)
niáng ér
lǎo niáng
my old mother / I, this old woman / my old lady (colloquial) / maternal grandmother / midwife
dà niáng
(coll.) father's older brother's wife / aunt (polite address)
é niáng
hóng niáng
niáng jiù
uncle / brother of one's mother
lǎo bǎn niáng
female proprietor / lady boss / boss's wife
shěn niáng
aunt / wife of one's father's younger brother
niáng zi jūn
women soldiers
qīn niáng
xīn jià niáng
Niáng niáng miào
temple of Goddess of Fertility
niáng liǎ
bàn niáng
bridesmaid / maid of honor / matron of honor
niáng r men
(dialect) woman / wife
niáng tāi
zhàng mǔ niáng
wife's mother / mother-in-law / same as 丈母
mà niáng
to curse (at sb) / to call sb names

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Input Method for
Pinyin niang2
Four Corner
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