Learn to write the Chinese character "婆" by watching the stroke order animation of "婆".
Stroke by Stroke: 婆 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '婆' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '婆' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '婆' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '婆'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
婆 [pó]
1. 年老的妇女。 (Old woman.)
2. 丈夫的母亲。 (Mother-in-law.)
3. 称长两辈的亲属妇女。 (Refers to women from two generations before; a term of respect for older female relatives.)
4. 方言,泛指已婚的青年妇女,亦称妻子。 (Dialect term broadly referring to married young women, also means wife.)
5. 旧时指从事某些职业的妇女。 (In the past, referred to women engaged in certain occupations.)
- 苦口婆心 (Caring advice from an older woman; persistent and heartfelt advice.)
- 老太婆和老头子的合称 (A colloquial term for elderly couples.)
- 婆儿 (Elderly woman.)
- 婆儿气 (The temperament or manner of an older woman.)
1. 舞 ([En.] dancing)
2. 盘旋;停留 ([En.] spiraling)
3. 分散;扶疏 ([En.] disperse)
4. 舒展 ([En.] limber up)
1. 《尔雅》:婆娑,舞也。
2. 《汉书》:婆娑虖术艺之场,休息虖篇籍之囿。
3. 《文选·王褒·洞箫赋》:风鸿洞而不绝兮,优娆娆以婆娑。
4. 唐·姚合《游河阳河岸》:醉时眠石上,肢体自婆娑。
1. 年老的妇人 ([En.] old woman)。
- 例: 如: 苦口婆心; 婆老; 婆儿气。
2. 旧指从事某些职业的妇女 ([En.] woman in a certain occupation)。
- 例: 如: 接生婆; 媒婆; 产婆。
3. 已婚妇女,妻 ([En.] wife)。
- 例: 如: 婆姨; 老婆。
4. 丈夫的母亲 ([En.] mother-in-law)。
- 例: 如: 公婆; 婆婆。
5. 祖母 ([En.] grandmother)。
- 例: 如: 太婆; 外婆。
6. 母 ([En.] mother)。
- 引: 《乐府诗集·佚名·折杨柳枝歌》。
7. 古代广西少数民族对老人的称谓 ([En.] old man)。
- 引: 《正字通》。
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