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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

戏 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

戏 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 戏
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 戏
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Meaning of

Pinyin xì、 hū
trick / drama / play / show
戏 xì 1. 玩耍。 [En.] to play. 2. 嘲弄,开玩笑。 [En.] to tease; to joke. 3. 戏剧,也指杂技。 [En.] drama; referring also to acrobatics. 玩耍:游~。儿~。嬉~。~豫(嬉游逸乐)。二龙~珠。 [En.] Playing: to go on excursions (游戏), playing around (儿戏), merrymaking (嬉戏), enjoying leisure activities (戏豫), like "two dragons playing with pearls"(二龙戏珠). 嘲弄,开玩笑:~言。~弄。~谑(用诙谐有趣的话开玩笑)。 [En.] Teasing, joking: mockery (戏言), to make a plaything of (戏弄), jesting (戏谑). 戏剧,也指杂技:一出~。黄梅~。看~。演~。皮影~。 [En.] Drama, also referring to acrobatics: a performance (一出戏), Huangmei opera (黄梅戏), to watch a play (看戏), to perform (演戏), shadow play (皮影戏). **戏** xì **Noun** 【本义】:一种兵器 [En.] Primary meaning: a type of weapon. 【造字法】:形声。从戈。䖒( xī)声。 [En.] Etymology: form and sound character; composed of 戈 and sounding like 䖒 (xī). 1. 同本义 ([En.] weapon) 2. 假借为“麾”。军队中的帅旗 ([En.] flag) 3. 侧翼 ([En.] side wing) 4. 指歌舞杂技等的表演 ([En.] play; sport) 5. 戏剧 ([En.] drama; play) 6. 游戏 ([En.] game) 7. 姓 **戏** xì **Verb** 1. 角斗,角力 ([En.] to wrestle) 2. 开玩笑,耍笑捉弄 ([En.] to make fun of) 3. 游戏;戏耍 ([En.] to play) 4. 另见 hū **戏** xì 1. 〔於(wū)~〕同“呜呼”。 [En.] Same as "wū hū" (to sigh). **戏** hū 1. 戯、戲 hū 2. ——“於戏”( wūhū):同“呜呼”( wūhū) 3. 另见 xì; huī **戏** huī **Noun** 通“麾”。将军的旌旗 ([En.] standard of a commander). **戏** huī **Verb** 1. 指挥 ([En.] command; direct). 2. 另见 hū; xì
chàng xì
to perform in opera
xī xì
to frolic / fun / a romp
mào zi xì fǎ
hat trick (when one player scores three goals)
xì nòng
to play tricks on / to make fun of / to tease
yóu xì
game / CL:場|场[chang3] / to play
xì chēng
to jokingly call / jocular appellation
xì qǔ
Chinese opera
yóu xì jī
video game / game machine
wǎng luò yóu xì
online game
yǎn xì
to put on a play / to perform / fig. to pretend / to feign
xì jù xìng
bǎ xì
acrobatics / jugglery / cheap trick / game
bǎi xì
xì tái
hǎo xì
good play
dà xì
large-scale Chinese opera / Beijing opera / major dramatic production (movie, TV series etc)
ér xì
child's play / trifling matter
xì jù jiā
dramatist / playwright
tiáo xì
to take liberties with a woman / to dally / to assail a woman with obscenities
xì zi
(derog.) opera singer / actor
ná shǒu hǎo xì
the role an actor plays best (idiom) / (fig.) one's specialty / one's forte
kuǐ lěi xì
puppet show
xì wǔ
to insult
xì jù
drama / play / theater
hóu xì
monkey show
nuó xì
Anhui local opera
gē zǎi xì
type of opera from Taiwan and Fujian
huá jī xì
farce / low comedy
xì shuǎ
to amuse oneself / to play with / to tease
shuǎ bǎ xì
juggle / play tricks / be up to one's tricks
xì xuè
to banter / to crack jokes / to ridicule
féng chǎng zuò xì
lit. find a stage, put on a comedy (idiom); to join in the fun / to play along according to local conditions

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Pinyin xi4
Four Corner
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