Learn to write the Chinese character "戮" by watching the stroke order animation of "戮".
Stroke by Stroke: 戮 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '戮' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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戮 (lù)
1. 杀: to kill.
2. 〔~力〕合力,并力: a combined effort, as in “~~同心” (join forces with one heart).
3. 羞辱,侮辱: to humiliate, to insult.
1. 杀:~尸 (kill corpses)。杀~ (to kill).
2. 〔~力〕合力,并力,如“~~同心”:a collective force, as in "to join forces with one heart".
3. 羞辱,侮辱:~人 (humiliate people, specifically criminals)。~民 (people subjected to punishment)。~辱 (to insult)。~笑 (to ridicule).
戮 (lù)
剹 lù
【本义】: 斩,杀: the original meaning is to execute, to kill.
1. 同本义(表示处以死刑,特指杀死人后陈尸示众): [En.] kill.
2. 陈尸示众: [En.] display the killed body.
3. 惩罚: [En.] punish.
4. 通“僇”。羞辱: [En.] humiliate.
1. 《说文》:戮,杀也。字亦作剹: “lù” means to kill; it is also written as "剹".
2. 戮谓膊焚辜肆。——《周礼·掌戮》注: "戮" refers to punishment through burning.
3. 《荀子·王制》:防淫除邪,戮之以五刑: "To prevent indulgence and eliminate evil, punishments are applied."
4. 《资治通鉴》:俘囚为盗耳,晓当尽戮之: "The captives were considered thieves and should be entirely executed."
又如:戮佞 (eliminate treacherous people); 戮身 (to sacrifice oneself); 戮挫 (to kill and humiliate); 戮杀 (to slaughter); 戮害 (to kill); 戮罪 (to execute a guilty person); 戮死 (to die from execution).
2. 陈尸示众 ([En.] display killed body)
1. 《国语·晋语》:三奸同罪,请杀其生者,而戮其死者: "Three conspirators share the same guilt; we propose to execute the living and display the deceased." 注: “陈尸为戮。”
又如:戮尸 (to display corpses); 戮尸枭首 (to behead corpses and display them).
3. 惩罚 ([En.] punish)
1. 《国语》:王使执而戮之: "The king ordered to seize and punish him."
又如:戮人 (punished individuals); 戮余 (remaining after punishment); 戮死 (to die from punishment); 戮辱 (subjected to humiliation).
4. 通“僇”。羞辱 ([En.] humiliate)
1. 《书·甘誓》:不用命戮于社: "Do not use force to humiliate in public."
2. 《左传·文公六年》:贾季戮臾骈: "Jia Ji was humiliated."
又如:戮笑 (to ridicule).
戮 (lù)
勠 lù
【本义】: 并力,合力: the original meaning is to combine strength, to cooperate.
1. 《说文》:勠,并力也。从力,戮声: "勠 means to work together."
2. 《国语·齐语》:与诸侯戮力同心: "To work closely with the feudal lords."
3. 《战国策·中山策》:勠力同忧: "To share the burdens of cooperation."
4. 《汉书·高帝纪》:戮力攻秦: "To unite forces against Qin."
又如:戮力 (to combine efforts).
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