Learn to write the Chinese character "路 " by watching the stroke order animation of "路 ".
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "路 "
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of "路 "
(surname) / road / path / way
路 [lù]
【本义】: 道路
【造字法】: 形声。从足,各声。
1. 同本义 [En.] road
1. 《说文》:路,道也。
2. 《尔雅》:路,途也。
3. 《周礼·地官》:百夫有洫,洫上有途,千户有浍,浍上有道,万夫有川,川上有路。 注:“途容乘车一轨,道容二轨,路容三轨。”
4. 屈原《离骚》:路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。
5. 《诗·郑风·遵大路》:遵彼大路兮。
6. 《易·说卦》:艮为径路。
7. 陶潜《桃花源记》:遂迷,不复得路。
2. 路程;行程 [En.] distance travelled;journey
1. 陶潜《桃花源记》:缘溪行,忘路之远近。
3. 引申为思想或行动的途径 [En.] way; means
1. 清 · 周容《芋老人传》:登仕路。
2. 诸葛亮《出师表》:忠谏之路。
3. 《史记·魏公子列传》:顾未有路。
另如: 路子(指门路)
4. 通“辂”。车 [En.] carriage
1. 《左传·宣公十二年》:筚路蓝缕,以启山林。
2. 《荀子·正论》:乘大路趋越席以养安。
另如: 路车(古代诸侯乘坐的车子); 路马(古代天子、诸侯所乘路车的马)
5. 君王居住的地方 [En.] court
如: 路门(古代天子宫中最内的门); 路寝(古代天子、诸侯的正厅); 路殿(天子诸侯的正殿)
6. 地区;方面;路线 [En.] area; respect; line
1. 《三国演义》:甘宁等三路战船,纵横水面。
另如: 路塍(田埂)
7. 比喻权位 [En.] power and authority
1. 《孟子·公孙丑》:夫子当路于齐。
8. 铁路 [En.] railway; railroad
如: 路矿(铁路和矿山的合称); 路员(铁路上的工作人员)
9. 种类;类型 [En.] kind; type
如: 路数(指类型)
10. 宋元时行政区域名
1. 宋· 文天祥《指南录后序》:都督诸路军马。
2. 宋· 辛弃疾《京口北固亭怀古》:烽火扬州路。
另如: 路分(宋元时路制的区域范围)
路 [lù]
1. 经过 [En.] go through; pass
1. 《楚辞·离骚》:路不周以左转兮,指西海以为期。
2. 通“露”。暴露 [En.] show; become visible; reveal
1. 《荀子·议兵》:彼可诈者,怠慢者也,路亶者也。
3. 通“露”。败坏 [En.] corrupt; ruin
1. 《管子·四时》:国家乃路。
2. 《孟子·滕文公上》:是率天下而路也。
路 [lù]
1. 通“露”。裸露 [En.] naked。
如: 路数(由言行衣着等方面表露出的样子); 路宿(露宿)
2. 大 [En.] big。
如: 路弓(大弓); 路台(高大的台)
crossroads / intersection
sequence of movements in martial arts / routine / pattern / standard method
a fork in the road / a junction of three roads
winding road / roundabout route / detour / (fig.) wrong way (of doing sth)
to take an indirect route / to waste one's time by using an inappropriate method
path / route / method / ways and means
train of thought / thinking / reason / reasoning
He fled in any path he could without heeding which he chose.
to block sb's path / to waylay
lit. no one picks up lost articles in the street (idiom) / fig. honesty prevails throughout society
road condition(s) (e.g. surface, traffic flow etc)
Eighth Route Army, the larger of the two major Chinese communist forces fighting the Japanese in the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945)
highway / road / CL:條|条[tiao2]
expressway / highway / freeway
pointless trip / not worth the trip
tarred road / asphalt road
Balochi (ethnic group of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan)
to diverge from the main road, also figuratively
a section of a highway or railway
blacktop / asphalt road / bituminous road / tarmac road
along the way / the duration of a journey
street lamp / street light
lit. to meet face to face on a narrow path (idiom) / fig. enemies or rivals meet face to face
understood by everyone (idiom); well known / a household name
the hardships of beginning an undertaking (idiom)
lit. enemies on a narrow road (idiom); fig. an inevitable clash between opposing factions
itinerary / route / political line (e.g. right revisionist road) / CL:條|条[tiao2]
veined pattern / wrinkles / vein lines (in marble or fingerprint) / grain (in wood etc)
line / circuit / wire / road / railway track / bus route
高 速 公 路 网 gāo sù gōng lù wǎng
expressway network
railroad / railway / CL:條|条[tiao2]
to hasten on with one's journey / to hurry on
on the road / on a journey / road surface
the whole journey / all the way / going the same way / going in the same direction / of the same kind
road / path / way / CL:條|条[tiao2]
midway / mediocre (quality) / midfield (soccer)
a way out (lit. and fig.) / opportunity for advancement / a way forward / outlet (for one's products)
curb / roadside / wayside
to lose the way / lost / labyrinth / labyrinthus vestibularis (of the inner ear)
a way out / a way to retreat / leeway
(lit. and fig.) road / path
to pave (with paving stones) / to lay a road / to give a present to sb to ensure success
land route / to go by surface transport
street / road / CL:條|条[tiao2]