Learn to write the Chinese character "套" by watching the stroke order animation of "套".
Stroke by Stroke: 套 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '套' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '套' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '套' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '套'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
to cover / covering / case / cover / (a measure word, a set of something) / sheath
套 [tào]
1. 罩在外面的东西: sheath; case; cover (e.g. 枕套; book cover; pen cover; gloves).
2. 指已成固定格式的办法或语言: convention; formula (e.g. 套文,套言,套括; fixed patterns of writing and speaking).
3. 衡量、要求事物的固定模式: convention; restriction (e.g. 套数; procedures; formalities).
4. 地势弯曲的地方,常作地名用字: bend (e.g. 河套).
5. 特指黄河从宁夏横城堡到陕西府谷县一段或这一段围着的地区: a specific area along the Yellow River (e.g. 河套).
6. 用绳子等结成的环状物: knot; loop; noose (e.g. 牲口套; rope loops).
7. 圈套: trap (e.g. 套子).
1. 罩在外面: cover with; slip on (e.g. 套袖; protective sleeves).
2. 把棉花、丝棉等平整地装入被褥或袄里缝好: fit over (e.g. 套棉被; to properly stuff a quilt).
3. 用绳索或轭具将牲口拴住或与车辆等用具拴在一起以备使用: harness (e.g. 套车; to harness a horse).
4. 用计哄骗或诈诱: trick (e.g. 套弄; to cheat).
5. 照现成的模式做: model on (e.g. 生搬硬套; to mechanically apply).
6. 拉拢: try to win (sb.'s friendship) (e.g. 套交情; trying to build rapport).
7. 互相衔接、重叠: interlink (e.g. 十年修公路,大圈套小圈; larger and smaller loops in a road project).
用于搭配成组的事物: set (e.g. 套杯; a set of nesting cups; 一套房子; a house set).
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