Learn to write the Chinese character "跌" by watching the stroke order animation of "跌".
Stroke by Stroke: 跌 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '跌' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '跌' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '跌' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '跌'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
跌 [diē]
1. 摔: To fall; tumble.
例如: 跌了一跤 (to take a tumble); 天雨路滑,小心跌倒 (be careful not to fall on the slippery road).
2. 下降,低落: To drop; to lower.
例如: 股市下跌 (the stock market has dropped); 最近市场上的物价跌了不少 (prices have fallen significantly in the market recently).
3. 差失: To make an error; slip.
例如: 杨朱哭衢涂曰:『此夫过举,蹞步而觉,跌千里者夫,哀哭之。』 (This implies errors that go unnoticed; the lines refer to someone who stumbles a thousand miles).
4. 顿足,跺: To stamp; to stomp.
例如: (王)允仰面跌足,半晌不语 (he looked up and stamped his feet in silence).
1. 在文字上故作顿挫,在言语间,故作波折: To show rhythm in writing or speech.
例如: 跌宕 (to fluctuate).
2. 放荡不羁: Unrestrained; free-spirited.
例如: 形容不受约束的行为。
3. 行步不稳: To stagger; to walk unsteadily.
例如: 跌蹶 (to walk unsteadily); 跌退 (to stagger backward).
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