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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

蹤 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

蹤 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 蹤
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 蹤
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Meaning of

Pinyin zōng
footprint / trace / tracks
蹤 zōng 1. 腳印;蹤跡。後作“踪”。 (English: Footprints; traces. Later written as "踪".) 2. 追隨;追蹤。 (English: To follow; to track.) 3. 縱身。明沈璟。 (English: To leap. From the Ming dynasty, Shen Jing.) 4. 姓。宋鄧名世。 (English: A surname. From the Song dynasty, Deng Mingshi.) 蹤 (本义:腳印,蹤跡) zōng [名] 造字法:形聲。从足,從聲。 (English: Method of composition: phono-semantic. From foot, from sound.) 同本義 (English: Trace) 1. 事物的痕跡 (English: Track) 引: 1. 李白《謁老君廟》:草合人蹤斷,塵濃鳥跡深。 (English: Li Bai "At the Temple of Laojun": The grass covers the traces of people, the dust is thick and the traces of birds are deep.) 2. 柳宗元《江雪》:千山鳥飛絕,萬徑人蹤滅。 (English: Liu Zongyuan "River Snow": In thousands of mountains, birds do not fly, and in ten thousand paths, there are no traces of people.) 3. 宋·蘇軾《石鐘山記》:訪其遺蹤。 (English: Song dynasty, Su Shi "Record of Shizhong Mountain": To visit its traces left behind.) 4. 《聊齋志異·促織》:絕無蹤響。 (English: "Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio": Absolutely no trace of sound.) 5. 《廣東軍務記》:膽寒潛蹤。 (English: "Records of Guangdong Military Affairs": Scary hidden traces.) 例: 又如:蹤塵(塵世的事情);蹤緒(蹤跡,頭緒);蹤響(蹤跡和聲響);蹤轍(蹤跡) (English: For example:蹤塵 (affairs of the mundane world);蹤緒 (traces, clues);蹤響 (traces and sounds);蹤轍 (traces).) 事物的痕跡 (English: Track) 引: 1. 《鹿虔扆·臨江仙》:翠華一去寂無蹤,玉樓歌吹,聲斷己隨風。 (English: "Lu Qianyi, Linjiang Fairy": Once the green flower is gone, there is no trace; the singing in the jade tower fades, the sound has been carried away by the wind.) 例: 又如:蹤由(事情的始末);跟蹤 (English: For example:蹤由 (the beginning and end of events); to follow.) 追隨 (English: follow) 引: 1. 《晉書·劉曜載書》:朕欲遠追周文,近蹤光武,使宗廟有太山之安。 (English: "Book of Jin, Liu Yao's Biography": I desire to trace Zhou Wen from afar and follow Guangwu closely, to ensure the peace of the ancestral temple.) 2. 《隋書》:質菲薄而難蹤,心恬愉而去惑。 (English: "Book of Sui": The quality is thin and it is hard to track; the heart is peaceful and happy, free from confusion.) 例: 又如:蹤行(跟着走) (English: For example: 蹤行 (to follow along).)

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Four Corner
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