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戒 stroke order animation

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戒 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 戒
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 戒
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Meaning of

Pinyin jiè
swear off / warn against
戒 [jiè] 动 1. 防备:guard against 2. 革除不良嗜好:give up bad habits 3. 佛教律条,泛指禁止做的事:Buddhist monastic discipline, generally refers to prohibited actions 4. 准备:be ready 5. 古同“界”,界限:border; limit 同本义:guard against 引: 1. 《说文》:戒,警也。 ("The Shuowen says: '戒' means to warn.") 2. 《诗·小雅·采薇》:岂不日戒。 ("Is it not a daily warning?") 3. 《礼记·曾子问》:以三年之戒。 ("With three years of caution.") 4. 《左传·哀公元年》:基浇能戒之。 ("Jigao can guard against this.") 5. 《国语·吴语》:息民不戒。 ("The people must not be complacent.") 6. 《庄子·养生主》:怵然为戒。 ("Be cautious with apprehension.") 7. 《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》:戒之慎勿忘。 ("Be careful and do not forget.") 8. 唐·魏征《谏太宗十思疏》:知足以自戒。 ("Know satisfaction to guard oneself.") 例: - 又如: 戒慎 (戒备谨慎);戒书 (用来自我警戒的文字);戒旦 (警告天将破晓);戒守 (警戒守卫);戒命 (禁止某些行为的命令);戒戢 (警介禁止);戒诗 (自我警戒的诗) 2. 通“诫”。告诫:warn 引: 1. 《仪礼·士冠礼》:主人戒宾。 ("The host warns the guests.") 2. 清·徐珂《清稗类钞·战事类》:三保戒团众。 ("Sanbao warned the group.") 例: - 又如: 戒勉 (告诫勉励);戒约 (告诫约束);戒谕 (告诫;训导);戒朝 (告诫无将明) 3. 留神,当心:be careful; caution 例: - 如: 戒口 (慎言);戒火 (慎于用火);戒谨;戒慎 4. 预备;准备:be ready 引: 1. 《诗·小雅·大田》:既种既戒。 ("Having planted, one must also prepare.") 例: - 又如: 戒装 (准备行装);戒辖 (准备车辆) 5. 登程,出发:start 例: - 如: 戒行 (登程,出发上路);戒途 (出发,准备上路);戒程 (登程,出发上路);戒道 (登程,出发上路) 6. 戒除:abstrain from; give up; stop 引: 1. 唐·魏征《谏太宗十思疏》:戒奢以俭。 ("Guard against extravagance with frugality.") 例: - 又如: 戒杀 (戒除杀生);戒脱 (戒掉);戒绝;戒诗 (戒除做诗);戒烟;戒酒 7. 告请;约请:invite 例: - 如: 戒期 (定期);戒速 (谓事先告知,再届时邀请);戒食 (约期共食; 招宴) 8. 斋戒:fast 引: 1. 《易·系辞》:圣人以此斋戒。 ("The sage fasts with this.") 2. 《周礼·太史》:戒及宿之曰。 ("The fast and stay are named.") 3. 《礼记·礼器》:七曰戒。 ("The seventh is called fasting.") 名 1. 警戒之事:warning 引: 1. 《论语》:君子有三戒。 ("The gentleman has three cautions.") 2. 戒指的简称:ring 例: - 如: 钻戒 (镶钻石的戒指) 3. 佛教的教规惩戒。指必须遵守的各种准则,防非止恶的规范:Buddhist monastic discipline, a translation of the Sanskrit 'Sila'. Refers to the various rules and ethical codes that must be followed. 例: - 如: 戒定慧 (佛教用语:指持戒、禅定和智慧);戒体 (佛教用语:受戒的比丘内有防非止恶的自治力) 4. 用于告戒的一种文体:style 例: - 如: 戒书 (汉代皇帝四种命令之一) 5. 通“界”。界限,分界:border; limit 引: 1. 《史记·天官书》:星茀于河戒。 ("Stars are obscured at the river's limits.") 2. 《新唐书·天文志》:江河为南北两戒。 ("Rivers serve as the north-south boundary.")
jiè lǜ
monastic discipline / commandment
jiè jù
chéng jiè
to discipline / reprimand
jiè shèn
vigilant / cautious
jiè zhi
(finger) ring
jiè bèi
to take precautions / to guard against (emergency)
jǐng jiè
to warn / to alert / to be on the alert / to stand guard / sentinel
jiè bèi sēn yán
zhāi jiè
to fast
Zhū Bā jiè
Zhu Bajie, character in Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记, with pig-like characteristics and armed with a muckrake / Pigsy in Arthur Waley's translation
jiè xīn
vigilance / wariness
jiè yān
to give up smoking
jiè dāo
Buddhist monk's knife (not used for killing)
jiè dú
to kick a drug habit / to abstain from drugs
线 jǐng jiè xiàn
police cordon / alert level
shā jiè
qīng guī jiè lǜ
grudgingly / unwillingly / against one's will
jiè chú
to quit / to give up (a bad habit)
jiè jiǔ
to give up drinking / to abstain from drinking
bā jiè
the eight precepts (Buddhism)
jiè yán
to impose martial law / to impose emergency measures
jiè jiāo jiè zào
to guard against pride and impatience (idiom); to remain modest and keep cool
jiàn jiè
lesson from events of the past / warning
zuàn jiè
diamond ring / CL:隻|只[zhi1]
jiè shí míng
Ring stone inscription

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Pinyin jie4
Four Corner
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