Learn to write the Chinese character "云" by watching the stroke order animation of "云".
Stroke by Stroke: 云 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '云' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '云' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '云' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '云'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
(classical) to say, cloud / (abbr.) for Yunnan / surname
云 yún
名词 (Noun):
1. 说话,引文 ([En.] Speech, quotation).
- 人云亦云。子曰诗云。云云(如此,这样;引用文句或谈话时,表示结束或有所省略)。
2. 文言助词,句首句中句末都用 ([En.] Classical Chinese particle used at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence).
- 云谁之思?岁云暮矣,着记时也云。
3. 水气上升遇冷凝聚成微小的水珠,成团地在空中飘浮 ([En.] Water vapor that rises and condenses into small droplets, floating in clusters in the air).
- 行云流水。云蒸霞蔚。
4. 指中国“云南省” ([En.] Refers to Yunnan Province, China).
- 云腿(云南省出产的火腿)。
5. 通“芸”。众多 ([En.] Also means “numerous”).
6. 通“纭”。纷纭 ([En.] Also means “mixed”).
形容词 (Adjective):
1. 比喻盛多 ([En.] Metaphor for being numerous).
2. 比喻高 ([En.] Metaphor for being high).
3. 比喻疏远 ([En.] Metaphor for being remote).
4. 比喻飘泊不定 ([En.] Metaphor for being transient or drifting).
动词 (Verb):
1. 说 ([En.] To say; to speak).
2. 有 ([En.] To have).
3. 为,是 ([En.] To be).
4. 旋 ([En.] To revolve; to turn).
助词 (Particle):
无实在意义 ([En.] No concrete meaning).
代词 (Pronoun):
如此;这样 ([En.] Such; so).
- 例: 民人俗语曰“即不为河伯娶妇,水平漂没,溺其人民”云。
walk on air / ride on a cloud / fly up to the cloudy region / mount the clouds and ride the mist / ride on the mists and clouds / walk upon air / reel / ride the clouds and harness the mist / fly in the cloud and fog / travel through space
wild stock or floating clouds / a recluse with no fixed abode / rise at will above the clouds like the wild geese / the solitary cloud and the wild crane -- to have no fixed place of abode
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