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云 stroke order animation

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云 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 云
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 云
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Meaning of

Pinyin yún
(classical) to say, cloud / (abbr.) for Yunnan / surname
云 yún 名词 (Noun): 1. 说话,引文 ([En.] Speech, quotation). - 人云亦云。子曰诗云。云云(如此,这样;引用文句或谈话时,表示结束或有所省略)。 2. 文言助词,句首句中句末都用 ([En.] Classical Chinese particle used at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence). - 云谁之思?岁云暮矣,着记时也云。 3. 水气上升遇冷凝聚成微小的水珠,成团地在空中飘浮 ([En.] Water vapor that rises and condenses into small droplets, floating in clusters in the air). - 行云流水。云蒸霞蔚。 4. 指中国“云南省” ([En.] Refers to Yunnan Province, China). - 云腿(云南省出产的火腿)。 5. 通“芸”。众多 ([En.] Also means “numerous”). 6. 通“纭”。纷纭 ([En.] Also means “mixed”). 形容词 (Adjective): 1. 比喻盛多 ([En.] Metaphor for being numerous). 2. 比喻高 ([En.] Metaphor for being high). 3. 比喻疏远 ([En.] Metaphor for being remote). 4. 比喻飘泊不定 ([En.] Metaphor for being transient or drifting). 动词 (Verb): 1. 说 ([En.] To say; to speak). 2. 有 ([En.] To have). 3. 为,是 ([En.] To be). 4. 旋 ([En.] To revolve; to turn). 助词 (Particle): 无实在意义 ([En.] No concrete meaning). 代词 (Pronoun): 如此;这样 ([En.] Such; so). - 例: 民人俗语曰“即不为河伯娶妇,水平漂没,溺其人民”云。
tūn yún tǔ wù
to swallow clouds and blow out fog (idiom) / to blow cigarette or opium smoke
fēng yún biàn huàn
changeable situation (idiom)
tóng yún
Tong Yun
chì zhà fēng yún
lit. to rebuke Heaven and Earth (idiom); fig. shaking the whole world / all-powerful
chóu yún
a cloud of sorrow / depressing clouds / heavy clouds (often used figuratively)
chóu yún cǎn wù
gathering clouds and rolling mists / in miserable atmosphere
Yún gāng Shí kū
Yungang Caves at Datong 大同, Shanxi 山西
qíng dào duō yún
Sunny to cloudy
qíng zhuǎn duō yún
clear to overcast
yún shān lín
Spruce forest
yún nán shěng dé hóng dǎi zú jǐng pō zú zì zhì zhōu
Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province
fēng qǐ yún yǒng
to surge like a gathering storm (idiom) / to grow by leaps and bounds
hōng yún tuō yuè
lit. to shade in the clouds to offset the moon (idiom); fig. a foil / a contrasting character to a main hero
xiáng yún
magic cloud
rén yún yì yún
to say what everyone says (idiom) / to conform to what one perceives to be the majority view / to follow the herd
xīng yún
yún wù
clouds and mist
yún jí
to gather (in a crowd) / to converge / to swarm
Yún nán Shěng
Yunnan Province in southwest China, bordering on Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar, abbr. 滇[Dian1] or 雲|云[Yun2], capital Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2]
yún pán
cloud storage
yún duǒ
a cloud
yún tī
fēng yún
weather / unstable situation
yún zhōng
In the cloud
yún tóu
cǎi yún
rosy clouds / CL:朵[duo3]
yún bǎn
Cloud board
yún céng
the clouds / cloud layer / cloud bank
Mì yún
Miyun town and county in Beijing
xiǎng chè yún xiāo
make the welkin ring / echo to the clouds / resound through the skies / (The beating of gongs and drums) resounded to the skies
yún yóu
to wander (typically of an errant priest)
fú yún
floating clouds / fleeting / transient
yān xiāo yún sàn
to vanish like smoke in thin air / to disappear
yún duān
fig. high in the clouds / (in the) cloud (computing)
yún gǎng shí kū
Yungang Grottoes
jìn yún shān
Jinyun Mountain
Jìn yún
Jinyun county in Lishui 麗水|丽水[Li2 shui3], Zhejiang
gāo sǒng rù yún
tall and erect, reaching through the clouds (idiom); used to describe tall mountain or skyscraper
téng yún jià wù
walk on air / ride on a cloud / fly up to the cloudy region / mount the clouds and ride the mist / ride on the mists and clouds / walk upon air / reel / ride the clouds and harness the mist / fly in the cloud and fog / travel through space
Yún nán
Yunnan province in southwest China, bordering on Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar, abbr. 滇[dian1] or 雲|云, capital Kunming 昆明
fān yún fù yǔ
to produce clouds with one turn of the hand and rain with another (idiom); fig. to shift one's ground / tricky and inconstant / to make love
yún zhē
yún què
(bird species of China) Eurasian skylark (Alauda arvensis)
yún wù shān
Yunwu Mountain
jiǔ xiāo yún wài
beyond the topmost clouds (idiom) / unimaginably far away
jià yún
to ride the clouds / fig. self-satisfied / arrogant
xián yún yě hè
wild stock or floating clouds / a recluse with no fixed abode / rise at will above the clouds like the wild geese / the solitary cloud and the wild crane -- to have no fixed place of abode

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Input Method for
Pinyin yun2
Four Corner
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