Learn to write the Chinese character "匀" by watching the stroke order animation of "匀".
Stroke by Stroke: 匀 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '匀' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '匀' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '匀' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '匀'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
匀 [yún]
1. 平均,使平均:均匀,匀称 (even, evenly distributed).
2. 抽出一部分给别人或做别用:匀兑(让一部分给别人),匀摊 (to share or distribute part of something).
均匀 (even).
1. 假借为“均”。分出 (divide evenly; share).
1. 《一切经音义》引《说文》:匀,调匀也 (to adjust evenly).
2. 唐·杜荀鹤《题花木障》:不假东风次第吹,笔匀春色一枝枝 (the brush evenly expresses the colors of spring).
例: 匀滚 (to level out; to average), 饭匀着吃 (eat evenly distributed rice), 叫东村匀出一匹马来 (ask East village to spare a horse), 匀摊 (to average out).
2. 涂抹均匀 (to smooth out; even up).
1. 韩儛《咏手诗》:向镜轻匀衬脸霞 (lightly smooth out the makeup in front of the mirror).
例: 匀注 (to apply evenly; makeup), 匀面 (to smooth the face with powder), 匀红点翠 (to apply makeup to eyebrows).
3. 打扮 (to make up).
1. 卢仝《小妇吟》:小妇欲出门,隈门匀红妆 (the young woman desires to go out, smoothing her red makeup at the door).
均匀 (even).
1. 杜甫《丽人行》:态浓意远淑且真,肌理细腻骨肉匀 (delicate in texture and balanced in features).
例: 匀衬 (evenly proportioned), 匀清 (neat and clear), 匀圆 (well-rounded), 匀匀 (uniformity), 匀饬 (evenly and neatly arranged).
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